diff --git a/ILD/compact/ILD_common_v02/tpc10_01.xml b/ILD/compact/ILD_common_v02/tpc10_01.xml
index eb46b3b73..a1b00eb9a 100644
--- a/ILD/compact/ILD_common_v02/tpc10_01.xml
+++ b/ILD/compact/ILD_common_v02/tpc10_01.xml
@@ -85,7 +85,7 @@
- system:5,side:2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8
+ system:5,side:-2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8
diff --git a/ILD/compact/ILD_l1_v01/ILD_l1_v01.xml b/ILD/compact/ILD_l1_v01/ILD_l1_v01.xml
index 4afbf7c61..a23e1a307 100644
--- a/ILD/compact/ILD_l1_v01/ILD_l1_v01.xml
+++ b/ILD/compact/ILD_l1_v01/ILD_l1_v01.xml
@@ -18,6 +18,10 @@
@@ -148,7 +152,7 @@
- system:5,side:2,layer:9,module:8,sensor:8
+ system:5,side:2,layer:17,module:20,sensor:8
diff --git a/ILD/compact/ILD_l6_v02/ILD_l6_v02.xml b/ILD/compact/ILD_l6_v02/ILD_l6_v02.xml
index 6cac4da2e..d64bfa93e 100644
--- a/ILD/compact/ILD_l6_v02/ILD_l6_v02.xml
+++ b/ILD/compact/ILD_l6_v02/ILD_l6_v02.xml
@@ -19,6 +19,10 @@
diff --git a/detector/tracker/TPC10_geo.cpp b/detector/tracker/TPC10_geo.cpp
index 888aff300..95d42532c 100644
--- a/detector/tracker/TPC10_geo.cpp
+++ b/detector/tracker/TPC10_geo.cpp
@@ -84,6 +84,11 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
const double dzTotal = theDetector.constant("TPC_Ecal_Hcal_barrel_halfZ") * 2. ;
const double rInner = theDetector.constant("TPC_inner_radius") ;
const double rOuter = theDetector.constant("TPC_outer_radius") ;
+ //chose between pixel and pad readout
+ const std::string TPCReadoutType= theDetector.constantAsString("TPC_readoutType");
+ const bool pixelTPC = (TPCReadoutType=="pixel") ;
// Geometry parameters from the geometry environment and from the database
@@ -108,8 +113,10 @@ static Ref_t create_element(Detector& theDetector, xml_h e, SensitiveDetector se
// _gear_gas_material = material_TPC_Gas;
// #endif
- //unused: const double sensitive_threshold_eV = db->fetchDouble("sensitive_threshold_eV") ;
+ if(pixelTPC) {
+ const double sensitive_threshold_eV = db->fetchDouble("sensitive_threshold_eV") ;
+ sens.setEnergyCutoff(sensitive_threshold_eV);
+ }
// db->exec("SELECT * FROM `cathode`;");
// db->getTuple();
@@ -435,7 +442,7 @@ Material endplate_MaterialMix = theDetector.material( "TPC_endplate_mix" ) ;
for (int layer = 0; layer < numberPadRows; layer++) {
-#if 1
+ if(!pixelTPC) {//padTPC
// create twice the number of rings as there are pads, producing an lower and upper part of the pad with the boundry between them the pad-ring centre
const double inner_lowerlayer_radius = rMin_Sensitive + (layer * (padHeight));
@@ -477,7 +484,7 @@ Material endplate_MaterialMix = theDetector.material( "TPC_endplate_mix" ) ;
+ } else if (pixelTPC) {
// create just one volume per pad ring
const double inner_radius = rMin_Sensitive + (layer * (padHeight) );
@@ -507,7 +514,7 @@ Material endplate_MaterialMix = theDetector.material( "TPC_endplate_mix" ) ;
+ }
// Assembly of the TPC Readout
diff --git a/plugins/InterpolatedHitGenerator.h b/plugins/InterpolatedHitGenerator.h
new file mode 100755
index 000000000..e5585841a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/plugins/InterpolatedHitGenerator.h
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
+ * InterpolatedHitGenerator.h
+ *
+ * Created on: Oct 12, 2016
+ * Author: cligtenb
+ */
+#include "G4ThreeVector.hh" //is actually a typedef of CLHEP::ThreeVector
+#include "Randomize.hh"//also CLHEP
+#include "TRandom.h"
+#include "TMath.h"
+struct LinearVectorInterpolation {
+ LinearVectorInterpolation( G4ThreeVector x1, G4ThreeVector x2) :
+ _x1(x1),
+ _x2(x2)
+ {}
+ G4ThreeVector _x1, _x2;
+ G4ThreeVector operator()(double t) { //t is parameter between 0 and 1
+ return _x1+t*(_x2-_x1);//interpolate linearly
+ }
+struct QuadraticVectorInterpolation {
+ //interpolate using momentum at second point
+ QuadraticVectorInterpolation( G4ThreeVector x1, G4ThreeVector x2, G4ThreeVector momentum) :
+ _x1(x1),
+ _x2(x2),
+ _mom(momentum)
+ {}
+ G4ThreeVector _x1, _x2, _mom;
+ G4ThreeVector operator()(double t) { //t is parameter between 0 and 1
+ G4ThreeVector vT=(_x2-_x1).mag()*_mom.unit();
+ return _x1+t*(2*(_x2-_x1)-vT)+t*t*(_x1-_x2+vT);//interpolate quadratically
+ }
+struct AngleInterpolation {
+ //interpolate using momentum at angle between momenta
+ AngleInterpolation( G4ThreeVector x1, G4ThreeVector x2, G4ThreeVector p1, G4ThreeVector p2) :
+ _x1(x1),
+ _x2(x2),
+ _u1(p1.unit()),
+ _u2(p2.unit())
+ {}
+ G4ThreeVector _x1, _x2, _u1, _u2;
+ int sign(int x) {return x < 0 ? -1 : 1; }
+ G4ThreeVector operator()(double t) { //t is parameter between 0 and 1
+ G4ThreeVector pos {_x1};
+ G4ThreeVector difference {_x2-_x1};
+ //start with linear base
+ G4ThreeVector relativePos=t*difference;
+ //add dS factor in XY plane:
+ double dphi=_u1.deltaPhi(_u2); //phi difference between vectors
+ double L=difference.perp(); //point to point distance in XY plane
+ double dS=L/2*sin(dphi/2)/2;
+ //G4cout<<"ds="< sensitive detector for the special case of
- * of a TPC, where every pad row is devided into two halfs in order to get
- * the position from the crossing of the middle of the pad row from
- * geant4 via volume boundary. Ported of Mokka/TPCSD04.cc
- *
- * \author F.Gaede ( ported from Mokka/TPCSD04.cc )
- * \version 1.0
- * \ingroup DD4HEP_SIMULATION
- */
- struct TPCSDData {
- // helper struct with Mokka controls ...
