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TBTC contracts build status


For many Bitcoin holders, one question remains: how can I move my assets across blockchains to make them more useful while maintaining Bitcoin’s core values?

Existing solutions that bridge Bitcoin to Ethereum require users to send their Bitcoin to an intermediary in exchange for an Ethereum token that represents the original asset. This centralized model requires you to trust a third party and is prone to censorship, threatening Bitcoin’s promise of secure, permissionless decentralization.

Threshold aims to solve this problem with TBTC v2.

The second generation of TBTC is a truly decentralized bridge between Bitcoin and Ethereum. It provides Bitcoin holders permissionless access to DeFi and the expanding web3 universe.

TBTC v2 replaces centralized intermediaries with a randomly selected group of node operators on the Threshold Network. This group of independent operators works together to secure your deposited Bitcoin through threshold cryptography. That means TBTC v2 requires a majority threshold agreement before operators perform any action with your Bitcoin. By rotating the selection of operators, TBTC v2 protects against any malicious individual or group of operators seizing control. Unlike other solutions on the market, users on TBTC v2 are reliant on math, not hardware or people. Additionally, TBTC v2 is open and accessible to anyone.

TBTC v2 allows anyone to use Bitcoin in the expanding DeFi and Web3 universe without a third-party intermediary.



Stakers periodically create 51-of-100 threshold-ECDSA-backed wallets to hold frozen Bitcoin assets to maintain account balances. Depositors send Bitcoin to the most-recently-created wallet by using pay-to-script-hash (P2SH) or pay-to-witness-script-hash (P2WSH) which contains hashed information about the depositor’s Ethereum address. The depositor reveals their P2(W)SH deposit to the Ethereum chain. The Bridge listens for these sorts of messages and when it gets one, it checks the Bitcoin network to make sure the funds line up. If everything checks out, the wallet sweeps funds and updates the Ethereum-side account balances.


A user with an account balance supplies a Bitcoin address. The system decreases their account balance and releases the equivalent amount of Bitcoin to the user from the redeeming Bitcoin wallet. The maximum redemption size is capped by the size of the largest wallet, and any redemption bigger than that will need to be split into multiple redemptions.

System Architecture

Bridge, Bank, Vault Separation

The system is decomposed into three separate pieces to separate concerns. The Bridge is concerned with being a decentralized Bitcoin custody, and providing a way to let the Bank know whenever Bitcoin has successfully crossed from Bitcoin to another chain or visa versa.

The Bank is concerned with keeping track of Bitcoin account balances on Ethereum. It tracks when folks send those balances to each other, and when folks lock up their balances in Vaults.

Vaults are authorized smart contracts that can custody a balance and then do anything. For example, TBTC (the token) is implemented as our flagship Vault. You let it custody your Bank balance and it gives you TBTC tokens. You give it back TBTC tokens and it gives you back your Bank balance.


The Bridge is our interface to the Bitcoin blockchain and the off-chain clients. It is the Bridge’s responsibility to listen to deposit reveals, sweep them, prove it did it, and then report any relevant information to the Bank.

When it comes time to redeem, it is the Bridge’s responsibility to listen to redemption requests, disperse the funds, prove it did it, and then report any relevant information to the Bank.

Finally, everything about Bitcoin wallets falls in the purview of the Bridge.


The Bank provides Bitcoin balance accounting for Ethereum addresses with two mappings:

mapping(address => uint256) public balanceOf;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) public allowance;

Notably, the Bank does not issue an ERC-20 token, it just does accounting. The balanceOf mapping keeps track of an Ethereum address’s Bitcoin balance (in satoshis). Meanwhile, the allowance mapping keeps track of how many satoshis a spender may transfer on an Ethereum address’s behalf. Each Ethereum address may have many spenders, each with different allowances.

A notable use of an allowance is to authorize a Vault to custody your funds, but allowances are more general.


A Vault is an authorized Contract that interfaces with the Bank. These are flexible, and allow us (and third parties) to write logic on top of the Bank architecture to implement financial systems built from Bitcoin balances.

