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Guide 2.4꞉ Random Seeds

Kevin Sacro edited this page Jun 7, 2024 · 4 revisions

Random Seeds


This feature is only available in version 2.3.3 or higher

Syllabore uses .NET's System.Random to simulate randomness during the generation of syllables and names. Instantiation of a Random instance is done implicitly and you don't need to worry about doing this unless you want control over the random seed.

The following table lists classes that simulate randomness, the property name of the System.Random instance, and the method to use when configuring a generator through fluent methods. Example code is provided further below.

Class Property Name Method
NameGenerator Random UsingRandom()
SyllableGenerator Random WithRandom()
SyllableSet Random WithRandom()
TransformerSet Random WithRandom()


You don't need to provide seeds unless you want predictable output.

Setting the seed in a SyllableGenerator

var customSeed = 12345;
var syllables = new SyllableGenerator("aeiou", "strlm");
syllables.Random = new Random(customSeed);

// Or as a one-liner
var syllables = new SyllableGenerator("aeiou", "strlm").WithRandom(new Random(12345));

Setting seeds in a NameGenerator

// When setting the seed for NameGenerator
// remember to also set the seed of the SyllableGenerator too.
var mySeed = 12345;
var g = new NameGenerator()
    .UsingSyllables(x => x
        .WithRandom(new Random(mySeed)))
    .UsingRandom(new Random(mySeed));

// You can also access the property directly
g.Random = new Random(mySeed);

Setting the seed in a TransformerSet

// This transform set either adds "prefix" to
// the start of a name or "suffix" to the end of a name
var transform = new TransformSet()
    .WithTransform(x => x.InsertSyllable(0, "prefix"))
    .WithTransform(x => x.AppendSyllable("suffix"))
    .WithRandom(new Random(12345));

// You can also access the property directly
transform.Random = new Random(12345);

Setting the seed in a SyllableSet

// Constructs a finite set of syllables and
// only returns syllables from that set
var s = new SyllableSet(2, 8, 2)      // 2 * 8 * 2 = 32 possible syllables
    .WithStartingSyllable("ko", "ro") // Only these 2 starting syllables will exist
    .WithEndingSyllable("re", "ke")   // Only these 2 ending syllables will exist
    .WithGenerator(x => x             // Generator for the middle syllables
    .WithRandom(new Random(12345)));

// You can also access the property directly
s.Random = new Random(12345);