- Linear Algebra and Calculus refresher
- General notations
- Definitions
- Vector ― We note x∈Rn a vector with n entries, where xi∈R is the ith entry:
向量 - 我們定義 x∈Rn 是一個向量,包含 n 維元素,xi∈R 是第 i 維元素:
- Matrix ― We note A∈Rm×n a matrix with m rows and n columns, where Ai,j∈R is the entry located in the ith row and jth column:
矩陣 - 我們定義 A∈Rm×n 是一個 m 列 n 行的矩陣,Ai,j∈R 代表位在第 i 列第 j 行的元素:
- Remark: the vector x defined above can be viewed as a n×1 matrix and is more particularly called a column-vector.
注意:上述定義的向量 x 可以視為 nx1 的矩陣,或是更常被稱為行向量
- Main matrices
- Identity matrix ― The identity matrix I∈Rn×n is a square matrix with ones in its diagonal and zero everywhere else:
單位矩陣 - 單位矩陣 I∈Rn×n 是一個方陣,其主對角線皆為 1,其餘皆為 0
- Remark: for all matrices A∈Rn×n, we have A×I=I×A=A.
注意:對於所有矩陣 A∈Rn×n,我們有 A×I=I×A=A
- Diagonal matrix ― A diagonal matrix D∈Rn×n is a square matrix with nonzero values in its diagonal and zero everywhere else:
對角矩陣 - 對角矩陣 D∈Rn×n 是一個方陣,其主對角線為非 0,其餘皆為 0
- Remark: we also note D as diag(d1,...,dn).
注意:我們令 D 為 diag(d1,...,dn)
- Matrix operations
- Multiplication
- Vector-vector ― There are two types of vector-vector products:
向量-向量 - 有兩種類型的向量-向量相乘:
- inner product: for x,y∈Rn, we have:
內積:對於 x,y∈Rn,我們可以得到:
- outer product: for x∈Rm,y∈Rn, we have:
外積:對於 x∈Rm,y∈Rn,我們可以得到:
- Matrix-vector ― The product of matrix A∈Rm×n and vector x∈Rn is a vector of size Rn, such that:
矩陣-向量 - 矩陣 A∈Rm×n 和向量 x∈Rn 的乘積是一個大小為 Rm 的向量,使得:
- where aTr,i are the vector rows and ac,j are the vector columns of A, and xi are the entries of x.
其中 aTr,i 是 A 的列向量、ac,j 是 A 的行向量、xi 是 x 的元素
- Matrix-matrix ― The product of matrices A∈Rm×n and B∈Rn×p is a matrix of size Rn×p, such that:
矩陣-矩陣:矩陣 A∈Rm×n 和 B∈Rn×p 的乘積為一個大小 Rm×p 的矩陣,使得:
- where aTr,i,bTr,i are the vector rows and ac,j,bc,j are the vector columns of A and B respectively
其中,aTr,i,bTr,i 和 ac,j,bc,j 分別是 A 和 B 的列向量與行向量
- Other operations
- Transpose ― The transpose of a matrix A∈Rm×n, noted AT, is such that its entries are flipped:
轉置 - 一個矩陣的轉置矩陣 A∈Rm×n,記作 AT,指的是其中元素的翻轉:
- Remark: for matrices A,B, we have (AB)T=BTAT
注意:對於矩陣 A、B,我們有 (AB)T=BTAT
- Inverse ― The inverse of an invertible square matrix A is noted A−1 and is the only matrix such that:
可逆 - 一個可逆矩陣 A 記作 A−1,存在唯一的矩陣,使得:
- Remark: not all square matrices are invertible. Also, for matrices A,B, we have (AB)−1=B−1A−1
注意:並非所有的方陣都是可逆的。同樣的,對於矩陣 A、B 來說,我們有 (AB)−1=B−1A−1
- Trace ― The trace of a square matrix A, noted tr(A), is the sum of its diagonal entries:
跡 - 一個方陣 A 的跡,記作 tr(A),指的是主對角線元素之合:
- Remark: for matrices A,B, we have tr(AT)=tr(A) and tr(AB)=tr(BA)
注意:對於矩陣 A、B 來說,我們有 tr(AT)=tr(A) 及 tr(AB)=tr(BA)
- Determinant ― The determinant of a square matrix A∈Rn×n, noted |A| or det(A) is expressed recursively in terms of A∖i,∖j, which is the matrix A without its ith row and jth column, as follows:
行列式 - 一個方陣 A∈Rn×n 的行列式,記作|A| 或 det(A),可以透過 A∖i,∖j 來遞迴表示,它是一個沒有第 i 列和第 j 行的矩陣 A:
- Remark: A is invertible if and only if |A|≠0. Also, |AB|=|A||B| and |AT|=|A|.
