diff --git a/scenario_tests/stores/docker-compose-gdal.yml b/scenario_tests/stores/docker-compose-gdal.yml
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..5b9d2e4e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenario_tests/stores/docker-compose-gdal.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+version: '2.1'
+ geoserver-data-dir:
+ geoserver:
+ image: 'kartoza/geoserver:${TAG:-manual-build}'
+ restart: 'always'
+ volumes:
+ - geoserver-data-dir:/opt/geoserver/data_dir
+ - ./tests:/tests
+ environment:
+ GEOSERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD: myawesomegeoserver
+ TEST_CLASS: test_gdal.TestGeoServerGDAL
+ ports:
+ - "8080"
+ healthcheck:
+ test: "curl --fail --silent --write-out 'HTTP CODE : %{http_code}\n' --output /dev/null -u admin:'myawesomegeoserver' http://localhost:8080/geoserver/rest/about/version.xml"
+ interval: 1m30s
+ timeout: 10s
+ retries: 3
diff --git a/scenario_tests/stores/test.sh b/scenario_tests/stores/test.sh
index bdfb544c..ac17e0d5 100755
--- a/scenario_tests/stores/test.sh
+++ b/scenario_tests/stores/test.sh
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ if [[ $(dpkg -l | grep "docker-compose") > /dev/null ]];then
VERSION='docker compose'
+# JNDI store
${VERSION} -f docker-compose-postgis-jndi.yml up -d
if [[ -n "${PRINT_TEST_LOGS}" ]]; then
@@ -33,3 +34,26 @@ for service in "${services[@]}"; do
${VERSION} -f docker-compose-postgis-jndi.yml down -v
+# Run GDAL
+${VERSION} -f docker-compose-gdal.yml up -d
+if [[ -n "${PRINT_TEST_LOGS}" ]]; then
+ ${VERSION} -f docker-compose-gdal.yml logs -f &
+sleep 60
+for service in "${services[@]}"; do
+ # Execute tests
+ sleep 60
+ echo "Execute test for $service"
+ ${VERSION} -f docker-compose-gdal.yml exec $service /bin/bash /tests/test.sh
+${VERSION} -f docker-compose-gdal.yml down -v
diff --git a/scenario_tests/stores/tests/test_gdal.py b/scenario_tests/stores/tests/test_gdal.py
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..231d7162
--- /dev/null
+++ b/scenario_tests/stores/tests/test_gdal.py
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import unittest
+from os import environ, chown
+from subprocess import check_call
+from requests import get, post, exceptions
+from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
+from geo.Geoserver import Geoserver
+class TestGeoServerGDAL(unittest.TestCase):
+ def setUp(self):
+ # Define the GeoServer URL
+ self.gs_url = 'http://localhost:8080/geoserver'
+ self.store_name = 'sfdem'
+ self.geo_username = environ.get('GEOSERVER_ADMIN_USER', 'admin')
+ self.geo_password = environ.get('GEOSERVER_ADMIN_PASSWORD', 'myawesomegeoserver')
+ self.geo_workspace_name = 'kartoza'
+ self.geo_data_dir = '/usr/local/tomcat/data/data/sf'
+ def test_publish_gdal_store(self):
+ # Generate tiles
+ built_vrt = f'gdalbuildvrt {self.geo_data_dir}/sfdem.vrt {self.geo_data_dir}/sfdem.tif'
+ check_call(built_vrt, shell=True)
+ vrt_path = f'{self.geo_data_dir}/sfdem.vrt'
+ chown(vrt_path, 1000, 1000)
+ geo = Geoserver(self.gs_url, username=self.geo_username, password=self.geo_password)
+ auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.geo_username, self.geo_password)
+ # Create a workspace if it doesn't exist
+ try:
+ rest_url = f'{self.gs_url}/rest/workspaces/{self.geo_workspace_name}.json'
+ response = get(rest_url, auth=auth)
+ response.raise_for_status()
+ except exceptions.HTTPError:
+ geo.create_workspace(workspace=self.geo_workspace_name)
+ geo.set_default_workspace(self.geo_workspace_name)
+ # Create a GDAL store
+ store_data = f'''
+ {self.store_name}
+ {self.geo_workspace_name}
+ true
+ '''
+ store_url = f'{self.gs_url}/rest/workspaces/{self.geo_workspace_name}/coveragestores'
+ response = post(store_url, data=store_data, auth=auth, headers={'Content-Type': 'application/xml'})
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 201)
+ # Upload the VRT file to the store
+ vrt_upload_url = f'{self.gs_url}/rest/workspaces/{self.geo_workspace_name}/coveragestores/{self.store_name}/external.vrt?configure=first&coverageName={self.store_name}'
+ curl_command = f'curl -u {self.geo_username}:{self.geo_password} -v -XPUT -H "Content-type: text/plain" -d "file:{vrt_path}" {vrt_upload_url}'
+ check_call(curl_command, shell=True)
+ # Check that the published layer exists
+ layer_source_url = f'{self.gs_url}/{self.geo_workspace_name}/wms?SERVICE=WMS&VERSION=1.1.1&REQUEST=GetMap&FORMAT=image/jpeg&TRANSPARENT=true&STYLES&LAYERS={self.geo_workspace_name}:{self.store_name}&exceptions=application/vnd.ogc.se_inimage&SRS=EPSG:26713&WIDTH=768&HEIGHT=578&BBOX=594739.7048312925,4919224.415741393,602069.4450795503,4924731.264860202'
+ response = get(layer_source_url)
+ # Check that the response has a status code of 200 (OK)
+ self.assertEqual(response.status_code, 200)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ unittest.main()
diff --git a/scripts/setup.sh b/scripts/setup.sh
index cd8004cb..ab64c3de 100644
--- a/scripts/setup.sh
+++ b/scripts/setup.sh
@@ -109,6 +109,23 @@ if ls /tmp/resources/plugins/*.zip >/dev/null 2>&1; then
+# Search for gdal-.jar files in the lib directory
+for jar_file in "$lib_dir"/gdal-*.jar; do
+ if [[ -f "$jar_file" ]]; then
+ # Extract the version number
+ version=$(basename "$jar_file" | sed 's/gdal-\(.*\)\.jar/\1/')
+ break
+ fi
+GDAL_VERSION=$(gdalinfo --version | head -n1 | cut -d" " -f2 | tr -d ,,)
+if [[ ${GDAL_VERSION} != ${version} ]];then
+ rm ${lib_dir}/gdal-${version}.jar
+ wget https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/gdal/gdal/${GDAL_VERSION:0:3}.0/gdal-${GDAL_VERSION:0:3}.0.jar -O ${lib_dir}/gdal-${GDAL_VERSION:0:3}.0.jar
# Install Marlin render https://www.geocat.net/docs/geoserver-enterprise/2020.5/install/production/marlin.html
JAVA_VERSION=$(java -version 2>&1 | awk -F '"' '/version/ {print $2}')
@@ -166,4 +183,4 @@ rm -rf /tmp/resources
# Delete resources which will be setup on first run
delete_file "${CATALINA_HOME}"/conf/tomcat-users.xml
-delete_file "${CATALINA_HOME}"/conf/web.xml
+delete_file "${CATALINA_HOME}"/conf/web.xml
\ No newline at end of file