For example, TBTC is implemented as a Vault. A user with a Bank balance gives the TBTCVault an allowance, and then it uses that allowance to transfer itself Bank Balance to hold on behalf of the user, in exchange for minting the user the equivalent amount of TBTC tokens. Later, anyone with TBTC tokens can send them back to the TBTCVault and the vault will grant them Bank balance.


Bank is a central, non-upgradeable contract keeping track of Bitcoin balances.

Bridge is deployed behind a TransparentUpgradeableProxy and can be upgraded by a ProxyAdmin, eventually Threshold DAO.

TBTCVault upgrade happens in two steps with a 24-hour governance delay. The owner of TBTCVault can initiate and finalize an upgrade to another vault. The new vault receives ownership of TBTC token as well as the entire TBTCVault balance in the Bank.

Operators vs Group Members

tBTCv2 works by combining on-chain smart contracts with off-chain operators. Those operators must stake T tokens into the contracts, which exposes themselves to punishment for misbehavior, and in exchange are delegated work by the smart contracts.

A single operator can be selected multiple times to be in one signing group. For more details about how this works, see Wallet Creation. Since this is the case, we differentiate between an Operator, which represents a staker on the network running client software, and a Group Member, which is an Operator who has been selected to help custody a specific wallet.

To reiterate, One Operator can be a Group Member multiple times on the same wallet, and can be a Group Member in multiple wallets at the same time.

Wallet States

There are six states for a wallet:

  • UNKNOWN: The wallet is unknown to the Bridge.

  • LIVE: The wallet can sweep deposits and accept redemption requests.

  • MOVING_FUNDS: The wallet was deemed unhealthy and is expected to move its outstanding funds to another wallet. The wallet can still fulfill its pending redemption requests although new redemption requests and new deposit reveals are not accepted.

  • CLOSING: The wallet moved or redeemed all its funds and is in the closing period where it is still a subject of fraud challenges and must defend against them. This state is needed to protect against deposit frauds on deposits revealed but not swept.

  • CLOSED: The wallet finalized the closing period successfully and can no longer perform any action in the Bridge.

  • TERMINATED: The wallet committed a fraud that was reported, did not move funds to another wallet before a timeout, or did not sweep funds moved to it from another wallet before a timeout. The wallet is blocked and can not perform any actions in the Bridge. Off-chain coordination with the wallet group members is needed to recover funds.

Wallet State Transition

The Mechanism

Wallet Lifecycle

Wallet Creation

We kick off the wallet creation mechanism in keep-core/ecdsa via Bridge.requestNewWallet, which verifies:

  • That we’re not currently already creating a wallet

  • If we have an active wallet it either:

    • Is old enough and has over walletCreationMinBtcBalance

    • Has over walletCreationMaxBtcBalance

If everything looks good, we kick off the wallet creation mechanism outlined in Wallet Creation (through keep-core/ecdsa). This leans heavily on the Random Beacon.

Once that is finished, the wallet registry can call Bridge.__ecdsaWalletCreatedCallback, which sets the new wallet as the active wallet. Going forward, it will receive deposits.

Wallet Closure

Wallets can close in a few ways:

  • The group members notify the chain that the wallet is failing a heartbeat: Bridge. __ecdsaWalletHeartbeatFailedCallback (called by ecdsa WalletRegistry.notifyOperatorInactivity)`

  • Someone notifies the chain that the wallet timed out while filling a redemption: Bridge.notifyRedemptionTimeout

  • Someone notifies the chain that a non-active wallet is too old: Bridge.notifyWalletCloseable

  • Someone notifies the chain that a non-active wallet has too few BTC remaining: Bridge.notifyWalletCloseable

Each of the above routes into Wallets.moveFunds. If the wallet has no main UTXO, then we can start closing it immediately via Wallets.beginWalletClosing. Otherwise, we change its state to WalletState.MovingFunds, decrease the live wallet count, and give the wallet a deadline to move its funds to other wallet(s). If this was the active wallet, then we currently have no active wallet.

After movingFundsTimeout goes by, anyone can call Bridge.notifyMovingFundsTimeout which pipes into Wallets.terminateWallet followed by ecdsaWalletRegistry.seize. terminateWallet, in this case passes through to ecdsaWalletRegistry.closeWallet after changing the state to WalletState.Terminated.

