This Application is mainly developed to visualize the process of online payment gateways like
- getting the user details from the application,
- pass them to cross verify with the database,
- generates the OTP (One Time Password) for verification
- Checks amount balance and transfers it to another account
- Finally it makes a transaction through online.
- This application focus on the awareness and the usage of electronic payment to the users.
- To support the users to make use of electronic mode of payments.
- To support highest level of security during transaction, like 2FA (2-Factor Authentication) using OTP (Onetime Password)
- To make is easy to use the application for future transactions.
* This Application is implemented using VB (Visual Basic) Application * implemented by using .NET Framework 4.7.2 * The Storage Database used here is Microsoft SQL Server * The Messaging Service is implemented Using Twilio API.
Before using this apliacation, Replace this code with your twilio API (in Form1.vb file)
Public Sub msgRec(ByVal balSenAcc As String, ByVal balSender As String, ByVal balSenPh As String, ByVal balRecAcc As String, ByVal amt As String)
Const accountSid = "YOUR_TWILIO_ACCOUNT_SID"^^
Const authToken = "<YOUR_TWILIO_API_KEY>"
TwilioClient.Init(accountSid, authToken)
Dim toNumber = New PhoneNumber(balSenPh)
Dim message = MessageResource.Create(
toNumber, from:=New PhoneNumber("<YOUR_TWILIO_PHONE_NUMBER>"),
body:="Reciever - Your Account Number" + balSenAcc.Substring(0, 3) + "XXX" + balSenAcc.Substring(8, 2) + "Has Been Credited With Rs " + amt + " To " + balRecAcc + " On " + System.DateTime.Now.ToString("MMM/dd/yyyy HH:mm:ss") + vbNewLine + "Your Account Balance Is Rs " + balSender + "")
End Sub
✅Karthik Raja