To run this tutorial first clone the ACLIM2 repository to your local drive:
This set of commands, run within R, downloads the ACLIM2 repository and
unpacks it, with the ACLIM2 directory structrue being located in the
specified download_path
. This also performs the folder renaming
mentioned in Option 2.
# Specify the download directory
main_nm <- "ACLIM2"
# Note: Edit download_path for preference
download_path <- path.expand("~")
dest_fldr <- file.path(download_path,main_nm)
url <- ""
dest_file <- file.path(download_path,paste0(main_nm,".zip"))
download.file(url=url, destfile=dest_file)
# unzip the .zip file (manually unzip if this doesn't work)
unzip (dest_file, exdir = download_path,overwrite = T)
#rename the unzipped folder from ACLIM2-main to ACLIM2
file.rename(paste0(main_nm,"-main"), main_nm)
# Caption: Timeseries of season Aug East Bering Sea bottom temp or 400m temp (which ever is shallower) for the 1955-2099 period. The simulations are forced using historical emission (1955 to 2014) and SSP1-2.6 scenario for future projection (2015 to 2099). A 1-year running mean is applied. Figures show, in colors, CESM2-WACCM ensemble mean, in light grey, the spread of all the CMIP6 models, and in medium grey, and dark grey, 80% and 50% the spread of all the CMIP6 members, respectively. Left panel shows the mean values and right panel shows the anomalies relative to the 1980-2013 climatology.
Download the full zip archive directly from the ACLIM2 Repo using this link:, and unzip its contents while preserving directory structure.
Important! If downloading from zip, please rename the root
folder from ACLIM2-main
(in the zipfile) to ACLIM2
(name used in
cloned copies) after unzipping, for consistency in the following
Your final folder structure should look like this:
If you have git installed and can work with it, this is the preferred method as it preserves all directory structure and can aid in future updating. Use this from a terminal command line, not in R, to clone the full ACLIM2 directory and sub-directories:
git clone
Go to the google drive and download the zipped file with the R ACLIM2 indices
: -
00_ACLIM_shared > 02_Data > Newest_Data(use this) > unzip_and_put_in_dat_out_folder_CMIP6
00_ACLIM_shared > 02_Data > Newest_Data(use this) > unzip_and_put_in_dat_out_folder_CMIP5
files move theK29P19_CMIP5
folders to your local folderACLIM2/Data/out
. The result should be the following folder structure on your local computer: -
: main folder with annual, monthly, seasonal, and survey replicated level 4 ACLIM indices -
: Weekly x Strata based indices, including delta and bias corrected values (these are “rolled up” to become strata AREA weighted mean vals in the allEBSmeans folder). -
: Survey replicated indices at each station, including delta and bias corrected values (these are “rolled up” to become average across station mean vals in the allEBSmeans folder). -
: as above but for CMIP5
Open R() and used ‘setwd()’ to navigate to the root ACLIM2 folder (.e.g, ~/mydocuments/ACLIM2)
# set the workspace to your local ACLIM2 folder
# e.g., "/Users/kholsman/Documents/GitHub/ACLIM2"
# setwd( path.expand("~/Documents/GitHub/ACLIM2") )
# --------------------------------------
tmstp <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y_%m_%d")
main <- getwd() #"~/GitHub_new/ACLIM2"