Furthermore, the ecdsaWalletRegistry.seize call is punishing the group members by movedFundsSweepTimeoutSlashingAmount and rewarding the notifier with a reward multiplier of movedFundsSweepTimeoutNotifierRewardMultiplier (the notifier gets a percentage of the slashed stake).

In order to avoid this, the wallet has to commit to which wallets they’ll send the funds to (Bridge.submitMovingFundsCommitment), then actually send the funds to those wallets, and then prove that they did it (Bridge.submitMovingFundsProof) before the time runs out.

The commitment involves submitting a list of wallet public keys that:

  • Aren’t the source wallet

  • Are in ascending order

  • Are Live

We store the hash of the list in movingFundsTargetWalletsCommitmentHash. Off-chain we come to consensus by picking the Live wallets whose public key hashes are the closest to the source wallet’s public key hash in terms of clock distance (modulus distance). This makes public key hashes in the middle of the range no more likely to be picked than ones near the ends. We pick a number of wallets equal to min(liveWalletsCount, ceil(walletBtcBalance / walletMaxBtcTransfer)), where walletMaxBtcTransfer is governable.

In submitMovingFundsProof, we prove that the Bitcoin transaction happened and has an appropriate number of confirmations, and then mark the source wallet’s UTXO as spent via OutboundTx.processWalletOutboundTxInput. We pass the transaction’s outputs into MovingFunds.processMovingFundsTxOutputs, sum up the funds and return a hash of the target wallets to check against movingFundsTargetWalletsCommitmentHash in notifyWalletFundsMoved.

If the hashes match, we begin closing the wallet via beginWalletClosing. After walletClosingPeriod has elapsed, anyone can call Bridge.notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsed to close the wallet.

Transferring Bitcoin


When the system has an active wallet (denoted by Bridge.activeWalletPubKeyHash()), it is ready for deposits. A user can pay to a P2(W)SH address with the following Bitcoin script:

<depositor> DROP
<blindingFactor> DROP
DUP HASH160 <walletPubKeyHash> EQUAL
  DUP HASH160 <refundPubkeyHash> EQUALVERIFY

Since each depositor will have their ethereum address (the depositor field), and a different blindingFactor per deposit, each script will be unique and each script hash will be unique. The <depositor> DROP <blindingFactor> DROP header is a way to make the script commit to a particular eth address owner at Bitcoin deposit time, and it’s what allows us to link the chains. DUP HASH160 <walletPubKeyHash> EQUALVERIFY CHECKSIG is a standard P2PKH, so we slightly modify that to check to see if the signature matches rather than failing. If it doesn’t match, we want to check a different pkh: refundPubkeyHash. This is a user-provided refund address, and it’s only available after refundLocktime. The idea is that they can send funds to this script hash, and if the system is broken or if something goes wrong, then after refundLocktime (30 days), they can send their funds back to refundPubkeyHash themselves. This would only work if the wallet hadn’t touched those funds yet.

Once a Bitcoin user sends such a deposit, because their P2(W)SH address is unique to them, only they know that they deposited into TBTCv2 until they reveal that they did so. To the rest of the Bitcoin world, this looks like a nondescript payment to a meaningless P2SH address. They make this reveal (which can be done immediately; no need to wait for confirmations) by calling Bridge.revealDeposit.

Bridge.revealDeposit takes in the funding transaction, and then the necessary information to reconstruct the Bitcoin script: depositor, blindingFactor, walletPubKeyHash and refundPubkeyHash. Then it reconstructs the script, hashes it, verifies that the hashes match, and then stores the deposit as waiting to be swept associated to the provided depositor.


Periodically, off-chain clients associated to a wallet collect a batch of deposits and create a sweep transaction. This transaction includes revealed and valid deposit UTXOs as well as the wallet’s UTXO (Wallet.mainUtxoHash) as inputs and then creates a single UTXO output. This accomplishes two main purposes:

  • It amortizes fees (SPV proof fee and Bitcoin tx fee, etc) across all of the deposits.

  • It disables the refund mechanism from the original script.

The first is a cost vs time tradeoff. SPV proofs are expensive, so by dividing the cost across all of the deposits in the period, we see massive gas savings. This is the same model as individuals driving their own car to work vs waiting on the train. The second is a security measure. We need to disable the refund, otherwise users could get a Bank balance and then refund their Bitcoin and have both.