- struct {
- double TPCLowPtCut {};
- bool TPCLowPtStepLimit {};
- double TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation {};
- } Control {};
- typedef Geant4HitCollection HitCollection;
- Geant4Sensitive* sensitive{};
- const BitFieldElement* layerField {};
- G4double fThresholdEnergyDeposit{};
- Geant4HitCollection *fHitCollection{};
- Geant4HitCollection *fSpaceHitCollection{};
- Geant4HitCollection *fLowPtHitCollection{};
- G4int fHCID{};
- G4int fSpaceHitCollectionID{};
- G4int fLowPtHitCollectionID{};
- G4ThreeVector CrossingOfPadRingCentre{};
- G4ThreeVector MomentumAtPadRingCentre{};
- G4double dEInPadRow{};
- G4double globalTimeAtPadRingCentre{};
- G4double pathLengthInPadRow{};
- G4double CumulativePathLength{};
- G4double CumulativeEnergyDeposit{};
- G4ThreeVector CumulativeMeanPosition{};
- G4ThreeVector CumulativeMeanMomentum{};
- G4int CumulativeNumSteps{};
- G4ThreeVector PreviousPostStepPosition{}; //< the end point of the previous step
- G4int CurrentPDGEncoding{}; //< the PDG encoding of the particle causing the cumulative energy deposit
- G4int CurrentTrackID{}; //< the TrackID of the particle causing the cumulative energy deposit
- G4double CurrentGlobalTime{}; ///< the global time of the track causing the cumulative energy deposit
- G4int CurrentCopyNumber{}; ///< copy number of the preStepPoint's TouchableHandle for the cumulative energy deposit
- TPCSDData() :
- fThresholdEnergyDeposit(0),
- // fHitCollection(0),
- // fSpaceHitCollection(0),
- // fLowPtHitCollection(0),
- fHCID(-1),
- fSpaceHitCollectionID(-1),
- fLowPtHitCollectionID(-1),
- CurrentTrackID(-1) {
- Control.TPCLowPtCut = CLHEP::MeV ;
- Control.TPCLowPtStepLimit = false ;
- Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation = 5. * CLHEP::mm ;
- }
- /// Clear collected information and restart for new hit
- void clear() {
- // nothing to clear
- }
- /// return the layer number of the volume (either pre or post-position )
- int getCopyNumber(G4Step* s, bool usePostPos ){
- int cellID = this->volID( s , usePostPos) ;
- return this->layerField->value( cellID ) ;
- }
- /// Returns the volumeID of sensitive volume corresponding to the step (either pre or post-position )
- long long int volID( G4Step* s, bool usePostPos=false ) {
- Geant4StepHandler h(s);
- Geant4VolumeManager volMgr = Geant4Mapping::instance().volumeManager();
- VolumeID volID = ( usePostPos ? volMgr.volumeID(h.postTouchable()) : volMgr.volumeID(h.preTouchable()) );
- return volID;
- }
- void dumpStep( Geant4StepHandler h, G4Step* s){
- std::cout << " ----- step in detector " << h.sdName( s->GetPreStepPoint() )
- << " prePos " << h.prePos()
- << " postPos " << h.postPos()
- << " preStatus " << h.preStepStatus()
- << " postStatus " << h.postStepStatus()
- << " preVolume " << h.volName( s->GetPreStepPoint() )
- << " postVolume " << h.volName( s->GetPostStepPoint() )
- << " CurrentCopyNumbers " << getCopyNumber( s, false )
- << " - " << getCopyNumber( s, true )
- << std::endl
- << " momentum : " << std::scientific
- << s->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[0] << ", " << s->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[1]<< ", " << s->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[2]
- << " / "
- << s->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[0] << ", " << s->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[1]<< ", " << s->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[2]
- << ", PDG: " << s->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()
- << std::endl ;
- }
- /// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object.
- G4bool process(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* ) {
- fHitCollection = sensitive->collection(0) ;
- fSpaceHitCollection = sensitive->collection(1) ;
- fLowPtHitCollection = sensitive->collection(2) ;
- Geant4StepHandler h(step);
- // dumpStep( h , step ) ;
- // FIXME:
- // (i) in the following algorithm if a particle "appears" within a pad-ring half and
- // leaves without passing through the middle of the pad-ring it will not create a hit in
- // this ring
- // (ii) a particle that crosses the boundry between two pad-ring halves will have the hit
- // placed on this surface at the last crossing point, and will be assinged the total energy
- // deposited in the whole pad-ring. This is a possible source of bias for the hit
- if (fabs(step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()) < 0.01) return true;
- const G4ThreeVector PrePosition = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
- const G4ThreeVector PostPosition = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
- const G4ThreeVector thisMomentum = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum();
- float ptSQRD = thisMomentum[0]*thisMomentum[0]+thisMomentum[1]*thisMomentum[1];
- //=========================================================================================================
- if( ptSQRD >= (Control.TPCLowPtCut*Control.TPCLowPtCut) ){
- //=========================================================================================================
- // Step finishes at a geometric boundry
- if(step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary) {
- // step within the same pair of upper and lower pad ring halves
- if( getCopyNumber( step, false ) == getCopyNumber( step, true ) ){
- //this step must have ended on the boundry between these two pad ring halfs
- //record the tracks coordinates at this position
- //and return
- CrossingOfPadRingCentre = PostPosition;
- MomentumAtPadRingCentre = thisMomentum;
- dEInPadRow += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
- globalTimeAtPadRingCentre = step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime();
- pathLengthInPadRow += step->GetStepLength();
- // G4cout << "step must have ended on the boundry between these two pad ring halfs" << G4endl;
- // G4cout << "CrossingOfPadRingCentre = "
- // << sqrt( CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]
- // +CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1] )
- // << G4endl;
- return true;
- }
- else if(!(CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]==0.0 && CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]==0.0 && CrossingOfPadRingCentre[2]==0.0)) {
- // the above IF statment is to catch the case where the particle "appears" in this pad-row half volume and
- // leaves with out crossing the pad-ring centre, as mentioned above
- // it is leaving the pad ring couplet
- // write out a hit
- // G4cout << "step must be leaving the pad ring couplet" << G4endl;
- // G4cout << "write out hit at "
- // << sqrt( CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]
- // +CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1] )
- // << " " << "dEdx = " << step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()+dEInPadRow
- // << " " << "step length = " << step->GetStepLength()+pathLengthInPadRow
- // << G4endl;
- G4double dE = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()+dEInPadRow;
