This example demonstrates debugging capabilities of SPipes engine. Let's assume that SPipes web application
is running at http://localhost:8080/s-pipes
. Script skosify.sms.ttl contains pipeline
that can be called with:
The pipeline constructs sample OWL ontology about organisms and returns a SKOS view on that ontology. The script can be visualized as follows:
It has 3 ontology submodules (which are imported transitively by owl:imports
statement in skosify.sms.ttl):
- Identification - identifies SKOS concepts within OWL ontology.
- Relations - constructs SKOS relations between provided SKOS concepts.
- Metadata - constructs SKOS metadata for provided SKOS concepts.
"Construct example data" module constructs triples about organisms:
:organism a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Organism" ;
:person a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Person" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :organism ;
:animal a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Animal" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :organism ;
:cat a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Cat" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :animal ;
:dog a owl:Class ;
rdfs:label "Dog" ;
rdfs:subClassOf :animal ;
:lassie-movie-star a owl:NamedIndividual ;
rdfs:label "Lassie" ;
a :dog ;
:laika-space-animal a owl:NamedIndividual ;
rdfs:label "Laika" ;
a :dog ;
The pipeline transforms provided data into data represented by SKOS vocabulary.
There is possibility to execute any module within the script separately using SPipes REST endpoint /module
As an example, consider following http POST request using curl
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/s-pipes/module?_pId=' \
--header 'Content-Type: text/turtle' \
--data "@/SPIPES_DIR/doc/examples/skosify/module-execution/construct-labels--input-model.ttl"
Note that SPIPES_DIR
need to be replaced with proper path to the root of this project.
Parameter _pConfigURL
points to a configuration file that contains
configuration of the logging (this is not required) and configuration of the module.
- The configuration of the logging is:
a spipes:progress-listener ;
spipes:has-classname "cz.cvut.spipes.logging.AdvancedLoggingProgressListener" ;
alpl:p-metadata-repository-name "s-pipes-skosify" ;
alpl:p-rdf4j-server-url "http://localhost:8080/rdf4j-server" ;
alpl:p-execution-group-id "s-pipes-skosify-testing" ;
] .
- The configuration of the module is:
a sml:ApplyConstruct ;
sml:constructQuery [
a sp:Construct ;
sp:text """CONSTRUCT {
?concept skos:prefLabel ?label .
?concept a skos:Concept .
?concept ?prefLabelProperty ?label .
""" ;
] ;
sml:replace true ;
rdfs:label "Construct concept labels" ;
Note that if we would not need specific logging we could directly set parameter _pConfigURL
, where the configuration is specified.
Moreover, instead of using parameter _pInputBindingURL
to load input variable bindings from a file we could use
query parameters of the request, i.e. prefLabelProperty=
Lastly, input model is provided in the body of the request. The http request produces output in json-ld format.