๐ A decompiler for x86, x64, ARM and complete x86 documentation with an open source MSDN search API for those who like reverse engineering software, developed in electron.
- Quick
- Fast
- and Magic
- Disassembler x86 and Documentation
- Tests -> ARM x86 and x64 and MSDN search :D
You can:
- Decompile x86 instructions from bytes read through several very cool tools.
- Take your doubts about x86 assembly instructions very quickly and nimbly, putting agility in your analyses.
- Collaborate with us finding bugs and pointing out improvements and new cool features.
Requires Node.js to run.
Install the dependencies and devDependencies and start the server.
$ npm install -d
$ npm start
For packer and run in any OS
$ electron-packager .
Or you can also download a release for x86 or x64 available here. See RELEASES
Attention be patient, new features arrived soon, keep an watch on the repository
Free Software, Hell Yeah!