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Kevin Sacro edited this page Apr 18, 2023 · 1 revision

Putting It All Together

Here is a more complicated name generator that could be suitable for naming cities:

var g = new NameGenerator()
        .UsingProvider(p => p
            .WithLeadingConsonants("vstlr") // Only used to start a syllable
            .WithTrailingConsonants("zrt")  // Only used to end a syllable
            .WithVowelSequences("ey", "ay", "oy"))
        .UsingTransformer(m => m
            .Select(1).Chance(0.99) // 99% chance to choose 1 transform
            .WithTransform(x => x.ReplaceSyllable(0, "Gran"))
            .WithTransform(x => x.ReplaceSyllable(0, "Bri"))
            .WithTransform(x => x.InsertSyllable(0, "Deu").AppendSyllable("gard")).Weight(2)
            .WithTransform(x => x.When(-2, "[aeoyAEOY]$").ReplaceSyllable(-1, "opolis"))
            .WithTransform(x => x.When(-2, "[^aeoyAEOY]$").ReplaceSyllable(-1, "polis")))
        .UsingFilter(v => v
            .DoNotAllow("yv", "yt", "zs")
                @"(\w)\1\1",              // Prevents any letter from occuring three times in a row
                @".*([y|Y]).*([y|Y]).*",  // Prevents double y
                @".*([z|Z]).*([z|Z]).*")) // Prevents double z
        .UsingSyllableCount(2, 4);

This example would create names like:


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