The entry point is Bridge.submitDepositSweepProof which performs the SPV proof, updates the wallet with the new UTXO (from DepositSweep.resolveDepositSweepingWallet), takes a deposit fee for the treasury (5 BPS; governable), and updates the user Bank balances with information from DepositSweep.processDepositSweepTxInputs and DepositSweep.depositSweepTxFeeDistribution.


An account with a Bank balance can request a redemption via Bridge.requestRedemption. We verify that the destination is valid (P2PKH, P2WPKH, P2SH or P2WSH), and build a redemption key based on the wallet’s PKH and destination. There can only be one pending redemption per PKH-destination pair. The treasury takes a cut (Bridge.redemptionTreasuryFeeDivisor), and then we reduce the account’s Bank balance and start a timer.

Bridge.requestRedemption requires a Bank balance approval to the Bridge. This can either be made in a separate transaction first via Bank.approveBalance(Bridge.address, …​) or in a single transaction via Bank.approveBalanceAndCall(Bridge.address, …​).

If the redemption was not performed by the wallet, after the redemption timeout, anyone may call Bridge.notifyRedemptionTimeout. This will decrease wallet.pendingRedemptionsValue, mark the redemption as "timed out", punish the group members for Bridge.redemptionTimeoutSlashingAmount, and reward the notifier for a percentage (Bridge.redemptionTimeoutNotifierRewardMultiplier) of the slashed stake. The redeemer is reimbursed the Bank balance of the redemption, and the wallet begins to move its funds via Wallets.notifyWalletTimedOutRedemption.

To avoid this, the group members must fulfill the redemption by signing a transaction off-chain (potentially in a batch), submitting it to the Bitcoin chain, and then proving that they did so via Bridge.submitRedemptionProof. We perform an SPV proof to ensure the transaction occurred, it is well-formed, and then we decrease all of the redeemer’s Bank balances and increase the treasury’s Bank balance with its cut.



Up until this point, no TBTC has been created. We have dealt strictly with Bank balances. Anyone with a Bank balance can transfer that Bank balance to the TBTCVault to mint the equivalent amount of TBTC via

A depositor can specify in their reveal call (Bridge.revealDeposit) a vault. If they do, rather than getting a balance and having to come back later to submit additional transactions, the system automatically commits any funds to the requested vault, and propagates any results. In the case of the TBTCVault, this means that one can specify during their deposit reveal that they wish for their balance to be put toward the TBTCVault, and as soon as everything goes through they will automatically be minted TBTC tokens.

During sweeping, we look for vault information in the call data, and if we find it, we make a call to Bank.increaseBalanceAndCall rather than Bank.increaseBalances which routes to vault.receiveBalanceIncrease, which in turn calls TBTC._mint, in TBTC’s case.


Anyone with TBTC tokens can unmint them in exchange for Bank balance by calling TBTCVault.unmint. Alternatively, if the user is attempting to exit the system entirely, they can save a transaction and gas by calling TBTCVault.unmintAndRedeem which routes into authorizing the Bridge to redeem via bank.approveBalanceAndCall.


Bridge has a set of public knowledge functions that need to be called from time to time. A public-knowledge function is where anyone has access to the information required to assemble the transaction and the transaction does not lead to punishment (slashing).

To compensate for calling these transactions, the caller has the gas spent reimbursed by a DAO-funded ETH pool in the same transaction. This works only if callers follow the order and do not try to front-run each other. Given that the reimbursement code is constructed in such a way that the caller is net-zero or minimally positive after the refund, there should be no reason for callers to front-run each other. On the other hand, a single malicious front-runner can break this scheme. If there is someone who does not follow the order and keeps submitting transactions - for which they are reimbursed - everyone else will stop doing that because they will only burn gas on reverted transactions.

One approach to address this problem could be to enforce the submission order on-chain. Although it sounds easy at first, it is complicated and expensive in practice. The code needs to take into account scenarios when someone is temporarily offline and missed their submission round or when someone is permanently offline and keeps missing their round all the time which causes delays and slows down the network. Attempts to address these problems by marking someone as ineligible for rewards in case they missed their round are making the on-chain submission order enforcement mechanism only more expensive.

