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This project contains coding exercises to understand the concepts of Angular 13 and beyond.

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Angular Exercises

This project contains coding exercises to understand the different concepts of Angular 13 and beyond. This project was generated with Angular CLI version 13.2.5.

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User Interface

Mini Project One Ticket Reservation

Project Description

Please find the description of each Angular exercise along with its detailed requirements below

  1. Exercise Name: Product Tracker
  • Angular Concept: Binding
  • Requirements
    • In this component, please have two buttons to add or remove products. Adding or removing a product must update the total product count in the shopping cart (depicted in blue).
    • Have a maximum cart limit of 5.
    • When the maximum limit has been reached, disable - the 'Add Item' button.
    • When there are no items in the cart, disable - the 'Remove Item' button.
  1. Exercise Name: List Products
  • Angular Concept: Directives
  • Requirements
    • Display a catalog of products available.
    • Have a provision to add new products to the existing catalog.
    • Implement a toggle indicator control. This indicator's behavior would be to hide or reveal itself. Every alternate item will hide the toggle or reveal itself otherwise.
    • When the product count reaches 10 items and beyond, add a new style to the row using - Angular's 'ngClass' attribute directive.
    • When the product reaches 13 items and beyond, add a new style to the row using - Angular's 'ngStyle' attribute directive as well.
  1. Exercise Name: Social Media Channels
  • Angular Concept: ngSwitch Directive
  • Requirements
    • Create a dropdown control that has 4 elements and corresponding content to display respectively.
    • For each selection of the elements in the dropdown, load the corresponding content using the ngSwitch directive.
  1. Exercise Name: Payment Manager Tool
  • Angular Concept: It is a mini-project with multiple concepts enumerated below

    • Angular Services
    • Custom Pipes
    • Custom Directives
    • @Input and @Output for the communication between components.
    • Template-driven form validations
  • Requirements

    • Add Payment Component

      • This component will accept new payments.
      • Data to capture will include the following
        • Name: Name of the customer.
        • Price: Price paid.
        • Card Number: Card number used to make this payment.
    • List Payments Component

      • This component will list the details of the payments.
        • The column to be displayed are as follows
          • S.No: Dynamic row ID.
          • Name: Name of the customer.
          • Price: Price paid.
          • Card Number: The card number used to make this payment.
          • Operations: The user can edit or delete this record using the edit or delete button.
        • Display the count of the total payments made.
    • Angular Services

      • Payment details must be tracked with the help of a service.
    • Custom Pipes

      • Search payment data by the column name using a custom pipe in the List payment component. The price column will have to match the exact number but the other columns can match the search value.
      • Mask the credit card number on display using a custom pipe.
      • Display the 'Visa' image if the card number starts with 50 or above and 'Master' otherwise. The minimum search criteria is 2 digits.
      • While displaying the name column, the first letter must always start with a capital.
    • Custom Directive

      • Display a hyphen after every 4 digits while displaying the card number.
    • Communication between components

      • Move the search UI controls from 'List Payment' to its parent component. This has to be done using @Input for the 'List Payment' to receive the criteria from its parent.
    • Template-driven form validations

      • Apply template-driven form validations while adding and editing payment details.
  1. Exercise Name: Text Transformation Types
  • Angular Concept: Custom Pipes (Text Transformation)
  • Requirements
    • Ordinal Pipe: Add the suffix st, nd, rd, or th based on the number.
    • Title Only Case: The first letter of each word is a capital letter.
    • Filter bad words: Censor the bad word with the first and the last characters still visible.
    • Camel case: The first letter of each word is a capital letter except for the first word.
      • Please note that no spaces between words are allowed in the output.
    • Reverse a string: Reverse each word in a sentence.
  1. Exercise Name: Product Manager Tool
  • Angular Concept: Component Interactions
  • Requirements
    • Have a list of active products in one component. Let each product have a button against it that says - Active
    • Have a list of inactive products in another component. Let each product have a button against it that says - InActive
    • When an inactive product is clicked, it gets added to the parent component as active and vice-versa.
  1. Exercise Name: Ticket Reservation System
  • Angular Concept: Dynamic forms
  • Requirements
    • Reservation Component

      • This component will accept input from the user to add passengers dynamically to reserve tickets using the concept FormArray and FormBuilder.
      • Add a new passenger using the 'Add Passenger' button to accept their name and age.
      • Confirm the booking using the 'Book Tickets' button. Additionally, display the ticket details as a summary.
      • To rebook tickets, add a new button called 'Make new reservations'
      • Limit a ticket to have a maximum of 3 passengers.
      • Remove each passenger while booking using the 'Remove' button.
    • Login Component

      • This component will accept a mobile number and then use the OTP as a password.
      • Accept the mobile number of the user.
      • Dynamically create the OTP textbox that accepts a static four-digit OTP number '9958' from the user.
      • Please use the reactive forms to validate the control that accepts the mobile number and the OTP.
      • Dynamically accept the passenger details using the concept - FormArray.

User Interface (UI) Component Library


This project contains coding exercises to understand the concepts of Angular 13 and beyond.







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