we have 5 main branches
- develop : for merging development features
- authentication : for api authentication features and database migrations
- migrations : for global api database migrations
- staging : for merging develop branch PRs and deploying to staing server
- release : for merging staging branch PRs and deploying to release server
- Make sure you have Git, Composer, NodeJs & Npm, ZAMPP or LAMPP, installed on your OS
Once you have cloned the branch, run the following commands
- cd Amazone-clone
- git checkout -b the-name-of-the-featureor-migration-you-want-to-work-on
- composer install
- php artisan migrate
- cd amazon-app
- npm install
- cd Amazon-clone
- php artisan serve
- cd Amazon-clone
- cd amazon-app
- npm run dev
- Vehikl
- Tighten Co.
- Kirschbaum Development Group
- 64 Robots
- Cubet Techno Labs
- Cyber-Duck
- Many
- Webdock, Fast VPS Hosting
- DevSquad
- Curotec
- WebReinvent
- Lendio
Thank you for considering contributing to the Laravel framework! The contribution guide can be found in the Laravel documentation.
In order to ensure that the Laravel community is welcoming to all, please review and abide by the Code of Conduct.
If you discover a security vulnerability within Laravel, please send an e-mail to Taylor Otwell via taylor@laravel.com. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.
The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.