Re-factored script:
- sends richly formatted Slack short notification indicating about manual AWS change and details sent via email at current time
- full email with event details has indents to be a more human-readable.
- added post_to_slack and slack_publish functions
- added datetime and timezone variables
Python AWS Lambda function to parse CloudTrail Logs for AWS Console Changes and Publish to SNS
Note the slack configuration at the top of it is advised to set environment variables in the Lambda directly
SNS_TOPIC = "arn:aws:sns...." # change me
SLACK_HOOK = "<asdf>/<asdf>/<asdf>" # change me
SLACK_CHANNEL = "general" # change me
Script uses "requests" library which is not available in Lambda by default. It can be added manually:
- git clone "repo" && cd "repo"
- cd ./deps/
- aws lambda publish-layer-version --layer-name requests
--description "requests package"
--zip-file fileb://
--compatible-runtimes python3.8
You'll need to configure SNS topic to allow Event Notifications from an S3 Bucket and IAM Role for the Lambda functions. More details on this matter in the following article:
Use test-sns-notification-s3-event.json to trigger function in test mode:
- change "TopicArn" to match your SNS topic
- look for "YOURBUCKET" in test event and change with real bucket
- under "Message" look for {"key":"CloudTrail/AWSLogs/1234567890/CloudTrail/us-east-1/1970/01/01/1234567890_CloudTrail_us-east-1_197001019T1005Z_2Iys7xENXi4MtQoU.json.gz" and change to correct key containing IAM change (make some changes beforehand to create such file)
- "1234567890" is dummy AWS account ID, change with correct ID.
- "AWS:AIDAIULXF63K2H2FTTMD6" is dummy AWS access key