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Guide 1.1.2꞉ Consonant Positioning

kesac edited this page Dec 1, 2023 · 1 revision

Consonant Positioning

If you are configuring the SyllableGenerator directly, you will have the ability to influence consonant positioning.

Recall that a syllable consists of three parts:

  • A vowel (or nucleus)
  • An optional consonant before the vowel (also called an onset)
  • An optional consonant after the vowel (also called a coda)

When tailoring the characters used in name generation, you should specify the consonants occurring before and after a vowel separately:

var g = new NameGenerator()
        .UsingSyllables(x => x
            .WithLeadingConsonants("str")    // Onsets
            .WithTrailingConsonants("mnl")); // Codas

In this example, the characters s t r can start a syllable while the characters m n l can end a syllable. Calling Next() on this generator will produce names like:


In Syllabore, onsets are called leading consonants and codas are called trailing consonants.