This application is intended to access Bungie's Destiny 2 public API and report back player statistics
Back-end communicating with Bungie's API is written in Python
Front-end GUI / Application written with the PyQt5 library
A full requirements.txt file is provided
Clone this repo into your own dir
Install dependencies (pip on requirements.txt file)
Either run the file or just run the project dir with python
From there enter your Bungie Net name and you can explore your stats
If you don't have an account feel free to view mine: Charmander787#5161
For those who don't know about Destiny 2:
More information and documentation on the Bungie API here:
Implemented ability for user to decide how many games to analyze (Trials Tab only right now) Added raid stat tracking for new Witch Queen Raid: Vow of The Disciple
more appealing gui maybe refactor code
Implemented comparator used with merge_list on lists pulled from get_activity_history Added unit tests for this comparator Added recent overall trials stats to the app Added recent overall and individual pvp stats to the app Added standardized locations where StatsWindows show up (they will be generated corresponding to where the main window is upon clicking a stats button)
Add popular streamers / content creators' bungie tags to the home menu more appealing colors / images splitting modules up, the module is growing and functions should be split as complexity grows
Added merge_list method which merges 2 (3 optional) sorted lists defined by a comparator, also added unit tests for this function Refactored some of the summary functions Redesigned front end PyQt5 code. Utilizing QStackedWidget to implement 'back' buttons Added recent trials performance alongside overall (Only available per character), considering also adding this for PvP / Crucible as well Solved a bug with individual character stats by using functools.partial rather than lambda
Implement comparator for activities so we can get recent match data accountwide (merging all 3 character's lists by time/date) Add popular streamers / content creators' bungie tags to the home menu Make the app more appealing on the eyes (less grey, black, white; more color) split the module into separate modules with better module names
Changed get_member_id into get_player as player platform matters and added related Class: player Added ability to pull activity history into get_activity_history
Front end now displays the player's active characters and their respective equipped emblems, light level, and title! Goal is to be able to view stats on a per character and overall basis Added icons to each tab, images dir is where the raw img files are located
After this commit, gui / application is runnable by either running this project folder or by calling sample folder contains scripts using the bungie_api package/modules. There are example usages and mainly display using print() statements
refining per character stats as some stats seem to be irrelevant adding ability to merge activity history to be global utilize activity history to display meaningful stats
Revised a few of the functions, added docstrings and organized code, WIP Front End developed in Python with PyQt5 library
Initial Commit, general backend written in python commited, provided as example of using functions