Tournament layout system for use with OBS Studio
Built initially for using with The Kaupunkisota Overwatch tournament, but has been used for other tournaments as well. :)
layerino consists of html pages and a control application for Windows.
Top of the screen layer for displaying team names and map scores with easy team switching from side to side
Fullscreen layer for displaying teams and their logos for upcoming match
Simple eight team bracket
Easily switchable top logos and overlay graphics for in-game overlay
Build layerino or download binaries from releases
Run layerino.exe
For in-game top of the screen layer, add a BrowserSource with size of 1920x1080 to OBS and point it to local file html/ingame_OW.html from this repo.
For fullscreen layer with team names and logos, add a BrowserSource with size of 1920x1080 to OBS and point it to local file html/fullscreen_match.html from this repo.
Set team names in layerino & hit refresh
Global hotkeys have been configured to the software as follows:
CTRL + ALT + 4 = Increment Team 1 Score
CTRL + ALT + 5 = Decrement Team 1 Score
CTRL + ALT + 6 = Increment Team 2 Score
CTRL + ALT + 7 = Decrement Team 2 Score
CTRL + ALT + 8 = Swap Teams
CTRL + ALT + 9 = Refresh All
CTRL + ALT + 0 = Toggle Visibility
- More options for brackets
If you wish to support development of Layerino, feel free to buy me a beer or lunch when we meet at Assembly/LanTrek/??? or on the streets or throw your monies at me via