# loads packages, data, setup, etc.
## ------------------------------
## ALIM2/R/setup.R settings
## ------------------------------
## data_path : D:/romsnpz/roms_for_public
## Rdata_path : D:/romsnpz/2022_10_17_Rdata/roms_for_public
## redownload_level3_mox: FALSE
## update.figs : FALSE
## load_gis : FALSE
## update.outputs : TRUE
## update.figs : FALSE
## dpiIN : 150
## update.figs : FALSE
## ------------------------------
## ------------------------------
## The following datasets are public, please cite as Hermann et al. 2019 (v.H16) and Kearney et al. 2020 (v.K20) :
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_BIO_rcp85
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp45
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp85
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_BIO_rcp85
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp45
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp85
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_MIROC_rcp45
## B10K-H16_CMIP5_MIROC_rcp85
## The following datasets are still under embargo, please do not share outside of ACLIM:
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_cesm_historical
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_cesm_ssp126
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_cesm_ssp585
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_gfdl_historical
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_gfdl_ssp126
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_gfdl_ssp585
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc_historical
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc_ssp126
## B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc_ssp585
The ACLIM2 github repository contains R code and Rdata files for working with netcdf-format data generated from the downscaled ROMSNPZ modeling of the ROMSNPZ Bering Sea Ocean Modeling team; Drs. Hermann, Cheng, Kearney, Pilcher,Ortiz, and Aydin. The code and R resources described in this tutorial are maintained by Kirstin Holsman as part of NOAA’s ACLIM project for the Bering Sea. See Hollowed et al. 2020 for more information about the ACLIM project.
This document provides an overview of accessing, plotting, and creating bias corrected indices for ACLIM2 based on CMIP6 (embargoed for ACLIM2 users until 2023) and CMIP5 (publicly available) simulations. This guide assumes analyses will take place in R() and that users have access to the data folder within the ACLIM2 shared drive. For more information also see the full tutorial (“GettingStarted_Bering10K_ROMSNPZ” available at the bottom of this repo page.
Important! A few key things to know before getting started are detailed below. Please review this information before getting started.
Important! ACLIM1 CMIP5 and ACLIM2 CMIP5 and CMIP6 datasets use different base models.
There are two versions of the ROMSNPZ model:
- ACLIM1 an older 10-depth layer model used for CMIP5 (“H-16”)
- ACLIM2 a new 30-depth layer model used for CMIP6 (“K20” or “K20P19”)
The models are not directly comparable, therefore the projections should be bias corrected and recentered to baselines of hindcasts of each model (forced by “observed” climate conditions). i.e. CMIP5 and CMIP6 have corresponding hindcasts:
- Hindcast for CMIP5 “H19” –> H16_CORECFS
- Hindcast for CMIP5 “K20P19” –> H16_CORECFS
- Hindcast for CMIP6 “K20P19” –> K20_CORECFS
In addition for CMIP6 “historical” runs are available for bias correcting. We will use those below.
For a list of the available simulations for ACLIM enter the following in R():
# list of the climate scenarios
## sim_list
## 1 B10K-K20_CORECFS
## 2 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_BIO_rcp85
## 3 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp45
## 4 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp85
## 5 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_BIO_rcp85
## 6 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp45
## 7 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp85
## 8 B10K-H16_CMIP5_MIROC_rcp45
## 9 B10K-H16_CMIP5_MIROC_rcp85
## 10 B10K-H16_CORECFS
## 11 B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_CESM_rcp45
## 12 B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_CESM_rcp85
## 13 B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp45
## 14 B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp85
## 15 B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_MIROC_rcp45
## 16 B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_MIROC_rcp85
## 17 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_cesm_historical
## 18 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_cesm_ssp126
## 19 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_cesm_ssp585
## 20 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_gfdl_historical
## 21 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_gfdl_ssp126
## 22 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_gfdl_ssp585
## 23 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc_historical
## 24 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc_ssp126
## 25 B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc_ssp585
For a list of the available variables from the ROMSNPZ:
