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Link to application host on heroku
- React
- Redux
- Webpack
- Jest
- Enzyme
- Install Node JS.
- To clone, run git clone
- cd into the root of the project directory.
- Run npm install on the terminal to install dependecies.
- Setup local development server.
- To start the application run
npm run start:dev
If you intend to contribute to this project, you need to install eslint and ensure linting is working in your editor.
Run npm run test on the terminal while within the project root directory. Unit testing is achieved through the use of jest package. jest is used to test javascript code in React applications.
For any suggestions or contributions please do not hesistate to contact the owners of this repository. Contributions to this project are welcomed by all, If you need to contribute, follow the steps below
- Fork the repository
- Follow Installation and Setup as explained earlier
- Create a branch off develop for the feature you wish to add
- Make neccessary changes, commit and raise a pull request against develop, conventions can be found on the wiki page. Note when making contributions, please endevour to follow the Airbnb javascript style guide. Also make sure to follow the Engineering playbook for conventions.
Use npm to install packages: npm install
Visit our Heroku link to try out this product: link In case of any errors ask the DevOps Engineer in the team