- if ( dE > fThresholdEnergyDeposit ) {
-//xx fHitCollection->
-//xx insert(new TRKHit(touchPre->GetCopyNumber(),
-//xx CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0],CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1],CrossingOfPadRingCentre[2],
-//xx MomentumAtPadRingCentre[0],
-//xx MomentumAtPadRingCentre[1],
-//xx MomentumAtPadRingCentre[2],
-//xx info->GetTheTrackSummary()->GetTrackID(),
-//xx step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
-//xx dE,
-//xx globalTimeAtPadRingCentre,
-//xx step->GetStepLength()+pathLengthInPadRow));
- Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = new Geant4Tracker::Hit(step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),
- step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
- dE, globalTimeAtPadRingCentre);
- hit->position = CrossingOfPadRingCentre ;
- hit->momentum = MomentumAtPadRingCentre;
- hit->length = step->GetStepLength();
- hit->cellID = sensitive->cellID( step ) ;
- fHitCollection->add(hit);
+/// Namespace for the Geant4 based simulation part of the AIDA detector description toolkit
+namespace sim {
+ * Geant4SensitiveAction sensitive detector for the special case of
+ * of a TPC, where every pad row is devided into two halfs in order to get
+ * the position from the crossing of the middle of the pad row from
+ * geant4 via volume boundary. Ported of Mokka/TPCSD04.cc
+ *
+ * \author F.Gaede ( ported from Mokka/TPCSD04.cc )
+ * \version 1.0
+ * \ingroup DD4HEP_SIMULATION
+ */
+struct trackIDExtension : lcrtrel::LCIntExtension {};
+struct TPCSDData {
+ // helper struct with Mokka controls ...
+ struct {
+ double TPCLowPtCut {};
+ bool TPCLowPtStepLimit {};
+ double TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation {};
+ } Control {};
+ typedef Geant4HitCollection HitCollection;
+ Geant4Sensitive* sensitive{};
+ const BitFieldElement* layerField {};
+ G4double fThresholdEnergyDeposit{};
+ Geant4HitCollection *fHitCollection{};
+ Geant4HitCollection *fSpaceHitCollection{};
+ Geant4HitCollection *fLowPtHitCollection{};
+ G4int fHCID{};
+ G4int fSpaceHitCollectionID{};
+ G4int fLowPtHitCollectionID{};
+ G4ThreeVector CrossingOfPadRingCentre{};
+ G4ThreeVector MomentumAtPadRingCentre{};
+ G4double dEInPadRow{};
+ G4double globalTimeAtPadRingCentre{};
+ G4double pathLengthInPadRow{};
+ G4double CumulativePathLength{};
+ G4double CumulativeEnergyDeposit{};
+ G4ThreeVector CumulativeMeanPosition{}, currentMeanPosition{}, firstStepPrePosition{},firstStepPreMomentum{};
+ G4ThreeVector CumulativeMeanMomentum{}, currentMeanMomentum{};
+ G4int CumulativeNumSteps{};
+ G4int firstStepTrackID;
+ bool pixelTPC{false}, fastSimulation{false};
+ dd4hep::rec::FixedPadSizeTPCData* tpcData{nullptr};
+ G4ThreeVector PreviousPostStepPosition{}; //< the end point of the previous step
+ G4Step* previousStep{}; //pointer to previous step
+ G4int CurrentPDGEncoding{}; //< the PDG encoding of the particle causing the cumulative energy deposit
+ G4int CurrentTrackID{}; //< the TrackID of the particle causing the cumulative energy deposit
+ G4double CurrentGlobalTime{}; ///< the global time of the track causing the cumulative energy deposit
+ G4int CurrentCopyNumber{}; ///< copy number of the preStepPoint's TouchableHandle for the cumulative energy deposit
+ G4int eventNumber{0}; //event number
+ TPCSDData() :
+ fThresholdEnergyDeposit(0),
+ // fHitCollection(0),
+ // fSpaceHitCollection(0),
+ // fLowPtHitCollection(0),
+ fHCID(-1),
+ pixelTPC(false),
+ fSpaceHitCollectionID(-1),
+ fLowPtHitCollectionID(-1),
+ CurrentTrackID(-1),
+ previousStep(new G4Step())
+ {
+ ResetCumulativeVariables();
+ Control.TPCLowPtCut = CLHEP::MeV ;
+ Control.TPCLowPtStepLimit = false ;
+ Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation = 5. * CLHEP::mm ;
+ }
+// ~TPCSDData() {
+// delete previousStep;
+// }
+ /// Clear collected information and restart for new hit
+ void clear() {
+ // nothing to clear
+ }
+ /// return the layer number of the volume (either pre or post-position )
+ int getCopyNumber(G4Step* s, bool usePostPos ){
+ int cellID = this->volID( s , usePostPos) ;
+ return this->layerField->value( cellID ) ;
+ }
+ /// Returns the volumeID of sensitive volume corresponding to the step (either pre or post-position )
+ long long int volID( G4Step* s, bool usePostPos=false ) {
+ Geant4StepHandler h(s);
+ Geant4VolumeManager volMgr = Geant4Mapping::instance().volumeManager();
+ VolumeID volID = ( usePostPos ? volMgr.volumeID(h.postTouchable()) : volMgr.volumeID(h.preTouchable()) );
+ return volID;
+ }
+ void dumpStep( Geant4StepHandler h, G4Step* s){
+ G4cout << " ----- step in detector " << h.sdName( s->GetPreStepPoint() )
+ << " prePos " << h.prePos()
+ << " postPos " << h.postPos()
+ << " preStatus " << h.preStepStatus()
+ << " postStatus " << h.postStepStatus()
+ << " preVolume " << h.volName( s->GetPreStepPoint() )
+ << " postVolume " << h.volName( s->GetPostStepPoint() )
+ << " stepLength " << s->GetStepLength()
+ << " EnergyDeposit " << s->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()/CLHEP::eV << " eV"
+ << " CurrentCopyNumbers " << getCopyNumber( s, false )
+ << " - " << getCopyNumber( s, true )
+ << "\n"
+ << " momentum : " << std::scientific
+ << s->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[0] << ", " << s->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[1]<< ", " << s->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[2]
+ << " / "
+ << s->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[0] << ", " << s->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[1]<< ", " << s->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()[2]
+ << ", PDG: " << s->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding()
+ << "\n";
+ G4cout<<"current cumulative energy is "<collection(0) ;
+ fSpaceHitCollection = sensitive->collection(1) ;
+ fLowPtHitCollection = sensitive->collection(2) ;
+ Geant4StepHandler h(step);
+ // dumpStep( h , step ) ;
+ // FIXME:
+ // (i) in the following algorithm if a particle "appears" within a pad-ring half and
+ // leaves without passing through the middle of the pad-ring it will not create a hit in
+ // this ring
+ // (ii) a particle that crosses the boundary between two pad-ring halves will have the hit
+ // placed on this surface at the last crossing point, and will be assigned the total energy
+ // deposited in the whole pad-ring. This is a possible source of bias for the hit
+ //check charge
+ if (fabs(step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()) < 0.01) return true;
+ const G4ThreeVector PrePosition = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ const G4ThreeVector PostPosition = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ const G4ThreeVector thisMomentum = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum();
+ float ptSQRD = thisMomentum[0]*thisMomentum[0]+thisMomentum[1]*thisMomentum[1];
+ //=========================================================================================================
