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Kerberos Vault in Docker

Kerberos Vault can also be installed without a Kubernetes cluster, by leveraging plain Docker containers or docker compose. In this example we'll show how to setup Kerberos Vault and it's required service MongoDB. We'll use a local Minio container, but you could leverage other local storage (Ceph) or cloud storage (Minio, Storj, Google Cloud Storage, S3).

There are still some tweaks and works to do (see below), to make this setup more secure and polished.

  • Implement TLS binding with Traefik
  • Move to Docker volume

📚 Overview


  1. Prerequisites
  2. Setup networking
  3. Create host volumes
  4. Run the workloads
  5. Modify host files

Let's configure it!

  1. Open Minio Console
  2. (Optional) Create Access Keys)
  3. Configure Kerberos Vault
  4. Add a storage provider
  5. Add an account
  6. You're done!


We'll start with installing Kerberos Vault on your machine, VM or whatever hardware that can run the docker runtime. Once install, we'll go into a quick configuration course to connect your Kerberos Vault to a storage provider.


We've created an Ubuntu 20.04 (LTS) VM on DigitalOcean, and installed docker and docker-compose using the general installation. Follow Docker installation here.

Setup networking

For this tutorial we will setup a new virtual network, which we'll name cluster-net.

docker network create cluster-net

Verify if the network is successfully created.

docker network ls

Make sure you'll locate the cluster-net network.

   cf5e5c5ed641   bridge        bridge    local
-> 75007810f24b   cluster-net   bridge    local
   4391b62e250d   host          host      local
   d5a219a216f5   none          null      local

Create host volumes

To persist our date outside our containers, we'll make a few directories on our host machine, that we will bind to our containers.

mkdir vault
mkdir mongodb

Run the workloads

Now we are ready to start the docker compose configuration. While creating we will create several services:

  • Traefik: will be used an Ingress to reach our other services.
  • Kerberos Vault: The application that stores recordings from Kerberos Agent in a storage provider; minio for this example.
  • Minio: The local object storage we are setting up.
  • MongoDB: Kerberos Vault will store some metadata in a MongoDB instance.

Download the docker-compose.yaml file and store it on the machine.

wget -O docker-compose.yaml

Create the services using the create command.

docker compose create

One created you can activate the services with the up command.

docker compose up

(Optional) Modify host files

By default ports are opened on the host system, if you enabled Ingress (Traefik) you might use DNS names. Now add some records to your /etc/hosts file, so you can reach the Kerberos Vault instance (and API) and Minio console, through your predefined DNS name.

x.x.x.x kerberos-vault-api.domain.tld kerberos-vault.domain.tld minio-console.domain.tld 

or using the ports you might reach the following endpoints:

  • Minio: http://localhost:9090
  • Kerberos Vault: http://localhost:80

Let's configure it!

Now the services are up and running, you should be able to access both the Kerberos Vault application as the Minio console. You can access both applications using the credentials specified in the environment variables.

Open Minio Console

Open your favourite browser, and open the Minio Console - http://localhost:9090 or if Traefik enabled: http://minio-console.domain.tld . You should see the Minio console showing up; depending on your version this might look different.

Minio console

Use the credentials you've defined for the Minio service. By default this is ROOTNAME and CHANGEME123. Please change that for your own configuration. Once signed in successfully, move over to the Buckets page by selecting the navigation item.

Once opened, select the Create Bucket + button to create a new bucket, propose a name of your preference.

Minio create bucket

(Optional) Create Access Keys

By default you'll be able to use your Minio username and password; as you used to sign into the console. However it's a better practice to create some Access keys (and secret key). Open the Access Keys page by selecting the navigation item, once opened press the Create access key+ button.

Some proposal keys are shown, modify or use as-is, copy them for your availability.

Configure Kerberos Vault

Open a new tab in your browser and paste in the Kerberos Vault url http://kerberos-vault.domain.tld. The login page will show up, use the credentials you've defined for Kerberos Vault, by default this is root and pass; please modify this to your needs.