Another approach is to not enforce the order on-chain, have everyone with at least the minimum stake be able to submit public-knowledge transactions, and expect that everyone respects the informal agreement about the submission order. This approach works fine as long as there is no single malicious player with the minimum stake to break this scheme. To address this problem, we could introduce a mechanism for slashing submitters not respecting the order but it is again, complex in practice, and makes us reimplement solutions like Gelato Network.

We approach this problem in the easiest way possible by reducing a problem to a smaller group and introducing a list of submitters who are getting reimbursed for their calls. We call them maintainers. Maintainers are third-party bots who are expected to follow an off-chain informal agreement about the submission order and do not front-run each other. If they do, they can get deauthorized for reimbursements by the DAO. Maintainers are no more trusted than any other address on Ethereum. Anyone can submit public-knowledge Bridge transactions but they will not get reimbursed for doing so. To not mix the concept of reimbursement with the logic of the Bridge contract, we placed the reimbursement logic in a special contract called MaintainerProxy. Only DAO-authorized maintainers can call Bridge via MaintainerProxy and get reimbursed for the call but it does not block anyone from calling Bridge directly. The only difference is that those calling Bridge directly will not get reimbursed. This should be enough to prevent malicious actors from front-running honest maintainers. Maintainers are getting authorized by a DAO with a call to MaintainerProxy.authorize and can be deauthorized by a DAO with a call to MaintainerProxy.unauthorize.

Bridge.submitDepositSweepProof and Bridge.submitRedemptionProof are functions that must be called often and they execute quite an expensive SPV proof. These functions need to be protected with onlyMaintainer notifier in MaintainerProxy.

Bridge.submitMovingFundsProof and Bridge.submitMovedFundsSweepProof are functions that are called less often but they also execute an expensive SPV proof. The input parameters to them are pretty much the same as for Bridge.submitDepositSweepProof and Bridge.submitRedemptionProof so we assume calling them is also the maintainer’s responsibility and we protect them in MaintainerProxy with onlyMaintainer modifier.

It is important to note that the off-chain client software should not rely entirely on maintainers to call these functions. If proofs are not submitted on time, the wallet can be accused of fraud, or it can get slashed because of exceeding redemption timeout, moving funds timeout, or sweeping moved funds timeout. The wallet should expect the maintainer bots to do their work but it should also monitor if that actually happens. If not, the wallet should submit the proof itself - directly to the Bridge - to avoid slashing. Such a call would not be reimbursed but it should also never be needed.

Functions like Bridge.requestNewWallet, Bridge.notifyMovingFundsBelowDust, Bridge.notifyWalletCloseable, or Bridge.notifyWalletClosingPeriodElapsed are typical cleanup, maintenance functions. A wallet does not lose anything if these functions are not called on time so the responsibility of calling them can be left entirely to maintainers. This is why these functions are protected with onlyMaintainer modifier in the MaintainerProxy contract.

The last category of functions are functions that can be called only by the wallet or that are only in the wallet’s interest to be called. Bridge.submitMovingFundsCommitment can be called only by the wallet. Bridge.resetMovingFundsTimeout can be called by anyone but is highly associated with Bridge.submitMovingFundsCommitment. Bridge.defeatFraudChallenge and Bridge.defeatFraudChallengeWithHeartbeat can be called by anyone but they are in the best interest of the wallet to be called (otherwise, the wallet can get slashed) and they should be called rarely, if ever. Since there is practically no problem with front-running for the functions from this category, they do not need to be protected with onlyMaintainer modifier in MaintainerProxy. We could even place them outside of the MaintainerProxy but to avoid introducing an additional WalletProxy contract or mixing reimbursement code with Bridge contract, they are placed in MaintainerProxy contract even though they are expected to be called by the wallet.

Wallet Lifecycle Diagrams

Handling Fraud

Handling Fraud

This diagram covers the aspects of fraud: how to notify the system of fraudulent operator behavior, and how operators defend themselves from false charges.

Entering The Moving Funds State

Entering The Moving Funds State

This diagram maps out the different ways a wallet can enter the MOVING_FUNDS state, along with the necessary conditions to do so.