+ if( ptSQRD >= (Control.TPCLowPtCut*Control.TPCLowPtCut) ){
+ //=========================================================================================================
+ // Step finishes at a geometric boundry
+ if(step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary) {
+ // step within the same pair of upper and lower pad ring halves
+ if( getCopyNumber( step, false ) == getCopyNumber( step, true ) ){
+ //this step must have ended on the boundry between these two pad ring halfs
+ //record the tracks coordinates at this position
+ //and return
+ CrossingOfPadRingCentre = PostPosition;
+ MomentumAtPadRingCentre = thisMomentum;
+ dEInPadRow += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+ globalTimeAtPadRingCentre = step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime();
+ pathLengthInPadRow += step->GetStepLength();
+ // G4cout << "step must have ended on the boundry between these two pad ring halfs" << G4endl;
+ // G4cout << "CrossingOfPadRingCentre = "
+ // << sqrt( CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]
+ // +CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1] )
+ // << G4endl;
+ return true;
+ }
+ else if(!(CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]==0.0 && CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]==0.0 && CrossingOfPadRingCentre[2]==0.0)) {
+ // the above IF statment is to catch the case where the particle "appears" in this pad-row half volume and
+ // leaves with out crossing the pad-ring centre, as mentioned above
+ // it is leaving the pad ring couplet
+ // write out a hit
+ // G4cout << "step must be leaving the pad ring couplet" << G4endl;
+ // G4cout << "write out hit at "
+ // << sqrt( CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]
+ // +CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]*CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1] )
+ // << " " << "dEdx = " << step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()+dEInPadRow
+ // << " " << "step length = " << step->GetStepLength()+pathLengthInPadRow
+ // << G4endl;
+ G4double dE = step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()+dEInPadRow;
+ if ( dE > fThresholdEnergyDeposit ) {
+ //xx fHitCollection->
+ //xx insert(new TRKHit(touchPre->GetCopyNumber(),
+ //xx CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0],CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1],CrossingOfPadRingCentre[2],
+ //xx MomentumAtPadRingCentre[0],
+ //xx MomentumAtPadRingCentre[1],
+ //xx MomentumAtPadRingCentre[2],
+ //xx info->GetTheTrackSummary()->GetTrackID(),
+ //xx step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
+ //xx dE,
+ //xx globalTimeAtPadRingCentre,
+ //xx step->GetStepLength()+pathLengthInPadRow));
+ //xx
+ Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = new Geant4Tracker::Hit(step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),
+ step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
+ dE, globalTimeAtPadRingCentre);
+ hit->position = CrossingOfPadRingCentre ;
+ hit->momentum = MomentumAtPadRingCentre;
+ hit->length = step->GetStepLength();
+ hit->cellID = sensitive->cellID( step ) ;
+ fHitCollection->add(hit);
+ sensitive->printM2("+++ TrackID:%6d [%s] CREATE TPC hit at pad row crossing :"
+ " %e MeV Pos:%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f",
+ step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),sensitive->c_name(), dE,
+ hit->position.X()/CLHEP::mm,hit->position.Y()/CLHEP::mm,hit->position.Z()/CLHEP::mm);
+ }
+ // zero cumulative variables
+ dEInPadRow = 0.0;
+ globalTimeAtPadRingCentre=0.0;
+ pathLengthInPadRow=0.0;
+ CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]=0.0;
+ CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]=0.0;
+ CrossingOfPadRingCentre[2]=0.0;
+ MomentumAtPadRingCentre[0]=0.0;
+ MomentumAtPadRingCentre[1]=0.0;
+ MomentumAtPadRingCentre[2]=0.0;
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ //=========================================================================================================
+ // case for which the step remains within geometric volume
+ //FIXME: need and another IF case to catch particles which Stop within the padring
+ else { // else if(step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() != fGeomBoundary) {
+ // the step is not limited by the step length
+ if( step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName() != "StepLimiter"){
+ // if(particle not stoped){
+ // add the dEdx and return
+ // G4cout << "Step ended by Physics Process: Add dEdx and carry on" << G4endl;
+ dEInPadRow += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+ pathLengthInPadRow += step->GetStepLength();
+ return true;
+ //}
+ //else{
+ // write out the hit and clear counters
+ //}
+ } else { // GetProcessName() == "StepLimiter"
+ // G4cout << "step must have been stopped by the step limiter" << G4endl;
+ // G4cout << "write out hit at "
+ // << sqrt( position_x*position_x
+ // +position_y*position_y )
+ // << " " << "dEdx = " << step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()
+ // << " " << "step length = " << step->GetStepLength()
+ // << G4endl;
+ // write out step limited hit
+ // these are just space point hits so do not save the dE, which is set to ZERO
+ // if ( step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() > fThresholdEnergyDeposit )
+ //xx fSpaceHitCollection->
+ //xx insert(new TRKHit(touchPre->GetCopyNumber(),
+ //xx position_x,position_y,position_z,
+ //xx momentum_x,momentum_y,momentum_z,
+ //xx info->GetTheTrackSummary()->GetTrackID(),
+ //xx step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
+ //xx 0.0, // dE set to ZERO
+ //xx step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime(),
+ //xx step->GetStepLength()));
+ Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = new Geant4Tracker::Hit(step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),
+ step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
+ 0.0, globalTimeAtPadRingCentre); // dE set to ZERO
+ hit->position = 0.5*( PrePosition + PostPosition );
+ hit->momentum = thisMomentum ;
+ hit->length = step->GetStepLength();
+ hit->cellID = sensitive->cellID( step ) ;
+ fSpaceHitCollection->add(hit);
+ // add dE and pathlegth and return
+ dEInPadRow += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+ pathLengthInPadRow += step->GetStepLength();
+ return true;
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ //=========================================================================================================
+ // ptSQRD < (Control.TPCLowPtCut*Control.TPCLowPtCut)
+ else if (Control.TPCLowPtStepLimit) { // low pt tracks will be treated differently as their step length is limited by the special low pt steplimiter
+ if ( ( PreviousPostStepPosition - step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() ).mag() > 1.0e-6 * CLHEP::mm ) {
+ // This step does not continue the previous path. Deposit the energy and begin a new Pt hit.
