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Highlighting Element by TestObject in each and every step

  • author: kazurayam
  • originally published: Jan 2019
  • last update: May 2021

What is this?

This is a Katalon Studio project for demonstration purpose. You can download the ZIP from Releases page, unzip it and open with your Katalon Studio.

This project was originally developed using Katalon Studio version 5.10.1, and was tested using 7.9.1 as well.

This project proposes a solution to the issue discussed in the Katalon Forum: How to highlight test object in each and every step The originator asked:

I have created a keyword to highlight testobject. Please tell me how to call this keyword globally in such a way that it should highlight testobject of each step during test case execution

Problem to solve

The originator of the post proposed a custom keyword implementation which give highlight to a specific HTML element on a page provided with a TestObject.

And He added his wish:

it should highlight testobject of each step during test case execution

I thought that he does not like a code like this:


// highlight a specific element
	findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/h1_CURA Healthcare Service'))

	findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment'))'Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/a_Make Appointment'))

	findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/input_Username_username'))
WebUI.setText(findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/input_Username_username'),
	'John Doe')

	findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/input_Password_password'))
WebUI.setEncryptedText(findTestObject('Object Repository/Page_CURA Healthcare Service/input_Password_password'),

As you can see, this code repeats highlighting HTML elements by HightlightElement.on(TestObject to). This code is too verbose.

I would rather want all of the HTML elements targeted by, WebUI.setText() and WebUI.setEncryptedText() to be automatically highlighted without explicit HighlightElement.on(TestObject to) calls.


I have developed a custom class com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.HighlightElement. This class implements 2 methods, which are available as @Keyword:

  1. on(TestObject to)
  2. pandemic() and pandemic(List<String> additionalKeywords)

The on(TestObject to) method puts highlight on the indivisually specified HTML element.

The pandemic() method dynamically decorates to) and other WebUI keywords so that they put highlight on the target HTML elements before doing their own built-in processing (such as "clicking the element").


Demo movie

A demo movie is avaiable, which shows how the Test Cases/TC1 works. Click this link to see the movie.

How to install the plugin into your project

As of the version 0.5.0 of this project, a small jar file is provided, which contains the com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.HighlightElement class compiled and ready for your reuse.

  1. create your own Katalon Studio WebUI test project: e.g, HighlightElement-demo project
  2. visit the Releases page, download the latest kazurayam-ks-highlightlement-x.x.x.jar file.
  3. save the jar file into the <projectDir>/Plugins folder of your project
  4. stop/restart KS and reopen your project

You are ready.

How to write your first "highlighting" test

Make a Test Case/TC0 in your project. You can copy&paste the following:

In early section the script calls this:

// modify WebUI.* keywords which take TestObject as arg0
// so that they call Highlight.on() automatically

Calling the pandemic() method, the following 6 WebUI built-in keywords are marked "highlighting". The keywords are dynamically modified to be highlighting so that they put hightlights on the target HTML elements.

  2. WebUI.selectOptionByIndex
  3. WebUI.selectOptionByLabel
  4. WebUI.selectOptionByValue
  5. WebUI.setEncryptedText
  6. WebUI.setText

More "highlighting" keywords

Any WebUI built-in keywords that take an instance of com.kms.katalon.core.testobject.TestObject as the 1st argument can be marked as highlighting. The following page shows the list of possible WebUI Builtin keywords:

It is possible to add more keywords as "highlighting". The following script shows how to.

This script has a line:


Here, the pandemic() method accepts a List<String> which comprises with the names of WebUI Builtin Keyword that you want to turn "highlighting". See the doc which Keyword to choose.

If you want 2 or more keywords to mark highlighting, then you should enumerate them in a single call; for example:

CustomKeywords.'com.kazurayam.ksbackyard.HighlightElement.pandemic'(['verifyElementPresent', 'takeElementScreenshot'])

Spliting the candidates like this is not a good idea:

// 'verifyElementPresent' is marked here but

// 'verifyElementPresent' is unmarked here

How the custom Keyword is implemented

Please read the source to find detail:

It employs the Groovy Metaprogramming technique extensively.