- Design reference: Project Futura
The basic ideas of our first mouse is following:
Use as many digital components as possible, to eliminate design concerns on analog
To observe the ideas above, the micromouse features:
- STM32F446RET 32-bit ARM Cortex-M Microcontroller @180MHz
- 512kB of Flash, 128kB of SRAM
- One of the fastest microcontroller for 64-pin package
- VL6180X ToF Range sensor *3 (or *4)
- Eliminates analog concern of Infrad LEDs/Phototransistors combo
- Use PCA9546A I2C multiplexer to communicate between 4 indentical sensors
- MAX14871 full-bridge DC motor driver *2
- Avoids electrical and timing issues on H-bridge and MOFSET design
- Micro SD card reader
- Easy to log and read data for designers, instead of use of SPI memory
- 4 Character LED display
- MPU9250 digital Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU)
- 5:1 Micro Metal Gearmotor HP by Polou *2
- AS5304A magnetic encoder & AS5000-MR20-44 magnetic ring combo for rotary encoder of each motors
Schematic overview. See the whole schemetic here (PDF).
PCB Footprint overview. Use KiCad and open hardware
dicrectory to see footprint.
- The bed for motor is somewhat high - we need to make it lower.
- Some part didn't work well due to bad soldering
- Replace range sensor
- Add a buzzer
- Add a bluetooth device
- Try using back side of the board
- Minor changes like changing position of chips