+ if (CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ //dumpStep( h , step ) ;
+ DepositLowPtHit();
+ }
+ else {
+ // reset the cumulative variables if the hit has not been deposited.
+ // The previous track has ended and the cumulated energy left at the end
+ // was not enough to ionize
+ //G4cout << "reset due to new track , discarding " << CumulativeEnergyDeposit / eV << " eV" << std::endl;
+ ResetCumulativeVariables();
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ //G4cout << "continuing track" << endl;
+ }
+ CumulateLowPtStep(step);
+ // check whether to deposit the hit
+ if( ( CumulativePathLength > Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation ) ) {
+ // hit is deposited because the step limit is reached and there is enough energy
+ // to ionize
+ if ( CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ //dumpStep( h , step ) ;
+ DepositLowPtHit();
+ }
+ //else {
+ //G4cout << "not deposited, energy is " << CumulativeEnergyDeposit/eV << " eV" << std::endl;
+ //}
+ }
+ else { // even if the step lenth has not been reached the hit might
+ // be deposited because the particle track ends
+ if ( step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetKineticEnergy() == 0 ) {
- sensitive->printM2("+++ TrackID:%6d [%s] CREATE TPC hit at pad row crossing :"
- " %e MeV Pos:%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f",
- step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),sensitive->c_name(), dE,
- hit->position.X()/CLHEP::mm,hit->position.Y()/CLHEP::mm,hit->position.Z()/CLHEP::mm);
- }
- // zero cumulative variables
- dEInPadRow = 0.0;
- globalTimeAtPadRingCentre=0.0;
- pathLengthInPadRow=0.0;
- CrossingOfPadRingCentre[0]=0.0;
- CrossingOfPadRingCentre[1]=0.0;
- CrossingOfPadRingCentre[2]=0.0;
- MomentumAtPadRingCentre[0]=0.0;
- MomentumAtPadRingCentre[1]=0.0;
- MomentumAtPadRingCentre[2]=0.0;
- return true;
- }
- }
- //=========================================================================================================
- // case for which the step remains within geometric volume
- //FIXME: need and another IF case to catch particles which Stop within the padring
- else { // else if(step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() != fGeomBoundary) {
- // the step is not limited by the step length
- if( step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetProcessDefinedStep()->GetProcessName() != "StepLimiter"){
- // if(particle not stoped){
- // add the dEdx and return
- // G4cout << "Step ended by Physics Process: Add dEdx and carry on" << G4endl;
- dEInPadRow += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
- pathLengthInPadRow += step->GetStepLength();
- return true;
- //}
- //else{
- // write out the hit and clear counters
- //}
- } else { // GetProcessName() == "StepLimiter"
- // G4cout << "step must have been stopped by the step limiter" << G4endl;
- // G4cout << "write out hit at "
- // << sqrt( position_x*position_x
- // +position_y*position_y )
- // << " " << "dEdx = " << step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit()
- // << " " << "step length = " << step->GetStepLength()
- // << G4endl;
- // write out step limited hit
- // these are just space point hits so do not save the dE, which is set to ZERO
- // if ( step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit() > fThresholdEnergyDeposit )
-//xx fSpaceHitCollection->
-//xx insert(new TRKHit(touchPre->GetCopyNumber(),
-//xx position_x,position_y,position_z,
-//xx momentum_x,momentum_y,momentum_z,
-//xx info->GetTheTrackSummary()->GetTrackID(),
-//xx step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
-//xx 0.0, // dE set to ZERO
-//xx step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime(),
-//xx step->GetStepLength()));
- Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = new Geant4Tracker::Hit(step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),
- step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding(),
- 0.0, globalTimeAtPadRingCentre); // dE set to ZERO
- hit->position = 0.5*( PrePosition + PostPosition );
- hit->momentum = thisMomentum ;
- hit->length = step->GetStepLength();
- hit->cellID = sensitive->cellID( step ) ;
- fSpaceHitCollection->add(hit);
- // add dE and pathlegth and return
- dEInPadRow += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
- pathLengthInPadRow += step->GetStepLength();
- return true;
- }
- }
+ // only deposit the hit if the energy is high enough
+ if (CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ //dumpStep( h , step ) ;
+ DepositLowPtHit();
+ }
+ else { // energy is not enoug to ionize.
+ // However, the track has ended and the energy is discarded and not added to the next step
+ //G4cout << "reset due to end of track, discarding " << CumulativeEnergyDeposit/CLHEP::eV << " eV" << std::endl;
+ ResetCumulativeVariables();
+ }
+ }
+ }
+ PreviousPostStepPosition = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ return true;
+ }
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object for a pad readout
+ G4bool processPixel(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* ) {
+ //do only primary track:
+ // if(step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID()!=1) return true;
+ //do all except primary track:
+ // if(step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID()==1) return true;
+ //get positions from step
+ // G4cout<<"get position and momentum from step"<GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ const G4ThreeVector PostPosition = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ // This step does not continue the previous path. Deposit the energy at the previous step.