Kerberos Vault login

Add a storage provider

To store your data, Kerberos Vault, leverages other storage solutions such as (MinIO, Storj, S3, Google Cloud Storage, Ceph, etc) to store your data. In that sense Kerberos Vault acts as a proxy between your Kerberos Agents and the persistence layer. By doing that Kerberos Vault decouples persistence from your Kerberos Agents, and allows you to switch persistence on-the-fly. Next to this there are many more advantages such as caching, forwarding, etc.

Open the Storage Providers page, by selecting the navigation item. Select the + Add Storage Provider button, to create a new storage provider.

Kerberos Vault provider

Select the option Minio from the dropdown and fill-in the required fields.

  • Provider name: an unique name that matches your needs.
  • Bucket name: the name of the bucket you created in Minio.
  • Region: not required, use na; stands for notapplicable.
  • Hostname: this should match the minio service name, for this configuration it would be minio:9000, as we run minio on port 9000.
  • Access key and Secret key: the keys you have created in the optional step, or the username and password you've provided to access the console.
  • SSL enabled: keep this disabled, as we didn't implement it.

Press the validate button, you should see a green confirmation box at the top. If not you should verify in the logs what might be going wrong.

Add an account

Now we have create a storage provider, we'll need to provide access to that provider by creating an account. An account contains credentials that can be used by a Kerberos Agents in the storage provider, in other words an account protects a storage provider from the outside, and only allows operations on it by using the correct account credentials.

Open the account page, by selectig the Accounts navigation item. Select the + Add Account button. Fill-in the required fields to create an account.

Kerberos Vault account

  • Account name: an unique name that matches your needs.
  • Main provider: select the provider we have created.
  • Day limit: the life time of a recording; number of days it will be persisted.
  • Integrations: a message broker that will be triggered on receival of a recording.
  • Directory: set it *, this wildcard option allow you to leverage it for multiple users or sub directories.
  • Access Key and Secret Key: Press the Generate button, to get some strong keys.
  • Cloud analysis: Disabled, not necessary if you do not connect ot Kerberos Hub.
  • Edge analysis: Disabled, not required.

You're done!

Now you are ready setting up Kerberos Vault with Minio! It's time to connect some Kerberos Agents! Let's have a look here how to do that. If you didn't already create a Kerberos Agent, please have a look here to understand how it's done.

Connect Kerberos Agent to Kerberos Vault

Once you have spinned up one or more agents through docker, docker compose, Kerberos Factory or any other automation tool you can configure your Kerberos Agents to connect to Kerberos Vault.

As you might have noticed is that each Kerberos Agent will connect to a single camera, coming with its own dedicated agent configuration for that specific camera. This design principle allows us to support a distributed and resilent approach where workloads can be spread towards a cluster of machines.

A Kerberos Agent can be configured using various methods: the UI, environment variables or configuration files.


When running the Kerberos Agent through one of the deployments as mentioned above you should be able reach the Kerberos Agent UI through the defined port. You should see a login screen where can signin with the default username and password: root, root.

Login Kerberos agent

Once signed in you should head over the settings or configuration page and look for the persistence tab. Change the dropdown to Kerberos Vault, you will see that several details are required to be filled in, by adding the correct values we are able to setup a secure connection to Kerberos Vault

Change persistence settings

The information we need to provide are the following fields.

  • Kerberos Vault API URL: The API url is hosted on the http://{your-vault-domain}/api, where the /api suffix is added to the domain of your Kerberos Vault. You can verify this by browsing to http://{your-vault-domain}/api/health.
  • Provider: The storage provider you would like to use. You can find the providers on the "Storage providers" page (or specified in the Kerberos Vault account you have setup).
  • Directory: This is the (sub) directory where the recordings will be stored in the storage provider. Important to note is that if you want to view your recordings through Kerberos Hub, this directory has to match the username of your Kerberos Hub account.
  • Access Key: The access key of the account you have created in previous steps.
  • Secret Key: The secret key of the account you have created in previous steps.

Once you have filled in the relevant credentials you can hit the Verify Connection button and you should see a green success bar shown on top of the UI. You could also verify on your storage provider by connecting to the configured storage provider and see if a test-provider directory was created with a sample video.

Verify settings

Congratulations! Your Kerberos Agent is now successfully connected to the Kerberos Vault. You can centralize your recordings on the storage provider of your choice, whether it's Edge or Cloud. This will allow you to manage and access your recordings more efficiently and securely.