Just a simple bash script to automate Subdomain enumeration using subfinder, sublist3r, assetfinder and notify the findings on Telegram. The script is designed to run and generate a file with new subdomains daily. If your run the script multiple time in a day, you will not be able discover new subdomains.
- Telegram App on your phone
- A bash script used to send Telegram messages: https://github.com/NicolasBernaerts/debian-scripts/tree/master/telegram
- subfinder : https://github.com/projectdiscovery/subfinder
- sublist3r: https://github.com/aboul3la/Sublist3r
- assetfinder : https://github.com/tomnomnom/assetfinder
When running the script for the first time, the script notify you via telegram all the subdomains found.
When running the script next time. It will notify you new subdomains found(if there are any) by comparing the subdomains found and the subdomains found of the previous day.
You can automate the script daily using cron (e.g: 0 7 * * * /home/user/dir/subPull/subPull.sh)
Create a bot on your Telegram App, retrieve your user-id and api-key and edit subPull.sh on line 15 and 16 with the correct credentials.
- Change the targets.txt with the domains whose subdomains you want. These should be in below format:
- To run the tool, simply:
Set a cron job to run the script automatically.
(e.g: Run the script every day at 8A.M)
0 8 * * * /home/user/dir/subPull/subPull.sh