+ if ( ( PreviousPostStepPosition - step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() ).mag() > 1.0e-6 * CLHEP::mm //new hit is far from previous
+ || ( step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID()!=CurrentTrackID ) ) { //or track id is different
+ // G4cout<<"found new track "<GetTrack()->GetTrackID()< fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ DepositMultiplePtHits(previousStep);
+ }
+ // reset the cumulative variables if the hit has not been deposited. The previous track has ended and the accumulated energy left at the end was not enough to ionize
+ ResetCumulativeVariables(false); //reset variables, except energy
+ }
+ //fill histograms, do at this point because last step must be completed, but new step cannot be started yet!
+ // G4cout<<"Fill histograms"<GetPostStepPoint()->GetStepStatus() == fGeomBoundary) {
+ if ( CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ DepositMultiplePtHits(step);
+ ResetCumulativeVariables(false); //reset variables, except energy
+ }
+ //In contrast to pad readout, do not reset after crossing a boundary here.
+ }
+ // Maximum hit separation reached
+ if( ( CumulativePathLength > Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation ) ) {
+ // hit is deposited because the step limit is reached and there is enough energy to ionize
+ if ( CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ DepositMultiplePtHits(step);
+ }
+ ResetCumulativeVariables(false); //reset variables, except energy
+ }
+ //save last postStepPosition
+ PreviousPostStepPosition = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ *previousStep = *step; //save previous step
+ return true;
+ }
+ /// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object.
+ G4bool process(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* th) {
+ // G4cout<<"processing step in TPCSDAction!"<collection(0) ;
+ fSpaceHitCollection = sensitive->collection(1) ;
+ fLowPtHitCollection = sensitive->collection(2) ;
+ //check charge
+ if (fabs(step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGCharge()) < 0.01) return true;
+ //call pixel or pad readout
+ if(pixelTPC) return processPixel(step,th);
+ else return processPad(step,th);
+ }
+ /// Post-event action callback
+ void endEvent(const G4Event* /* event */) {
+ // // We need to add the possibly last added hit to the collection here.
+ // // otherwise the last hit would be assigned to the next event and the
+ // // MC truth would be screwed.
+ // //
+ // // Alternatively the 'update' method would become rather CPU consuming,
+ // // beacuse the extract action would have to be recalculated over and over.
+ // if ( current > 0 ) {
+ // Geant4HitCollection* coll = sensitive->collection(0);
+ // extractHit(coll);
+ }
+ void ResetCumulativeVariables(bool resetEnergy=true)
+ {
+ CumulativeMeanPosition.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ CumulativeMeanMomentum.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ currentMeanPosition.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ currentMeanMomentum.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ firstStepPrePosition.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ firstStepPreMomentum.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
+ firstStepTrackID=0;
+ CumulativeNumSteps = 0;
+ if(resetEnergy) CumulativeEnergyDeposit = 0;
+ CumulativePathLength = 0;
- //=========================================================================================================
- // ptSQRD < (Control.TPCLowPtCut*Control.TPCLowPtCut)
- else if (Control.TPCLowPtStepLimit) { // low pt tracks will be treated differently as their step length is limited by the special low pt steplimiter
- if ( ( PreviousPostStepPosition - step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() ).mag() > 1.0e-6 * CLHEP::mm ) {
- // This step does not continue the previous path. Deposit the energy and begin a new Pt hit.
- if (CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
- //dumpStep( h , step ) ;
- DepositLowPtHit();
- }
- else {
- // reset the cumulative variables if the hit has not been deposited.
- // The previous track has ended and the cumulated energy left at the end
- // was not enough to ionize
- //G4cout << "reset due to new track , discarding " << CumulativeEnergyDeposit / eV << " eV" << std::endl;
- ResetCumulativeVariables();
- }
- }
- else {
- //G4cout << "continuing track" << endl;
- }
- CumulateLowPtStep(step);
- // check whether to deposit the hit
- if( ( CumulativePathLength > Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation ) ) {
- // hit is deposited because the step limit is reached and there is enough energy
- // to ionize
- if ( CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
- //dumpStep( h , step ) ;
- DepositLowPtHit();
- }
- //else {
- //G4cout << "not deposited, energy is " << CumulativeEnergyDeposit/eV << " eV" << std::endl;
- //}
- }
- else { // even if the step lenth has not been reached the hit might
- // be deposited because the particle track ends
- if ( step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetKineticEnergy() == 0 ) {
- // only deposit the hit if the energy is high enough
- if (CumulativeEnergyDeposit > fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
- //dumpStep( h , step ) ;
- DepositLowPtHit();
- }
- else { // energy is not enoug to ionize.
- // However, the track has ended and the energy is discarded and not added to the next step
- //G4cout << "reset due to end of track, discarding " << CumulativeEnergyDeposit/eV << " eV" << std::endl;
+ void DepositLowPtHit()
+ {
+ //xx fLowPtHitCollection->
+ //xx insert(new TRKHit(CurrentCopyNumber,
+ //xx CumulativeMeanPosition[0], CumulativeMeanPosition[1], CumulativeMeanPosition[2],
+ //xx CumulativeMeanMomentum[0], CumulativeMeanMomentum[1], CumulativeMeanMomentum[2],
+ //xx CurrentTrackID,
+ //xx CurrentPDGEncoding,
+ //xx CumulativeEnergyDeposit,
+ //xx CurrentGlobalTime,
+ //xx CumulativePathLength));
+ Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = new Geant4Tracker::Hit(CurrentTrackID, CurrentPDGEncoding,
+ CumulativeEnergyDeposit, globalTimeAtPadRingCentre);
+ hit->position = CumulativeMeanPosition ;
+ hit->momentum = CumulativeMeanMomentum ;
+ hit->length = CumulativePathLength ;
+ hit->cellID = CurrentCopyNumber ;
+ fLowPtHitCollection->add(hit);
+ // reset the cumulative variables after positioning the hit
- }
- }
- }
- PreviousPostStepPosition = step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition();
- return true;
- return true;
- }
- /// Post-event action callback
- void endEvent(const G4Event* /* event */) {
- // // We need to add the possibly last added hit to the collection here.
- // // otherwise the last hit would be assigned to the next event and the
- // // MC truth would be screwed.
- // //
- // // Alternatively the 'update' method would become rather CPU consuming,
- // // beacuse the extract action would have to be recalculated over and over.