# Metadata for variables
## name
## 6 Ben
## 7 DetBen
## 8 Hsbl
## 9 IceNH4
## 10 IceNO3
## 11 IcePhL
## 12 aice
## 13 hice
## 14 shflux
## 15 ssflux
## 16 Cop_integrated
## 17 Cop_surface5m
## 18 EupO_integrated
## 19 EupO_surface5m
## 20 EupS_integrated
## 21 EupS_surface5m
## 22 Iron_bottom5m
## 23 Iron_integrated
## 24 Iron_surface5m
## 25 Jel_integrated
## 26 Jel_surface5m
## 27 MZL_integrated
## 28 MZL_surface5m
## 29 NCaO_integrated
## 30 NCaO_surface5m
## 31 NCaS_integrated
## 32 NCaS_surface5m
## 33 NH4_bottom5m
## 34 NH4_integrated
## 35 NH4_surface5m
## 36 NO3_bottom5m
## 37 NO3_integrated
## 38 NO3_surface5m
## 39 PhL_integrated
## 40 PhL_surface5m
## 41 PhS_integrated
## 42 PhS_surface5m
## 43 prod_Cop_integrated
## 44 prod_EupO_integrated
## 45 prod_EupS_integrated
## 46 prod_Eup_integrated
## 47 prod_Jel_integrated
## 48 prod_MZL_integrated
## 49 prod_NCaO_integrated
## 50 prod_NCaS_integrated
## 51 prod_NCa_integrated
## 52 prod_PhL_integrated
## 53 prod_PhS_integrated
## 54 salt_surface5m
## 55 temp_bottom5m
## 56 temp_integrated
## 57 temp_surface5m
## 58 uEast_bottom5m
## 59 uEast_surface5m
## 60 vNorth_bottom5m
## 61 vNorth_surface5m
## units
## 6 mg C m^-2
## 7 mg C m^-2
## 8 meter
## 9 mmol N m^-3
## 10 mmol N m^-3
## 11 mg C m^-3
## 12
## 13 meter
## 14 watt meter-2
## 15 meter second-1
## 16 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 17 mg C m^-3
## 18 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 19 mg C m^-3
## 20 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 21 mg C m^-3
## 22 micromol Fe m-3
## 23 (micromol Fe m-3)*m
## 24 micromol Fe m-3
## 25 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 26 mg C m^-3
## 27 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 28 mg C m^-3
## 29 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 30 mg C m^-3
## 31 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 32 mg C m^-3
## 33 mmol N m^-3
## 34 (mmol N m^-3)*m
## 35 mmol N m^-3
## 36 mmol N m^-3
## 37 (mmol N m^-3)*m
## 38 mmol N m^-3
## 39 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 40 mg C m^-3
## 41 (mg C m^-3)*m
## 42 mg C m^-3
## 43 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 44 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 45 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 46 (milligram carbon meter-3 d-1)*m
## 47 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 48 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 49 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 50 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 51 (milligram carbon meter-3 d-1)*m
## 52 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 53 mg C m^-2 d^-1
## 54
## 55 Celsius
## 56 (Celsius)*m
## 57 Celsius
## 58 meter second-1
## 59 meter second-1
## 60 meter second-1
## 61 meter second-1
## longname
## 6 Benthic infauna concentration
## 7 Benthic detritus concentration
## 8 depth of oceanic surface boundary layer
## 9 Ice ammonium concentration
## 10 Ice nitrate concentration
## 11 Ice algae concentration
## 12 fraction of cell covered by ice
## 13 average ice thickness in cell
## 14 surface net heat flux
## 15 surface net salt flux, (E-P)*SALT
## 16 Small copepod concentration, integrated over depth
## 17 Small copepod concentration, surface 5m mean
## 18 Offshore euphausiid concentration, integrated over depth
## 19 Offshore euphausiid concentration, surface 5m mean
## 20 On-shelf euphausiid concentration, integrated over depth
## 21 On-shelf euphausiid concentration, surface 5m mean
## 22 iron concentration, bottom 5m mean
## 23 iron concentration, integrated over depth
## 24 iron concentration, surface 5m mean
## 25 Jellyfish concentration, integrated over depth
## 26 Jellyfish concentration, surface 5m mean
## 27 Microzooplankton concentration, integrated over depth
## 28 Microzooplankton concentration, surface 5m mean
## 29 Offshore large copepod concentration, integrated