CS 410 group project: MOOC Course Assistant
First, set up and import MOOC SQL databases:
echo "CREATE DATABASE textretrieval;" | mysql -u root
mysql -u root textretrieval < Text\ Retrieval\ and\ Search\ Engines\ \(textretrieval-001\)_SQL_anonymized_general.sql
echo "CREATE DATABASE textanalytics;" | mysql -u root
mysql -u root textanalytics < Text\ Mining\ and\ Analytics\ \(textanalytics-001\)_SQL_anonymized_general.sql
Next, set up Python app:
virtualenv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
cp moca.cfg.sample moca.cfg
vim moca.cfg # Edit accordingly
Run the following to import topic distributions and lecture video topic coverage to SQL:
Finally, to run the app:
python app.py