- // if ( current > 0 ) {
- // Geant4HitCollection* coll = sensitive->collection(0);
- // extractHit(coll);
- }
- void ResetCumulativeVariables()
- {
- CumulativeMeanPosition.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
- CumulativeMeanMomentum.set(0.0,0.0,0.0);
- CumulativeNumSteps = 0;
- CumulativeEnergyDeposit = 0;
- CumulativePathLength = 0;
- }
- void DepositLowPtHit()
- {
-//xx fLowPtHitCollection->
-//xx insert(new TRKHit(CurrentCopyNumber,
-//xx CumulativeMeanPosition[0], CumulativeMeanPosition[1], CumulativeMeanPosition[2],
-//xx CumulativeMeanMomentum[0], CumulativeMeanMomentum[1], CumulativeMeanMomentum[2],
-//xx CurrentTrackID,
-//xx CurrentPDGEncoding,
-//xx CumulativeEnergyDeposit,
-//xx CurrentGlobalTime,
-//xx CumulativePathLength));
- Geant4Tracker::Hit* hit = new Geant4Tracker::Hit(CurrentTrackID, CurrentPDGEncoding,
- CumulativeEnergyDeposit, globalTimeAtPadRingCentre);
- hit->position = CumulativeMeanPosition ;
- hit->momentum = CumulativeMeanMomentum ;
- hit->length = CumulativePathLength ;
- hit->cellID = CurrentCopyNumber ;
- fLowPtHitCollection->add(hit);
- // reset the cumulative variables after positioning the hit
- ResetCumulativeVariables();
- }
- void CumulateLowPtStep(G4Step *step)
- {
- const G4ThreeVector meanPosition = (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() + step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()) / 2;
- const G4ThreeVector meanMomentum = (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum() + step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()) / 2;
- ++CumulativeNumSteps;
- CumulativeMeanPosition = ( (CumulativeMeanPosition*(CumulativeNumSteps-1)) + meanPosition ) / CumulativeNumSteps;
- CumulativeMeanMomentum = ( (CumulativeMeanMomentum*(CumulativeNumSteps-1)) + meanMomentum ) / CumulativeNumSteps;
- CumulativeEnergyDeposit += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
- CumulativePathLength += step->GetStepLength();
- CurrentPDGEncoding = step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
- CurrentTrackID = step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
- CurrentGlobalTime = step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime();
- CurrentCopyNumber = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber();
- }
- };
- /// Initialization overload for specialization
- template <> void Geant4SensitiveAction::initialize() {
- eventAction().callAtEnd(&m_userData,&TPCSDData::endEvent);
- declareProperty("TPCLowPtCut", m_userData.Control.TPCLowPtCut );
- declareProperty("TPCLowPtStepLimit", m_userData.Control.TPCLowPtStepLimit );
- declareProperty("TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation", m_userData.Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation );
- m_userData.fThresholdEnergyDeposit = m_sensitive.energyCutoff();
- m_userData.sensitive = this;
- IDDescriptor dsc = m_sensitive.idSpec() ;
- m_userData.layerField = dsc.field( "layer" ) ;
- }
- /// Define collections created by this sensitivie action object
- template <> void Geant4SensitiveAction::defineCollections() {
- m_collectionID = defineCollection(m_sensitive.readout().name());
- m_userData.fSpaceHitCollectionID = defineCollection("TPCSpacePointCollection");
- m_userData.fLowPtHitCollectionID = defineCollection("TPCLowPtCollection");
- }
- /// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object.
- template <> void Geant4SensitiveAction::clear(G4HCofThisEvent*) {
- m_userData.clear();
- }
- /// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object.
- template <> G4bool
- Geant4SensitiveAction::process(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* history) {
- return m_userData.process(step, history);
- }
- typedef Geant4SensitiveAction TPCSDAction;
- }
+ //deposit hit for pixel
+ void DepositPtHit(G4Step* step) {
+ DepositPtHit(step, CumulativeEnergyDeposit);
+ }
+ int getCellIDFromFormula() {
+ const double toMM=10;
+ int system=(currentMeanPosition.z()<0) ? 100 : 36;//FIXME: properly find system id of tpc
+ int nrow=(currentMeanPosition.perp()-(tpcData->rMinReadout)*toMM)/(tpcData->padHeight*toMM);
+ nrow=nrow<<7;
+ return system+nrow;
+ }
+ void WriteHit(G4ThreeVector position, G4ThreeVector momentum, long long cid, double EDep, double pathLength) {
+ IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl* hit = new IMPL::SimTrackerHitImpl();
+ //use SimTrack
+ hit->setEDep(EDep);
+ double cmposition[3] = {position.getX(), position.getY(), position.getZ()};
+ hit->setPosition(cmposition);
+ float cmmomentum[3] = {float(momentum.getX()/CLHEP::GeV), float(momentum.getY()/CLHEP::GeV), float(momentum.getZ()/CLHEP::GeV)}; //why is position double and momentum float?!
+ hit->setMomentum(cmmomentum);
+ hit->setPathLength(pathLength);
+ hit->setCellID0(int(cid));
+ hit->setCellID1(int(cid>>32));
+ hit->ext()=CurrentTrackID;
+ //missing:CurrentTrackID,CurrentPDGEncoding,
+ fHitCollection->add(hit);
+ //histogram
+ // _deltahist.FillHit(position, momentum);
+ }
+ int _nprint=0;
+ void displayHit(G4Step* step) {
+ //display this hit
+ long long cid=sensitive->cellID( step );
+ //long long cid=getCellIDFromFormula();
+ float cmmomentum[3] = {float(currentMeanMomentum.getX()), float(currentMeanMomentum.getY()), float(currentMeanMomentum.getZ())}; //why is position double and momentum float?!
