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v2.0.1 Changelog

kesac edited this page Nov 18, 2021 · 2 revisions

v2.0.1 Changelog

Provider Changes

  • Grapheme positioning and clustering probabilities are now set by calling WithProbability() on a SyllableProvider
var g = new NameGenerator()
            .UsingProvider(x => x
                .WithProbability(x => x
  • Weights can now be assigned directly to consonants and vowels to influence their frequency of use
var g = new NameGenerator()
    .UsingProvider(x => x
        .WithVowels("a").Weight(5) // This vowel will now occur 2.5 times more often than other vowels

Mutator (Transformer) Changes

  • Name mutators have been reimplemented and are now called name Transformers. Similarly, Mutations are now Transforms and MutationSteps are TransformSteps.
  • Transformation frequency is now set by calling Select() and Chance() directly on a Transformer
  • Weights can now be assigned to transforms to influence their frequency
var g = new NameGenerator()
        .UsingProvider(x => x
        .UsingTransformer(x => x
            .WithTransform(x => x.AppendSyllable("gard")).Weight(2)
            .WithTransform(x => x.AppendSyllable("dar")))
  • Additionally, all Transforms are now serializable unless using ExecuteUnserializableAction()

Validator (Filter) Changes

  • Name validators are now name Filters
  • DoNotAllow(), DoNotAllowEnding(), DoNotAlllowBeginning() methods have been added to filters as an alternative to providing regular expressions
var g = new NameGenerator()
            .UsingFilter(x => x
                .DoNotAllowEnding("j","p","q","w")             // Invalidate these awkward endings
                .DoNotAllowPattern(@"(\w)\1\1")                // Invalidate any sequence of 3 or more identical letters
                .DoNotAllowPattern(@"([^aeiouAEIOU])\1\1\1")); // Invalidate any sequence of 4 or more consonants

Serialization Changes

  • ConfigurationFile has been replaced with class NameGeneratorSerializer

Minor changes

  • NameGenerator LimitSyllableCount() is now UsingSyllableCount()
  • Added SyllableSet as first alternative to SyllableProvider
  • Syllabore now uses Archigen