Oct 5: Hannah renamed this repo from kernlab-brandeis to kernlab-scripps. Then set up placeholder organization / website kernlab-brandeis to create a page at kernlab-brandeis.github.io that redirects to kernlab-scripps.github.io
This website uses the following technologies:
Jekyll (https://jekyllrb.com)
Github Pages (https://pages.github.com)
Twitter Bootstrap (https://getbootstrap.com)
Before pushing changes to the live website, please verify that everything works on your computer first!
- install Ruby (https://www.ruby-lang.org)
- install Bundler (https://bundler.io)
In the root-directory of the website, run the following commands to install the packages and show the website:
bundle update --bundler
bundle config set path 'vendor/bundle'
bundle install
bundle exec jekyll serve
the website will be available at