A set of Base16 scheme templates for
the Termux terminal emulator app for Android. These
templates can be used with any compliant Base16 builder. Pre-built schemes
are also available in the colors
directory of this repository for convenience.
Check out Hueflake for high-quality, infinitely customizable Termux themes
Simply move the built color scheme to ~/.termux/colors.properties
within the
Termux environment. Replace the existing file if necessary.
You will need to either restart Termux or run the termux-reload-settings
command for the change to take effect.
The 256-color variants are for those who wish to use the 16 ANSI colors while retaining accuracy for bright color variants. This is achieved by making the bright variants mirror their regular counterparts instead of attempting to map them to other Base16 colors.
TL;DR: If some colors look strange or darker than normal, try the 256-color variant of your scheme of choice.