A web portal that will aim in solving common problems faced by the farmers in their day-to-day lives.
Its Salient features include:
- Login, Signup and SMS Verification for authenticity and safety farmers, retailers, suppliers and landlords.
- Sale and Retail portal for fair and square prices of crops and goods.
- Multi-Lingual Support.
- Rating of Farmers, Retailers, Suppliers and Landlords by their customers for self imporvement.
- Chat system for seemless transaction between retailers, suppliers, landlords and farmers.
- Grievance publishing space for farmers to file a complain against any retailer or any agriculture related problems.
- Educational section to train farmers for better yield of crops.
- Live Weather forcast for future plan
- Sharing of land by farmers which can facilitate Crop Rotation.
- Inubator like renting of land by landlords where they earn some %age of profit of the farmer. This saves the farmer money, helps in crop rotation and forces landlords to keep land fertile to maximize profits.