An Ethereum DApp that demonstrates a Supply Chain flow from a Designer of a drug along to the end user Buyer(consumer). Regulator whos responsable for approve the drug. Manufacturer can act as a owner of a drug design or bulid partner contract with a designer. A Distributor should act as middleman between manufacturer to retailer to last actor in the system consumer.
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Please make sure you've already installed ganache-cli, Truffle and enabled MetaMask extension in your browser.
npm install -g ganache-cli truffle
or use npx befor every npm package comand.
clone this repository using Git.
install project packages for blockchain and frontend project
npm i
cd frontend && npm i
Launch Ganache with unlimited gas (important), more balances.
npx ganache-cli --gasLimit=0x1fffffffffffff --allowUnlimitedContractSize -e 1000000000
start new terminal tab and start compiling contract codes
truffle compile
test contract using truffle
truffle test
if you want to test it using front end migrate contract to ganache local network and make sure you copy some addresses to MetaTask. hence, first account (deployer) will has all the roles and he is the only one can approve or give regulator role to another address.
truffle migrate --reset
locate to frontend project and start development
cd frontend && npm start
- Partnerships: library keep track partner in a partnership contract with known share. I write it to make project less smaller and to try the power of spilted payment contract.
- Roles: library from Open Zeppelin contract thats keep track of a mapping list of address in any role based contract.
- Transaction Hash: 0x3fbb56cb35a990fa5d087f1945966902202e628a2758d443c90e1380e674d7ff Event: Owned(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0xbe9078f85844da6070fd9247d79c5ece4b6481eadfbebcf021e157e46b54a772 Event: TestCaseAdded(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0xe4a31ac3d5027009fb34c78f214f5343d2bd628545077e79656028037d3be54e Event: TestCaseAdded(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0xee98ab51f1b2deb513f7d566afe80914653b9e8700972ae0eecd50b98cfcec45 Event: Approved(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0xfe211fdba31ae2d6517e65a9d1b872aa3e940515dd0d5274966f1e62d4115a4a Event: UpForSale(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x17f0142cc1718eb4000c93286f4f85e1f60c7ef8fb10510808bb3fa7d94ffbd0 Event: DrugDesignPurchased(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x1da58fb507fcede335aff9fc0d9c5569b7f978c5f500ac799d0482cefc0c7adc Event: UpForPartnered(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x746b585b05eb12179d057782f3f4c70804f9731bce51f9176e28cd146444b563 Event: PartnerGained(udpc: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x9cef61bda00f131dc8bcf62194d2f4f9ad653a71ff0c25cff8411e7fc65eab2d Event: Manufactured(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x8a2955c52b3b14460c88c65e7e8120727596185c58de3a251b31ff97f6989cbb Event: Packed(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x6e17ca02969f56b4616d46de7a749718135603d56cf12ffdc28cef5cad1d4b61 Event: ForSale(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x9e636dedf508696cb119e38bdf48bb9a061a43f1097e04fd9f5d247eb5432bd0 Event: Sold(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x1f0a0411198bed268ef9d950bf4dda5a096ee40cab3b77a77a2fd2f2b8897013 Event: Shipped(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x1334ed469804dc86c7d31b3d604d717cf1a76791e1ec788c91f568c7149dd854 Event: EnvUpdated(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x9f36d10f6a954551e20791ecd55cef1de11c56a683f8e4e3bdb18177f9574118 Event: EnvUpdated(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0x3d9d3432bd21624487025d6e6f888509a324373d959e4562154b72fdee2273b3 Event: Received(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0xd3a92744f4f0c976cc71ee229c78edda21e3b58e92a9d086c2d247b7af63ccff Event: EnvUpdated(slu: 1 )
- Transaction Hash: 0xaa132d3cbd49bff3c623f92acb11d3a078f1d8c5da0e7aa8c365f4bde80c8fb6 Event: Purchased(pku: 1 )
- Drug Design Data: currentOwner: 0x65F97478AEB4b634Cc2F8399a6c9d6Ec5eCDB866, designerId: 0x5F3383cA12B053fD3254b358794Fc761DD961721, designerName: Eli Lilly, drugName: Nabilone, currentState: Approved, forSale: true, salePrice: 2000000000000000000, partnershipState: Open, partnershipShares: 85, numberOfTests: 2, numberOfManufacturers: 1,
- Drugs Load Data: quantity: 50, _udpc: 1, state: Received, currentOwner: 0x0D3271dc3cb54E9e20092Db0b60B07cEB1de62a4, manufacturerId: 0x5F3383cA12B053fD3254b358794Fc761DD961721, deistributorId: 0x0D3271dc3cb54E9e20092Db0b60B07cEB1de62a4, retailerId: 0x65F97478AEB4b634Cc2F8399a6c9d6Ec5eCDB866, price: 100000000000000000,
- Drug Item Data: _udpc: 1, _slu: 1, state: Purchased, currentOwner: 0x0D3271dc3cb54E9e20092Db0b60B07cEB1de62a4, manufacturerId: 0x5F3383cA12B053fD3254b358794Fc761DD961721, deistributorId: 0x0D3271dc3cb54E9e20092Db0b60B07cEB1de62a4, retailerId: 0x65F97478AEB4b634Cc2F8399a6c9d6Ec5eCDB866, price: 100000000000000000, packingTimeStamp: 1552331048, numberOfupdate: 3, timeStamps: 1552331363,1552331408,1552331498, temprtures: 33,22,33, humiditys: 22,11,19, updaterAddresses: 0x0D3271dc3cb54E9e20092Db0b60B07cEB1de62a4,0x5F3383cA12B053fD3254b358794Fc761DD961721,0x65F97478AEB4b634Cc2F8399a6c9d6Ec5eCDB866,
- Udacity
- Ethereum - Ethereum is a decentralized platform that runs smart contracts.
- Truffle - development environment, testing framework and asset pipeline for blockchains using the Ethereum Virtual Machine (EVM).
- OpenZeppelin - A library for secure smart contract development. It provides implementations of standards like ERC20 and Ownable.
- React - A library for secure smart contract development. It provides implementations of standards like ERC20 and Ownable.
- OpenZeppelin - A library for secure smart contract development. It provides implementations of standards like ERC20 and Ownable.