A Hexo plugin that generates tags for blog posts, and all the plugin's code is written by ChatGPT.
To install the plugin, run the following command:
npm install hexo-gpt-tags --save
After installing the plugin and export api key, you can use it to generate tags for your Hexo blog posts. To do this, run the following command:
hexo tags-gpt {post_file_name}
Replace {post_file_name} with the file name of your post without the .md extension. The plugin will automatically generate new tags for the post and update its front-matter accordingly.
❯ hexo t fix
INFO Validating config
WARN Deprecated config detected: "external_link" with a Boolean value is deprecated. See https://hexo.io/docs/configuration for more details.
INFO Start processing
Generated tags: [
'Hexo', 'Chic',
'ChatGPT', 'disqus',
'主题定制', 'CSS',
'图片处理', 'iframe',
'健康', '日本'
title: fix
date: 2023-03-16 02:55:04
categories: [前端, 日常]
tags: ['Hexo', 'Chic', 'ChatGPT', 'disqus', '主题定制', 'CSS', '图片处理', 'iframe', '健康', '日本']
Updated post file /home/user/code/hexo-blog/source/_posts/fix.md