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An E commerce App!

  1. 🤖 Introduction
  2. ⚙️ Tech Stack
  3. 🔋 Features
  4. 🤸 Quick Start
  5. 🕸️ LiveDemo
  6. 🕸️ DemoLogin
  7. 🕸️ DockerImage
  8. 🕸️ Code Snippets to Copy

Welcome to the ABC Store eCommerce platform! This project is built for ABC company's first online store, focusing on SEO, optimized performance, and a mobile-friendly user experience.

  • Next.js: Server-side rendering and static site generation for optimized performance.
  • TypeScript: To add type safety to the application.
  • Zustand: Lightweight state management for managing global state, such as the shopping cart.
  • Tailwind CSS: For styling the components with a responsive and modern design.
  • ESLint & Prettier: Code linting and formatting tools to ensure code quality.
  • Docker: Containerization for easy deployment and scalability
  • Fake Store API: External API used for product data.
  • localStorage: To persist data between sessions.

1. Landing Screen:

  • Contains a header menu..
  • Welcoming message for the user..
  • Displays the newest products.
  • Displays product categories.

2. Products Screen

  • Lists all products under a selected category
  • Users can select the category from the dropdown menu to list all products under a specific catergory

3. Products Search and Sorting

  • Users can search for products by title.
  • Products can be sorted by price (low to high or high to low)
  • Product Details Screen Shows product description, image, and specifications

4. Shopping Cart

  • Users can add products to the cart from the listing screen or product details screen.
  • The cart icon in the header displays the number of items.
  • Shopping cart items are listed with the total amount and delete option.

5. User Authentication

  • Login/Logout Functionality
  • The session persists until the user logs out, ensuring a secure and personalized experience

Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.


Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:

Cloning the Repository

git git clone
cd abc_store


Install the project dependencies using npm:

npm install

Running the Project

npm run dev

Open http://localhost:3000 in your browser to view the project.

  • username is mor_2314
  • password is 83r5^_

Cloning Docker Image

docker pull khaled1299/abc-store:latest
import { create } from 'zustand';
import { persist } from 'zustand/middleware';
import { ProductProps } from '../types/index';

interface CartState {
  cartItems: ProductProps[];
  user: string | null;
  isAuthenticated: boolean;
  error: string;
  totalPrice: number;
  addItemToCart: (item: ProductProps, quantity: number) => void;
  removeItemFromCart: (productId: string) => void;
  login: (username: string, password: string) => Promise<void>;
  logout: () => void;
  calculateTotalPrice: () => void;

const useCartStore = create(
    (set, get) => ({
      cartItems: [],
      user: null,
      isAuthenticated: false,
      totalPrice: 0,
      login: async (username, password) => {
        // if we have an api we can hanlde this to recieve a token after the user authenticate.
        try {
          const response = await fetch('', {
            method: 'POST',
            headers: {
              'Content-Type': 'application/json',
            body: JSON.stringify({ username, password }),
          if (response.ok) {
            const data = await response.json();
            set({ user: 'Shory', isAuthenticated: true });
            localStorage.setItem('user', JSON.stringify(data.user));
          } else {
            set({ error: 'Invalid username or password!' });
            throw new Error('Login failed');
        } catch (error) {
          console.error('Login error:', error);

      logout: () => {
        set({ user: null, isAuthenticated: false, error: '' });
      error: '',
      addItemToCart: (item: ProductProps, quantity: number) => {
        // Find if the item already exists in the cart
        const itemExists = get().cartItems.find(
          (cartItem) => ===

        if (itemExists) {
          // If item exists, increase its quantity
          itemExists.quantity += quantity;
          // Update the state with the modified cart items
          set({ cartItems: [...get().cartItems] });
        } else {
          // If item does not exist, create a new item
          const newItem: ProductProps = {
            quantity: quantity,
          // Add the new item to the cart
          set({ cartItems: [...get().cartItems, newItem] });
        // Recalculate the total price
      removeItemFromCart: (productId) => {
        const itemExists = get().cartItems.find(
          (cartItem) => === productId
        if (itemExists) {
          if (typeof itemExists.quantity === 'number') {
            const updatedCartItems = get().cartItems.filter(
              (item) => !== productId
            set({ cartItems: updatedCartItems });
        // Recalculate the total price
      calculateTotalPrice: () => {
        const total = get().cartItems.reduce(
          (sum, cartItem) => sum + cartItem.price * cartItem.quantity,
        set({ totalPrice: total });
      name: 'cart-items',

export default useCartStore;
'use client';
import { useRouter } from 'next/navigation';
import { useState } from 'react';
import useCartStore from '../../../hooks/useCartStore';

const LoginPage = () => {
const router = useRouter();
const { user, isAuthenticated, login, error } = useCartStore();
if (isAuthenticated) {
const [username, setUsername] = useState('');
const [password, setPassword] = useState('');
const [isLoading, setIsLoading] = useState(false);
const [message, setMessage] = useState('');

const formTitle = 'Log in';

const buttonTitle = 'Login';

const handleSubmit = async (e: React.FormEvent) => {

    try {
      await login(username, password);
    } catch (error) {
      console.error('Login failed:', error);

return (
<div className="h-[calc(100vh-80px)] px-4 md:px-8 lg:px-16 xl:px-32 2xl:px-64 flex items-center justify-center">
<form className="flex flex-col gap-8" onSubmit={handleSubmit}>
{error && <div className="text-red-600">{error}</div>}

        {message && <div className="text-green-600 text-sm">{message}</div>}
        <h1 className="text-2xl font-semibold">{formTitle}</h1>
        <div className="flex flex-col gap-2">
          <label className="text-sm text-gray-700">Username</label>
            className="ring-2 ring-gray-300 rounded-md p-4"
            onChange={(e) => setUsername(}
        <div className="flex flex-col gap-2">
          <label className="text-sm text-gray-700">Password</label>
            placeholder="Enter your password"
            className="ring-2 ring-gray-300 rounded-md p-4"
            onChange={(e) => setPassword(}

        <div className="text-sm underline cursor-pointer">Forgot Password?</div>

          className="bg-lama text-white p-2 rounded-md disabled:bg-pink-200 disabled:cursor-not-allowed"
          {isLoading ? 'Loading...' : buttonTitle}


export default LoginPage;