This project includes script that can handle mysql stored procedures using laravel framework. This version supports currently for laravel 5.0 beta,5.1,and 5.2 and mysql version 5.5*. I want your feedback for this project for the future improvements.Comments are welcome!
Thank you!
- If you found a error, please send an e-mail to laravelportal[at]gmail[dot]com or,
- Open an issue.
It is simple and easy!
- First clone this repsitory to your local machine using the command in terminal window "git clone".
- For Windows users ,if your are running wamp stack clone this repo to "c:\wamp\www" folder.
- For linux users first you have to install "LAMP" stack to your computer. After that clone this repository to "/var/www/html/" folder.
First you have to create database schema for this by issuing the command "create schema nerds;" in mysql command line interface.
Then by issuing the command "use nerds;" you are able use that database.
Then you have to create the tables for the database by issuing the following command
CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS 'document_details' ( 'id' int(11) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, 'document_name' varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', 'document_path' varchar(100) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY ('id') ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 AUTO_INCREMENT=10 ;
Or you can run php artisan migrate to create the database/schema
After that you must create the stored procedure like below
DELIMITER// CREATE PROCEDURE sp_insert_document_details (IN name VARCHAR(100), IN path VARCHAR(100) ) BEGIN INSERT INTO document_details(document_name,document_path) VALUES (name,path); END// DELIMITER;
Now you are ready to run the project.
- To run this first you must locate to your project folder , "c:\wamp\www\laravel_stored_procedure" in windows commmand prompt or "/var/www/html/laravel_stored_procedure" in linux terminal window.
- Then isssue this command in command line window "php -S localhost:8888 -t publlic" on windows or linux.
- Then navigate to the url "http://localhost:8888/documents/send" and you can view the web interface of the project.
- Then you can type some values in the two input boxes and send that data to the mysql database tables.
- You must edit ".env" file to include the database parameters according to your computers configurations.
- This is the speediest way to handling data with laravel.Because stored procedure faster than traditional sql queries.
- The Laravel Stored Procedure project is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT licence.