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Amonite is a web client-side (JS) and server-side (PHP and NodeJS) engine. It is an engine that complies with HTTP standards, lightweight, easy to use. It's an engine that lets you decide how the program should go forward.


Amonite is a good PHP engine :

  • with NoSQL or PDO,
  • with torque Request / Controller,
  • with Document / Component couple and
  • with Throwable / Answerable response easy to use.

Why would you use Amonite-PHP

  1. Easy paradigm,
  2. Soft framework,
  3. Easy installation,
  4. 3 Steps document sending and
  5. Follow HTTP Standards.

Why would you NOT use Amonite-PHP

  1. You need heavy control system,
  2. You don't trust your teammates and
  3. Expensive tools are most qualitative.

Start with Amonite-PHP

Entire Amonite engine is archived as a PHAR file. Put it on root, or any where : /amonite.phar

May be you would like use it with default config. Then just call it like :


// Get library
require_once __DIR__ . "/amonite.phar";

// Set file root
Amonite\Response::i()->env->theme = __DIR__ . "/theme/main";

// Execute anonymous function then send response

Enhance Amonite-PHP

Amonite default config uses Throwable, Answerable, Request, Response and CustomException. These classes helps you to produce better system in CraftmanShip approach. Amonite\Response::send($value) can send scalar values (integer, float, string or boolean) or array or any Answerable child class (CustomException, Content, Document, Component, File or DownloadFile Amonite classes available by default).

Answerable file : Document / Component model

You can enhance the engine with Document / Component model or you can create any class that extends Content class or implements Answerable interface. In example :

File : /templates/documents/IndexDocument.php

require_once ROOT . "/templates/components/NavComponent.php";
namespace App;

class IndexDocument extends Amonite\Document {
  function getDocument( Amonite\Request $req, Amonite\Response $res ) {

<!doctype html>
        <?php echo ( new NavComponent() )->getContent(); ?>

File : /templates/components/NavComponent.php

namespace App;

class NavComponent extends Amonite\Component {

  // called only if an argument key (into $argv, $_FILES, $_GET, $_POST) is "Nav"
  function onCall( Request $req, Response $res ) {
    throw new HttpCode( 403 ); // Forbidden access

  // function called by $this->getContent()
  function getComponent( Amonite\Request $req, Amonite\Response $res ) {
             <a href="#a">A</a>
             <a href="#b">B</a>
             <a href="#c">C</a>

File : /theme/main/index.html.php

namespace App;
return new IndexDocument;

Database management : ModelBSON / ModelPDO model

You can enhance the engine with ModelBSON / ModelPDO model or you can create any class that implements Model interface. Use one of these Model, then In example :

namespace Amonite;

interface Model {
  public function __construct( $name = "" );
  public function select( $fields = array(), $where = array(), $limit = 0, $start_at = 0 ); // return array of items
  public function selectFirst( $fields = array(), $where = array(), $start_at = 0 ); // return first items
  public function count( $where = array(), $limit = 0, $start_at = 0 ); // return integer count
  public function remove( $where = array(), $limit = 0, $start_at = 0 ); // return array of items
  public function update( $value = array(), $where = array(), $limit = 0, $start_at = 0 ); // return array of items items
  public function insert( $value = array() ); // return item

Documentation & References

Documentation & References