over depth
## 30 Offshore large copepod concentration, surface 5m mean
## 31 On-shelf large copepod concentration, integrated over depth
## 32 On-shelf large copepod concentration, surface 5m mean
## 33 Ammonium concentration, bottom 5m mean
## 34 Ammonium concentration, integrated over depth
## 35 Ammonium concentration, surface 5m mean
## 36 Nitrate concentration, bottom 5m mean
## 37 Nitrate concentration, integrated over depth
## 38 Nitrate concentration, surface 5m mean
## 39 Large phytoplankton concentration, integrated over depth
## 40 Large phytoplankton concentration, surface 5m mean
## 41 Small phytoplankton concentration, integrated over depth
## 42 Small phytoplankton concentration, surface 5m mean
## 43 Cop net production rate, summed over depth
## 44 EupO net production rate, summed over depth
## 45 EupS net production rate, summed over depth
## 46 secondary production Euphausiids, integrated over depth
## 47 Jel net production rate, summed over depth
## 48 MZL net production rate, summed over depth
## 49 NCaO net production rate, summed over depth
## 50 NCaS net production rate, summed over depth
## 51 secondary production Neocalanus, integrated over depth
## 52 PhL net production rate, summed over depth
## 53 PhS net production rate, summed over depth
## 54 salinity, surface 5m mean
## 55 potential temperature, bottom 5m mean
## 56 potential temperature, integrated over depth
## 57 potential temperature, surface 5m mean
## 58 u-momentum component, geo-rotated, bottom 5m mean
## 59 u-momentum component, geo-rotated, surface 5m mean
## 60 v-momentum component, geo-rotated, bottom 5m mean
## 61 v-momentum component, geo-rotated, surface 5m mean
Important! There are 2 types of post-processed data available for use in ACLIM.
The ROMSNPZ team has developed a process to provide standardized post-processed outputs from the large (and non-intuitive) ROMSNPZ grid. These have been characterized as:
- Level 1 (original ROMSNPZ U,V, grid, not rotated or corrected)
- Level 2 (lat long bi-weekly high res versions, shouldn’t be needed and are difficult to work with)
- **Level 3 indices (depth corrected and area weighted means for each
model variable; i.e., what we will mostly use) **
- “ACLIMsurveyrep_”: groundifsh survey replicated (replicated in space and time)
- “ACLIMregion_”: weekly strata based averages
To get more information about each of these level 3 datasets enter this in R:
# Metadata for Weekly ("ACLIMregion_...") indices
## name
## 1 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_BIO_rcp85
## 2 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp45
## 3 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp85
## 4 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_BIO_rcp85
## 5 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp45
## 6 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp85
## Type B10KVersion CMIP
## 1 Weekly regional indices H16 CMIP5
## 2 Weekly regional indices H16 CMIP5
## 3 Weekly regional indices H16 CMIP5
## 4 Weekly regional indices H16 CMIP5
## 5 Weekly regional indices H16 CMIP5
## 6 Weekly regional indices H16 CMIP5
## GCM BIO Carbon_scenario
## 1 CESM TRUE rcp85
## 2 CESM FALSE rcp45
## 3 CESM FALSE rcp85
## 4 GFDL TRUE rcp85
## 5 GFDL FALSE rcp45
## 6 GFDL FALSE rcp85
## Start End nvars
## 1 2006-01-22 12:00:00 2099-12-27 12:00:00 59
## 2 2006-01-22 12:00:00 2081-02-16 12:00:00 59
## 3 2006-01-22 12:00:00 2099-12-27 12:00:00 59
## 4 2006-01-22 12:00:00 2099-12-27 12:00:00 59
## 5 2006-01-22 12:00:00 2099-12-27 12:00:00 59
## 6 2006-01-22 12:00:00 2099-12-27 12:00:00 59
# Metadata for Weekly ("ACLIMsurveyrep_...") indices
## name
## 1 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_BIO_rcp85
## 2 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp45
## 3 B10K-H16_CMIP5_CESM_rcp85
## 4 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_BIO_rcp85
## 5 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp45
## 6 B10K-H16_CMIP5_GFDL_rcp85
## Type B10KVersion CMIP GCM
## 1 Survey replicated H16 CMIP5 CESM
## 2 Survey replicated H16 CMIP5 CESM
## 3 Survey replicated H16 CMIP5 CESM
## 4 Survey replicated H16 CMIP5 GFDL
## 5 Survey replicated H16 CMIP5 GFDL
## 6 Survey replicated H16 CMIP5 GFDL
## BIO Carbon_scenario Start End nvars
## 1 TRUE rcp85 1970 2100 60
## 2 FALSE rcp45 1970 2100 60
## 3 FALSE rcp85 1970 2100 60
## 4 TRUE rcp85 1970 2100 60
## 5 FALSE rcp45 1970 2100 60
## 6 FALSE rcp85 1970 2100 60
We recommend using the ‘mn_val’ column in the hindcast and either the ‘val_biascorrected’ or ‘val_delta’ column for projections.
