Tools and files for mapping sequencing reads to CRISPR libraries
The files TKOv3_guide_sequence_2023 and Brunello_guide_sequence_2023 (both .xlsx and .tsv) are adapted versions of the CRISPR library file from the Addgene TKOv3 and Brunello sites
In these versions, 28 gene symbols that were renamed by the HUGO Gene Nomenclature Committee have been updated. These are:
DEC1 is replaced by DELEC1
MARC1 and MARC2 are replaced by MTARC1 and MTARC2
MARCH1 to MARCH11 are replaced by MARCHF1 to MARCHF11
SEP15 is replaced by SELENOF
SEPT1 to SEPT12 and SEPT14 are replaced by SEPTIN1 to SEPTIN 12 and SEPTIN14
Mapping NGS reads to these updated files will avoid excel automatically converting these gene names to dates. Paper describing the issue: Mistaken Identifiers: Gene name errors can be introduced inadvertently when using Excel in bioinformatics
Edit 19jun23: Added mTKO and Brie mouse libraries where Marc, March, Sep and Sept genes are renamed