A Full-blown Professional Database Management Software written completely in Javascript
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This package is developed, maintained and updated with a single person. If you would like to financially support the creator and thereby this package consider becoming a patron : Patreon
Write the below code in a file
import { Server } from 'savanahdb'
let server = new Server({
path : "/var/data/",
masterKey : process.env.MASTER_KEY
By default it listens in http://localhost:7777
but it can be changed by passing host,port
in the Server options
Run it with pm2
import { Client } from 'savanahdb'
let client = new Client({
user : "root",
pass : "create a new admin account with a secure password and delete this"
let db = client.db("demo")
let tb = db.table("no")
The above credentials are the Default ones, please do remember to create a new user and delete the root
Inserting data into a table is easy, structure the data into JSON Format and pass it to insert() function of a Table
author : "Robert",
price : 120,
premium : true
or to insert a set of documents :
author : "Robert",
price : 120,
premium : true
author : "John",
price : 40,
premium : false
Valid Operators : !=, ==, ===, >, <, >=, <=
Get an array of documents that match a given condition
tb.search('name == "John"') // gets all documents with name as John
tb.search('( name == "John" && price > 100 ) || premium === true')
// you can group conditions to get better suited results
tb.search('name != "John"' , {
join : {
authors : 'that.name == this.author as author_info'
limit : 5
//joins documents from other tables. Here "authors" is the table from
// which the data is going to be joined
// and limits the result to a maximum of 5 Documents
Update existing data with a condition and limit
tb.update('author == "John"' , {
premium : false,
_inc : ['rep', 'price'] // increment properties
} , { limit : 2 })
Limits defaults to 1, pass "none" as limit to update all records that satisfy the condition
tb.delete('premium === false')
Limits defaults to 1, pass "none" as limit to delete all records that satisfy the condition
Guides and documentation covering more advanced concepts like sharding, etc.. are in https://www.gitbook.com/
Copyright (c) 2021 Keerthi Vasan mrsheepwithglasses@gmail.com
Patreon : here
Discord Server : Invite
Click here to read the License