` tags have many interactions, here `invokeaction`
-shines, allowing multiple buttons to handle different interactions with the
-video player.
-#### Custom behaviour
-_Invokers_ will dispatch events on the _Invokee_ element, allowing for custom
-JavaScript to be triggered without having to wire up manual event handlers to
-the Invokers.
-Invoke a div... to do something?
-Elements with _Interest_ will dispatch events on the _Interestee_ element,
-allowing for custom JavaScript to be triggered without having to wire up manual
-event handlers to the Interest elements.
- When this button shows interest, the below div will display.
-Supplementary information
-### Accessibility
-> [!WARNING]\
-> This section is incomplete PRs welcome.
-The _Invoker_ implicitly receives `aria-controls=IDREF` or `aria-details=IDREF`
-(tbd) to expose the _Invoker_ controls another element (the _Invokee_) for
-instances where the invokee is not a sibling to the invoker element.
-If the _Invokee_ has the `popover` attribute, the _Invoker_ implicitly receives
-an `aria-expanded` state, as well as an `aria-details` association (for
-instances where the elements are not DOM siblings) which will match the state of
-the popover's openness. It will be `aria-expanded=true` when the `popover` is
-`:popover-open` and `aria-expanded=false` otherwise.
-If the _Invokee_ is a `` element the _Invoker_ implicitly receives an
-`aria-expanded` state which will match the state of the _Invokee_'s openness. It
-will be `aria-expanded=true` when the _Invokee_ is open and
-`aria-expanded=false` otherwise.
-If the _Invokee_ is a `` element the _Invoker_ implicitly receives an
-`aria-expanded` state which will match the state of the _Invokee_'s openness. It
-will be `aria-expanded=true` when the _Invokee_ is open and
-`aria-expanded=false` otherwise.
-TBD: Accessibility attributes for `interesttarget`.
-### Defaults
-Depending on the target set by `invoketarget`, invoking the button will trigger
-additional behaviours alongside the event dispatch. Invoking an invoketarget
-will _always_ dispatch a trusted `InvokeEvent`, but in addition the following
-table represents how invocations on specific element types are handled. Note
-that this list is ordered and higher rules take precedence:
-| Invokee Element | `action` hint | Behaviour |
-| :-------------- | :-------------------- | :----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- |
-| `<* popover>` | `'auto'` | Call `.togglePopover()` on the invokee |
-| `<* popover>` | `'togglePopvoer'` | Call `.togglePopover()` on the invokee |
-| `<* popover>` | `'hidePopover'` | Call `.hidePopover()` on the invokee |
-| `<* popover>` | `'showPopover'` | Call `.showPopover()` on the invokee |
-| `` | `'auto'` | If the `` is not `open`, call `showModal()`, otherwise cancel the dialog |
-| `` | `'toggleModal'` | If the `` is not `open`, call `showModal()`, otherwise cancel the dialog |
-| `` | `'cancel'` | If the `` is `open`, cancel the dialog |
-| `` | `'showModal'` | If the `` is not `open`, call `showModal()` |
-| `` | `'close'` | If the `` is `open`, close and use the button `value` for returnValue |
-| `` | `'auto'` | If the `` is `open`, then close it, otherwise open it |
-| `` | `'toggle'` | If the `` is `open`, then close it, otherwise open it |
-| `` | `'open'` | If the `` is not `open`, then open it |
-| `` | `'close'` | If the `` is `open`, then close it |
-| `` | `'auto'` | Open the `` option picker UI |
-| `` | `'showPicker'` | Open the `` option picker UI |
-| ` ` | `'auto'` | Call `.showPicker()` on the invokee |
-| ` ` | `'showPicker'` | Call `.showPicker()` on the invokee |
-| `` | `'auto'` | Toggle the `.playing` value |
-| `` | `'playpause'` | Toggle the `.playing` value |
-| `` | `'pause'` | If `.playing` is `true`, set it to `false` |
-| `` | `'play'` | If `.playing` is `false`, set it to `true` |
-| `` | `'mute'` | Toggle the `.muted` value |
-| `` | `'auto'` | Toggle the `.playing` value |
-| `` | `'playpause'` | Toggle the `.playing` value |
-| `` | `'pause'` | If `.playing` is `true`, set it to `false` |
-| `` | `'play'` | If `.playing` is `false`, set it to `true` |
-| `` | `'mute'` | Toggle the `.muted` value |
-| `` | `'clear'` | Remove all image data on the canvas (effectively (`.clearRect(0, 0, width, height)`) |
-| `<*>` | `'toggleFullscreen'` | If the element is fullscreen, then exit, otherwise request to enter |
-| `<*>` | `'requestFullscreen'` | Request the element to enter into 'fullscreen' mode |
-| `<*>` | `'exitFullscreen'` | Request the element to exit 'fullscreen' mode |
-> [!NOTE]\
-> The above table is an attempt at wide coverage, but ideas are welcome. Please
-> submit a PR if you have one!
-Depending on the target set by `interesttarget`, showing interest or losing
-interest can trigger additional behaviours alongside the event dispatch.
-Showing/losing interest on an interesttarget will _always_ dispatch a trusted
-`InterestEvent`, but in addition the following table represents how interest on
-specific element types are handled. Note that this list is ordered and higher
-rules take precedence:
-| Interestee Element | Event Type | Behaviour |
-| :----------------- | :--------------- | :----------------------------------- |
-| `<* popover=hint>` | `'interest'` | Call `.showPopover()` on the invokee |
-| `<* popover=hint>` | `'loseinterest'` | Call `.hidePopover()` on the invokee |
-> [!NOTE]\
-> The above table is an attempt at wide coverage, but ideas are welcome. Please
-> submit a PR if you have one!
-### Invoke/Interest and Custom Elements
-As the underlying system for invoke/interest elements uses event dispatch,
-Custom Elements can make use of `InvokeEvent`/`InterestEvent`s for their own
-behaviours. Consider the following:
- Spin the widget
-### PAQ (Potentially Asked Questions)
-#### Why the name `invoker`? Why not `click`?
-While `click` is a fairly well established name in the world of the web, it is
-quite specific to certain types of HID and is not a term which encompasses all
-viable methods of interaction. In addition a `clickaction` attribute is deemed
-to be a little too ambiguous as it conflates existing concepts. Given the
-opportunity to supply a new name, `invoke` was settled on.
-#### Why the name `interest`? Why not `hover` or `focus`?
-Much like `click`, `hover` or `focus` are specific to certain types of HID, and
-are not terms which encompass all viable methods of interaction. Lots of
-[alternatives were discussed](https://github.com/openui/open-ui/issues/767) and
-it was deemed that `interest` is the best name to explain the concept of a
-"hover or focus or equivalent".
-#### What about adding Invoker defaults for `