Made by Vala Vakilian, Thong Nguyen, Pedram Amani, Kausik Krishnakumar, and Fisher Xue for nwHacks 2019!
#How to use:
- Set up a virtual environment in an appropriate location
- Activate the virtual environment and install dependencies
pip install -r requirement.txt
- Open up chrome://extensions/ and switch on Developer mode
- Select load unpacked and select the extension folder in this repo
- Open up Youtube and summarizing again !
- pip install youtube_transcript_api
- pip install selenium
- Add current repo directory to PATH to allow Selenium to access the chromedriver.exe
- pip install --upgrade google-cloud-speech
- Make GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS environment variable and point to credentials.json file
- pip install --upgrade pydub
- pip install --upgrade google-cloud-storage