The release notes in the PowerShell Module manifest cannot exceed 10000 characters. Due to a bug in the CI deploy pipeline this is not handled. This file is to temporary move the older change log history to keep the change log short.
- Updated the xCluster test method to return true if a node is joined to the cluster but is in a Paused state.
- Explicitly removed extra hidden files from release package
- Changes to xFailOverCluster
- Update appveyor.yml to use the default template.
- Added default template files .codecov.yml, .gitattributes, and .gitignore, and .vscode folder.
- Added FailoverClusters2012.stubs.psm1 from Windows Server 2012 and renamed existing test stub file to FailoverClusters2016.stubs.psm1.
- Modified Pester Describe blocks to include which version of the FailoverClusters module is being tested.
- Modified Pester tests to run against 2012 and 2016 stubs in sequence.
- Changes to xCluster
- Fixed cluster creation on Windows Server 2012 by checking if the New-Cluster command supports -Force before using it (issue #188).
- Changes to xClusterQuorum
- Changed some internal parameter names from the Windows Server 2016 version aliases which are compatible with Windows Server 2012.
- Changes to xClusterNetwork
- Fixed Set-TargetResource for Windows Server 2012 by removing call to Update method as it doesn't exist on this version and updates automatically.
- Changes to xFailOverCluster
- Added xClusterProperty (issue #169).
- Changes to xClusterNetwork
- Fix the test for the network role never in desired state (issue #175).
- Changes to xFailOverCluster
- Update Pester syntax to v4
- Updated year to 2018 in license file and module manifest (issue #167).
- Changes to xClusterNetwork
- Updated readme to describe process for adding and removing additional networks on clusters
- Changes to xCluster
- Allow the cluster to be assigned an IP address from a DHCP (issue #109). When the parameter StaticIPAddress is not specified then the cluster will be configured to use an IP address from a DHCP.
- Get-TargetResource now correctly returns the IP address instead of throwing and error (issue #28).
- Added -IgnoreNetwork parameter (issue #143).
- Changes to xClusterQuorum
- When using NodeAndFileShareMajority on Windows Server 2016 any subsequent run failed when Test-TargetResource validated the configuration.
- Cleaned up tests which was using over complicated evaluation code.
- Added cloud witness (Azure storage) functionality on Windows 2016 (issue #37).
- Changes to xFailOverCluster
- Added a common resource helper module with helper functions for localization.
- Added helper functions; Get-LocalizedData, New-InvalidResultException, New-ObjectNotFoundException, New-InvalidOperationException and New-InvalidArgumentException.
- Fixed lint error MD034 and fixed typos in
- Opt-in for module files common tests (issue #119).
- Removed Byte Order Mark (BOM) from the files; CommonResourceHelper.psm1 and FailoverClusters.stubs.psm1.
- Opt-in for script files common tests (issue #121).
- Removed Byte Order Mark (BOM) from the files; CommonResourceHelper.Tests.ps1, MSFT_xCluster.Tests.ps1, MSFT_xClusterDisk.Tests.ps1, MSFT_xClusterPreferredOwner.Tests.ps1, MSFT_xWaitForCluster.Tests.ps1.
- Added common test helper functions to help test the throwing of localized error strings.
- Get-InvalidArgumentRecord
- Get-InvalidOperationRecord
- Get-ObjectNotFoundException
- Get-InvalidResultException.
- Updated year to 2017 in license file and module manifest (issue #131).
- Added a common resource helper module with helper functions for localization.
- Changes to xClusterDisk
- Enabled localization for all strings (issue #84).
- Fixed the OutputType data type that was not fully qualified.
- Minor style changes.
- Fixed Script Analyzer warnings for Write-Verbose.
- Changes to xClusterNetwork
- Replaced the URL for the parameter Role in The new URL is a more generic description of the possible settings for the Role parameter. The previous URL was still correct but focused on Hyper-V in particular.
- Fixed typos in parameter descriptions in, comment-based help and schema.mof.
- Enabled localization for all strings (issue #85).
- Minor style changes.
- Fixed Script Analyzer warnings for Write-Verbose.
- Changes to xCluster
- Resolved Script Analyzer rule warnings by changing Get-WmiObject to Get-CimInstance (issue #49).
- Minor style change in tests. Removed '-' in front of '-Be', '-Not', '-Throw', etc.
- Enabled localization for all strings (issue #83).
- Added tests to improve code coverage.
- Fixed random problem with tests failing with error "Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated." (issue #133).
- Minor style changes.
- Fixed Script Analyzer warnings for Write-Verbose.
- Changes to xWaitForCluster
- Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage (issue #78).
- Now the Test-TargetResource correctly returns false if the domain name cannot be evaluated (issue #107).
- Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
- Updated parameter description in the schema.mof.
- Resolved Script Analyzer warnings (issue #54).
- Enabled localization for all strings (issue #88).
- Minor style changes.
- Changes to xClusterQuorum
- Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage (issue #77).
- Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
- Updated parameter description in the schema.mof.