+ double cmposition[3] = {currentMeanPosition.getX(), currentMeanPosition.getY(), currentMeanPosition.getZ()};
+ const int PRINTEVERYN=100000;
+ if(!(_nprint++%PRINTEVERYN))
+ printf(
+ "+++ TrackID:%6d [%s] CREATE TPC hit at pixel row crossing :"
+ " %e MeV Pos:%8.2f %8.2f %8.2f Mom:%8.1f %8.1f %8.1f ID:%i-%i (%i)\n",
+ step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID(),sensitive->c_name(), CumulativeEnergyDeposit,
+ cmposition[0]/CLHEP::mm,cmposition[1]/CLHEP::mm,cmposition[2]/CLHEP::mm,
+ cmmomentum[0]/CLHEP::MeV,cmmomentum[1]/CLHEP::MeV,cmmomentum[2]/CLHEP::MeV,
+ int(cid), int(cid>>32), getCellIDFromFormula());
+ // std::cout<<"tpcData->padheight="<padHeight<<" tpcData->rMinReadout="<rMinReadout<<" r="<cellID( step );
+ //long long cid=getCellIDFromFormula();
+ // G4DynamicParticle mcparticle=step->GetTrack()->GetDynamicParticle();
+ WriteHit(CumulativeMeanPosition, CumulativeMeanMomentum, cid, EDep, CumulativePathLength);
+ displayHit(step);
+ }
+ int DepositFastPtHits(G4Step* step) {
+ G4StepPoint* postStepPoint = step->GetPostStepPoint();
+ std::function hitFunction;//use flat hit function for secundary electrons and triangular for the higher energy primary electrons
+ if ( step->GetTrack()->GetParentID() ) hitFunction=FlatMultipleHitFunction(0);
+ else hitFunction=TriangularHitFunction(0.1) ;
+ InterpolatedHitGenerator hitGenerator(
+ hitFunction,
+ AngleInterpolation(firstStepPrePosition, postStepPoint->GetPosition(), firstStepPreMomentum, postStepPoint->GetMomentum())
+ // LinearVectorInterpolation(firstStepPrePosition, postStepPoint->GetPosition())
+ );
+ int nHits=CumulativeEnergyDeposit/fThresholdEnergyDeposit;
+ std::vector hitpos=hitGenerator.generateHits(nHits),
+ hitmom=hitGenerator.generateFromFunction( LinearVectorInterpolation( firstStepPreMomentum, postStepPoint->GetMomentum() ) );
+ for(int i=0; iGetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition()<<" and "<GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()<
+ int nhits=0;
+ while(CumulativeEnergyDeposit>fThresholdEnergyDeposit) {
+ DepositPtHit(step, fThresholdEnergyDeposit);
+ CumulativeEnergyDeposit-=fThresholdEnergyDeposit;
+ ++nhits;
+ }
+ //G4cout<<"would have deposited: "<GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition() + step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetPosition()) / 2;
+ const G4ThreeVector meanMomentum = (step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum() + step->GetPostStepPoint()->GetMomentum()) / 2;
+ currentMeanPosition=meanPosition; currentMeanMomentum=meanMomentum;
+ if(!CumulativeNumSteps) { //first step?
+ firstStepPrePosition=step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetPosition();
+ firstStepPreMomentum=step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetMomentum();
+ firstStepTrackID= step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
+ }
+ ++CumulativeNumSteps;
+ CumulativeMeanPosition = ( (CumulativeMeanPosition*(CumulativeNumSteps-1)) + meanPosition ) / CumulativeNumSteps;
+ CumulativeMeanMomentum = ( (CumulativeMeanMomentum*(CumulativeNumSteps-1)) + meanMomentum ) / CumulativeNumSteps;
+ CumulativeEnergyDeposit += step->GetTotalEnergyDeposit();
+ CumulativePathLength += step->GetStepLength();
+ CurrentPDGEncoding = step->GetTrack()->GetDefinition()->GetPDGEncoding();
+ CurrentTrackID = step->GetTrack()->GetTrackID();
+ CurrentGlobalTime = step->GetTrack()->GetGlobalTime();
+ CurrentCopyNumber = step->GetPreStepPoint()->GetTouchableHandle()->GetCopyNumber();
+ }
+ void CumulatePtStep(G4Step *step) {
+ CumulateStep(step);
+ }
+ void CumulateLowPtStep(G4Step *step) {
+ CumulateStep(step);
+ }
+/// Initialization overload for specialization
+template <> void Geant4SensitiveAction::initialize() {
+ eventAction().callAtEnd(&m_userData,&TPCSDData::endEvent);
+ declareProperty("TPCLowPtCut", m_userData.Control.TPCLowPtCut );
+ declareProperty("TPCLowPtStepLimit", m_userData.Control.TPCLowPtStepLimit );
+ declareProperty("TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation", m_userData.Control.TPCLowPtMaxHitSeparation );
+ m_userData.fThresholdEnergyDeposit = m_sensitive.energyCutoff()/CLHEP::keV; //set manually in geometry builder by kees, I do not know if this is the proper use of energyCutoff()
+ m_userData.sensitive = this;
+ IDDescriptor dsc = m_sensitive.idSpec() ;
+ m_userData.layerField = dsc.field( "layer" ) ;
+ G4cout << "limits of TPC are: "<< this->sensitiveDetector().limits().isValid() << std::endl;
+ G4cout << "TPCSDAction: Threshold for Energy Deposit = " << m_userData.fThresholdEnergyDeposit / CLHEP::eV << " eV" << G4endl;
+ const std::string TPCReadoutType= m_detDesc.constantAsString("TPC_readoutType");
+ m_userData.pixelTPC=(TPCReadoutType=="pixel");
+ const std::string TPCSimulationMode= m_detDesc.constantAsString("TPC_simulationMode");
+ m_userData.fastSimulation=(TPCSimulationMode=="fast");
+ if(not m_userData.pixelTPC) m_userData.fThresholdEnergyDeposit=0;
+ m_userData.tpcData = m_detector.extension();
+ if(!m_userData.tpcData) G4cout<<"tpcData not found"< void Geant4SensitiveAction::defineCollections() {
+ if(m_userData.pixelTPC) {
+ G4cout<<"defining m_collectionID with SimTrackerHitImpl"<(m_sensitive.readout().name());//define with SimTrackerHit directly
+ } else {
+ m_collectionID = defineCollection(m_sensitive.readout().name());//will later be converted to simtrackerhit
+ }
+ m_userData.fSpaceHitCollectionID = defineCollection("TPCSpacePointCollection");
+ m_userData.fLowPtHitCollectionID = defineCollection("TPCLowPtCollection");
+/// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object.
+template <> void Geant4SensitiveAction::clear(G4HCofThisEvent*) {
+ m_userData.clear();
+/// Method for generating hit(s) using the information of G4Step object.
+template <> G4bool
+Geant4SensitiveAction::process(G4Step* step, G4TouchableHistory* history) {
+ return m_userData.process(step, history);
+typedef Geant4SensitiveAction TPCSDAction;