Mock proposal:
(Written from the point of view of a student who has done their research, perhaps asking around in IRC and/or sifting through the spec/code. The actual project doesn't need to match this, though hopefully this proposal will be useful to the student who will finally be working on this, if any)
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I wish to work on improving form support in Servo. I shall be implementing the following features:
Form validation (minlength/maxlength/size/required/pattern/min/max)
Form controls:
select, option, optgroup: These can be implemented as tables, to bring us limited functionality.
label: This requires some activation hooks, which can be added by implementing Activatable similar to
Improving existing ones: I could create better-looking widgets for radio buttons, buttons, and checkboxes via CSS
datalist: If I get time, I can try to add table-based datalist support too. The UI code might also be useful for providing limited autocompletion support
File uploads:
Support basic Blob and File interfaces that are able to contain data. These can then be passed around internally; there is no need for advanced file reading . File names and an internal API for accessing the data is enough.
If there is time, support FileReader.
Add support for proper multipart/form-data serialization, implementing RFC 2388. I may only focus on UTF8 encoding and expand to other encodings if there is time.
Support a basic File upload widget; which looks like a text input. Dialog support is not a part of this project. Improve the submission algorithm in to support this.
Improved editing for text controls:
Basic keyboard shortcuts: Ctrl-A, Ctrl-V, Ctrl-C.
Caret support. Initially this can just be a phantom pipe char in the text field, if there is time we can try to integrate this better into layout.
If there is time, support for moving the caret by click
If there is time, advanced selection support.
I wonder how this will interact with bidi and the rest. Though that's way out of scope for gsoc.
Tests: Add tests to web-platform-tests wherever missing
- We'll probably need to figure out a way to properly test stuff like activation; this might also be out of scope of gsoc since it can't be done with regular javascript.
It would probably be nice to get spec-complete form owner support as well in this project. However this isn't something that would make sense in the proposal (too obscure/technical — a student won't be aware of the issue whilst writing the proposal), but I think it would be a fun side-adventure for the student halfway through the project. It involves discussing the spec with Hixie and figuring out how h5e handles the “in a form” state, and then figuring out a way to track form owners efficiently (the spec seems to want us to update form owners on every DOM mutation).
The coding period is around 12-13 weeks. Since most tests are already written, most weeks will involve testing code written that week even if not explicitly mentioned.
Week 1:
Work on reading the HTML Forms spec, and comparing it with existing code.
Read through,,,
Week 2:
Start work on form validation. Add the relevant attributes to the webidl for <form>, <input>, and the other widgets. Add a basic constraint validation method that validates a select few of the constraints. Hook it up to checkValidity().
- I feel that this is a good thing to start with since it gives a nice introduction to introducing new DOM attributes and manipulating them.
Fill in the implementation of Blob and File with stubs for the attributes we need.
The constructor needs sequence<> webidl support which we don't have right now IIRC, but I think we can add it by gsoc. It's not really necessary for this project either way.
- Not sure about it being easy; the correct implementation uses for..of iteration through a C++ class.
Finish reading the forms spec.
Week 3:
Add more constraints to the validation algorithm.
Add the ValidityState interface and support some of the attributes (not necessarily the methods)
Add simple interactive reporting of errors, perhaps by scrolling the user to the element.
Read through RFC 2388 and get a rough idea of how form data serialization is to be done
Week 4:
Add support for Blob/File to contain data or have a reference to the file.
- We are allowed to skip snapshotting the file, though we probably should maintain a snapshot depending on what other browsers do
Start looking into how select/option can be styled.
Write basic <select>/<option> webidls, copying/sharing most of the method implementations from <input> wherever possible.
Work more on validity if there is time
Week 5:
Write a proper multipart/form-data serialization algorithm.
Add support for <label>, along with the activation hooks.
If there is time, try adding a table-based widget for <select>/<option>
Week 6:
Finish widgets for <select>/<option>
- Basically, layout will be asked to treat these as tables of a certain kind. The student need not add dropdown support, a simple table showing all the options is enough (preferably with a scrollbar, if that's doable in CSS).
Create some better CSS for existing widgets, and start using them.
- The challenge here is in writing these in CSS that we support, and still having them look decent. Hopefully we'll have better CSS support by this time anyway; though looking at the styled buttons on GitHub in Servo we already support enough CSS for this.
Week 7:
Implement the form submission algorithm for multipart/form-data . Hook it up to regular form submission.
The web isn't supposed to be able to mess with form uploads so testing will be hard. Since we're just using a text input, we can temporarily write content tests for this until we figure out how to properly test things that are hidden to Javascript.
- Aside: if we are exposing form uploads to javascript, perhaps we should be marking this as a testing-only feature or something so that this doesn't compromise the security of dogfooders and users of the “mobile Wikipedia browser” if we get to making that happen.
Start looking into how to add caret support
Week 8:
Finish up remaining bits of validation, if any
Learn how to hook into the clipboard for copy/paste functionality
Polish up existing selection support if necessary (internals, not UI)
Add support for Ctrl-A
Week 9:
Add support for Ctrl-C, Ctrl-V
- Might be hard to hook into the clipboard cross-platform, so this might take longer
Add caret support as a simple rendered pipe, or as something more sophisticated if possible in the timeframe.
Week 10:
Look into adding the ability to set caret position based on click
Look into adding styling for <optgroup>
Fill in more parts of the File spec
Week 11:
Look into support for visible selections
Work on fixing any web-platform-test failures related to my code
Week 12:
Polish up and document remaining code
Continue to work on tests
I have a bachelor’s degree in multiplication by 3.
I am awesome.
Random notes:
Chromium widget theming:
mrobinson says that OS-specific theming is a nightmare