Responding To The Moving Funds State

Responding To The Moving Funds State

This diagram maps out the ways that a wallet in the MOVING_FUNDS state can respond: by asking for more time, by committing to move its funds to other wallet(s), or by letting the system know that it has insufficient funds to continue.

Resolving Moving Funds

Resolving Moving Funds

This diagram maps out the ways that a wallet in the MOVING_FUNDS state can complete the process.

Handling Moved Funds

Handling Moved Funds

This diagram maps out the ways that the recipient signing group of moved funds can handle those funds.

Transitioning From Closing To Closed

Transitioning From Closing To Closed

This diagram maps out how the CLOSING state transitions to the CLOSED state.


Property Name Description Governable Default Value

Wallet Creation


The minimum amount of satoshis an active wallet needs to have before we allow for the creation of a new active wallet regardless of age.


100e8 satoshis = 100 BTC


The minimum amount of satoshis an active wallet needs to hold before we allow for the creation of a new active wallet.


1e8 satoshis = 1 BTC


The length of time a wallet needs to exist for before a new one can be created


1 week

Wallet Closure


The amount of time that the target wallet has to sweep the moved funds once they arrive.


7 days


The percentage of the staking contract notifier reward that the notifier receives when they notify the system about a wallet that has failed to sweep the moved funds.




The amount of stake in T tokens that each group member of the target wallet loses if they do not sweep moved funds.


100 * 1e18 = 100 T


The max amount of satoshis that the target wallet is allowed to pay miners to process a moved funds sweep transaction.


100_000 satoshis = 0.001 BTC


The minimum amount of satoshis held by a closing wallet that needs to be moved to a different wallet before closing.


200_000 satoshis = 0.002 BTC


The amount of time group members have to move their wallet’s funds to another live wallet(s).


7 days


The percentage of the staking contract notifier reward that the notifier receives when they notify the system about a wallet that has failed to fulfill a moving funds request.




The amount of time operators must wait to request a moving funds timeout reset when there is no active wallet to move the funds to.


6 days


The amount of stake in T tokens that each group member loses if they do not fulfill a moving funds request.


100 * 1e18 = 100 T


The max amount of satoshis that the wallet is allowed to pay miners for a moving funds transaction.


100_000 satoshis = 0.001 BTC


The amount of time the wallet remains in the Closing state before it can be closed.


40 days


The minimum amount of satoshis at which a non-active wallet is eligible to begin closing, regardless of the wallet’s age.


5e7 satoshis = 0.5 BTC


The age at which a non-active wallet is eligible to begin closing.


26 weeks


The amount of satoshis held by the closing wallet at which it should try to split the moved funds to multiple target wallets.


10e8 satoshis = 10 BTC



The minimum amount of satoshis in a valid deposit.


1_000_000 satoshis = 0.01 BTC



A divisor used to compute the treasury fee taken from each deposit and transferred to the treasury upon sweep proof submission.


1/2_000 = 0.05%


The max amount of satoshis per deposit that the wallet is allowed to pay to miners for processing the sweep transaction.


100_000 satoshis = 0.001 BTC



The minimum amount of satoshis in a valid redemption.


1_000_000 satoshis = 0.01 BTC


The amount of time a wallet has to fulfill a redemption request.


5 days


The percentage of the staking contract notifier reward that the notifier receives when they notify the system about a wallet that has failed to fulfill a redemption request.




The amount of stake in T tokens that each group member will lose if they do not fulfill a redemption request.


100 * 1e18 = 100 T


A divisor used to compute the treasury fee taken from each redemption request and transferred to the treasury upon successful request finalization.


1/2_000 = 0.05%


The max amount of satoshis per redemption that the wallet is allowed to pay miners for processing the redemption transaction.


100_000 satoshis = 0.001 BTC



The amount of time a wallet has to defend itself from a fraud challenge.


7 days


The amount of ether a challenger must deposit in order to make a wallet prove its honesty.


5 ether


The percentage of the staking contract notifier reward that the fraud challenger receives as a reward if the wallet did not defeat the challenge.




The amount of T tokens that each group member of a wallet loses if the fraud challenge does not get defeated.


100 * 1e18 = 100 T