注意:A 是一個可逆矩陣,若且唯若 |A|≠0。同樣的,|AB|=|A||B| 且 |AT|=|A|
- Matrix properties
- Definitions
- Symmetric decomposition ― A given matrix A can be expressed in terms of its symmetric and antisymmetric parts as follows:
對稱分解 - 給定一個矩陣 A,它可以透過其對稱和反對稱的部分表示如下:
- [Symmetric, Antisymmetric]
[對稱, 反對稱]
- Norm ― A norm is a function N:V⟶[0,+∞[ where V is a vector space, and such that for all x,y∈V, we have:
範數 - 範數指的是一個函式 N:V⟶[0,+∞[,其中 V 是一個向量空間,且對於所有 x,y∈V,我們有:
- N(ax)=|a|N(x) for a scalar
對一個純量來說,我們有 N(ax)=|a|N(x)
- if N(x)=0, then x=0
若 N(x)=0 時,則 x=0
- For x∈V, the most commonly used norms are summed up in the table below:
對於 x∈V,最常用的範數總結如下表:
- [Norm, Notation, Definition, Use case]
[範數, 表示法, 定義, 使用情境]
- Linearly dependence ― A set of vectors is said to be linearly dependent if one of the vectors in the set can be defined as a linear combination of the others.
線性相關 - 當集合中的一個向量可以用被定義為集合中其他向量的線性組合時,則則稱此集合的向量為線性相關
- Remark: if no vector can be written this way, then the vectors are said to be linearly independent
- Matrix rank ― The rank of a given matrix A is noted rank(A) and is the dimension of the vector space generated by its columns. This is equivalent to the maximum number of linearly independent columns of A.
矩陣的秩 - 一個矩陣 A 的秩記作 rank(A),指的是其列向量空間所產生的維度,等價於 A 的線性獨立的最大最大行向量
- Positive semi-definite matrix ― A matrix A∈Rn×n is positive semi-definite (PSD) and is noted A⪰0 if we have:
半正定矩陣 - 當以下成立時,一個矩陣 A∈Rn×n 是半正定矩陣 (PSD),且記作A⪰0:
- Remark: similarly, a matrix A is said to be positive definite, and is noted A≻0, if it is a PSD matrix which satisfies for all non-zero vector x, xTAx>0.
注意:同樣的,一個矩陣 A 是一個半正定矩陣 (PSD),且滿足所有非零向量 x,xTAx>0 時,稱之為正定矩陣,記作 A≻0
- Eigenvalue, eigenvector ― Given a matrix A∈Rn×n, λ is said to be an eigenvalue of A if there exists a vector z∈Rn∖{0}, called eigenvector, such that we have:
特徵值、特徵向量 - 給定一個矩陣 A∈Rn×n,當存在一個向量 z∈Rn∖{0} 時,此向量被稱為特徵向量,λ 稱之為 A 的特徵值,且滿足:
- Spectral theorem ― Let A∈Rn×n. If A is symmetric, then A is diagonalizable by a real orthogonal matrix U∈Rn×n. By noting Λ=diag(λ1,...,λn), we have:
譜分解 - 令 A∈Rn×n,如果 A 是對稱的,則 A 可以被一個實數正交矩陣 U∈Rn×n 給對角化。令 Λ=diag(λ1,...,λn),我們得到:
- diagonal
- Singular-value decomposition ― For a given matrix A of dimensions m×n, the singular-value decomposition (SVD) is a factorization technique that guarantees the existence of U m×m unitary, Σ m×n diagonal and V n×n unitary matrices, such that:
奇異值分解 - 對於給定維度為 mxn 的矩陣 A,其奇異值分解指的是一種因子分解技巧,保證存在 mxm 的單式矩陣 U、對角線矩陣 Σ m×n 和 nxn 的單式矩陣 V,滿足:
- Matrix calculus
- Gradient ― Let f:Rm×n→R be a function and A∈Rm×n be a matrix. The gradient of f with respect to A is a m×n matrix, noted ∇Af(A), such that:
梯度 - 令 f:Rm×n→R 是一個函式,且 A∈Rm×n 是一個矩陣。f 相對於 A 的梯度是一個 mxn 的矩陣,記作 ∇Af(A),滿足:
- Remark: the gradient of f is only defined when f is a function that returns a scalar.
注意:f 的梯度僅在 f 為一個函數且該函數回傳一個純量時有效
- Hessian ― Let f:Rn→R be a function and x∈Rn be a vector. The hessian of f with respect to x is a n×n symmetric matrix, noted ∇2xf(x), such that:
海森 - 令 f:Rn→R 是一個函式,且 x∈Rn 是一個向量,則一個 f 的海森對於向量 x 是一個 nxn 的對稱矩陣,記作 ∇2xf(x),滿足:
- Remark: the hessian of f is only defined when f is a function that returns a scalar
注意:f 的海森僅在 f 為一個函數且該函數回傳一個純量時有效
Gradient operations ― For matrices A,B,C, the following gradient properties are worth having in mind: 梯度運算 - 對於矩陣 A、B、C,下列的梯度性質值得牢牢記住: ⟶
[General notations, Definitions, Main matrices]
[通用符號, 定義, 主要矩陣]
- [Matrix operations, Multiplication, Other operations]
[矩陣運算, 矩陣乘法, 其他運算]
- [Matrix properties, Norm, Eigenvalue/Eigenvector, Singular-value decomposition]
[矩陣性質, 範數, 特徵值/特徵向量, 奇異值分解]
- [Matrix calculus, Gradient, Hessian, Operations]
⟶ [矩陣導數, 梯度, 海森, 運算]