- Added example (issue #47)
- 1-SetQuorumToNodeMajority.ps1
- 2-SetQuorumToNodeAndDiskMajority.ps1
- 3-SetQuorumToNodeAndFileShareMajority.ps1
- 4-SetQuorumToDiskOnly.ps1
- Added links to examples from
- Minor style changes.
- Enabled localization for all strings (issue #87).
- Changes to xClusterPreferredOwner
- Enabled localization for all strings (issue #86).
- Fixed typo in the returned hash table from Get-TargetResource.
- Minor style changes.
- Changes to xClusterPreferredOwner
- Script Analyzer warnings have been fixed (issue #50). This also failed the tests for the resource.
- Changes to xClusterDisk
- Fixed test that was failing in AppVeyor (issue #55).
- Changes to xFailOverCluster
- Added 'Code of Conduct' text to the (issue #44).
- Added TOC for all resources in the (issue #43).
- Fixed typos and lint errors in
- Fixed style issue in example in
- Removed 'Unreleased' "tag" from the resources xClusterQuorum and xClusterDisk (issue #36)
- Added new sections to each resource (Requirements, Parameters and Examples) in the Some does not yet have any examples, so they are set to 'None.'.
- Added GitHub templates PULL_REQUEST_TEMPLATE, ISSUE_TEMPLATE and (issue #45).
- Split the change log from to a separate file issue #48.
- Added the resource xClusterPreferredOwner to (issue #51).
- Added the resource xClusterNetwork to (issue #56).
- Removed Credential parameter from parameter list for xWaitForCluster. Parameter Credential does not exist in the schema.mof of the resource (issue #62).
- Now all parameters in the list their data type and type qualifier (issue #58).
- Added Import-DscResource to example in
- Added CodeCov and opt-in for all common tests (issue #41).
- Added CodeCov badge to
- Fixed CodeCov badge links so they now can be clicked on.
- Fixed lint rule MD013 in
- Fixed lint rule MD013 in
- Fixed lint rule MD024 in
- Fixed lint rule MD032 in
- Removed example from (issue #42).
- Fixed typo in filename for ISSUE_TEMPLATE. Was 'ISSUE_TEMPLATE', now it is correctly ''.
- Changed appveyor.yml to use the new default test framework in the AppVeyor module in DscResource.Tests (AppVeyor.psm1).
- Added VS Code workspace settings file with formatting settings matching the Style Guideline (issue #67). That will make it possible inside VS Code to press SHIFT+ALT+F, or press F1 and choose 'Format document' in the list. The PowerShell code will then be formatted according to the Style Guideline (although maybe not complete, but would help a long way).
- Added new stubs for FailoverClusters module (Tests\Unit\Stubs\FailoverClusters.stubs.psm1) to be able to run unit tests on a computer that does not have or can install Failover Clustering PowerShell module.
- Added a script file (Tests\Unit\Stubs\Write-ModuleStubFile.ps1) to be able to rebuild the stub file (FailoverClusters.stubs.psm1) whenever needed.
- Added code block around types in
- Changes to xCluster
- Added examples
- 1-CreateFirstNodeOfAFailoverCluster.ps1
- 2-JoinAdditionalNodeToFailoverCluster.ps1
- 3-CreateFailoverClusterWithTwoNodes.ps1 (this is the example from
- Fixed typo in xCluster parameter description.
- Added links to examples from
- Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage
(issue #73).
- Removed the password file (MSFT_xCluster.password.txt) which seemed unnecessary.
- Test-TargetResource now throws and error if domain name cannot be evaluated (issue #72).
- Set-TargetResource now correctly throws and error if domain name cannot be evaluated (issue #71).
- Added examples
- Changes to xWaitForCluster
- Added example
- 1-WaitForFailoverClusterToBePresent.ps1
- Added link to example from
- Added example
- Changes to xClusterDisk
- Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage (issue #74).
- Removed an evaluation that called Test-TargetResource in Set-TargetResource method and instead added logic so that Set-TargetResource evaluates if it should remove a disk (issue #90).
- Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
- Added examples (issue #46)
- 1-AddClusterDisk.ps1
- 2-RemoveClusterDisk.ps1
- Added links to examples from
- Changes to xClusterPreferredOwner
- Changes to xClusterNetwork
- Refactored the unit test for this resource to use stubs and increase coverage (issue #75).
- Changed the code to be more aligned with the style guideline.
- Updated resource and parameter description in and schema.mof.
- Added example (issue #57)
- 1-ChangeClusterNetwork.ps1
- Added links to examples from
- xCluster: Fixed bug in which failure to create a new cluster would hang
- Added xClusterQuorum resource with options NodeMajority, NodeAndDiskMajority, NodeAndFileShareMajority, DiskOnly
- Currently does not implement cloud witness for Windows 2016.
- Added xClusterDisk resource
- xCluster: Added -NoStorage switch to Add-ClusterNode. This prevents disks from being automatically added when joining a node to a cluster
- Removed requirement for CredSSP
- Initial release with the following resources:
- xCluster and xWaitForCluster