use val_biascorrected’ or ‘val_delta’?
This will depend in part on the index and scale you are working at. For fine scale (weekly strata, or station specific, or finer) we recommend using the ‘val_delta’, i.e., the delta method. For the ACLIM2 spring sprint we are recommending the ‘val_biascorrected’ in order to align modeling output.
However,at the larger pooled scales there is very little difference between the two but a sensitivity analysis may be needed to determine if the choice makes a profound difference in projections. Following an in depth analysis of the effects of bias correction at the finer scales of model output we found that bias correction via the Ho et al. method can result in artifacts that impact final indices in unsatisfactory ways. The effects do not emerge as frequently when data are pooled at the annual or basin-wide scale but do occur at finer scales, especially when areas or time-period have values in the hindcast but the corresponding historical runs have only small values, resulting in amplification that is not found in the raw projection to historical time-series comparison. However the Ho et al. approach is better at re-scaling variance between projections and the hindcast, and preserves a more parsimonious variance structure in projections. Whereas, the delta method assumes equal variance between the hindcast and projection models (during the overlapping reference years 1980:2013 when overall variance should match) and does do not adjust projections if the corresponding historical variance is larger or smaller than the hindcast sigma. Applying the delta method adjustment at the smallest possible resolution of the indices (weekly or by station) minimizes the effects of superimposing the variance structure of the historical time-series on the projection.
The average weekly strata value per or the average station value (for survey replicated indices) across the reference years 1980-2013 were calculated for the hindcast and corresponding historical runs to determine the mean hindcast and mean historical values for bias correction; ‘mn_hind’ and ‘mn_hist’, respectively. We used the mgcv package to smooth weekly values ‘mgcv::gam(…bs=“cc”)’) across all reference years to remove artifacts (e.g. divide by 0) in the average (Ȳw, khin**d and Ȳw, khis**t) and variance (σw, khis**t and σw, khin**d) terms were predicted from the gam (without error; example for Ȳw, khin**d):
Ȳw, khin**d = μ + s(w,k=.8n) + ϵ and ϵ ∼ N(0,σ)
Important! Note: the delta adjustment and the bias corrections were done on “raw” values which in some cases results in negative values (or <0 or >1 for proportion variables like ‘aice’). For these variables, values <0 were set to 0, >1 set to 1 as needed after (delta) bias correction.
Raw (top row) and bias corrected (bottom row)bottom temperature indices based on survey replicated Level3 outputs for the SEBSACLIM2 Indices correction methods
###Delta method The next step creates ACLIM2 indices (i.e., Level4)
based on the Level3 output for each hindcast, historical run, and CMIP6
projection. The script below delta adjusts or bias corrects each
projected index using the corresponding historical run. (such that
projections are Δ from historical mean values for the reference period
deltayrs <- 1980:2013
Important! Note that for projections the ‘mn_val’ represents raw mean values, while ‘val_delta’ and ‘val_biascorrected’ are the adjusted values using scaling factor of 1 or SD_hind/SD_hist on a weekly basis (respectively).
Delta method correction was done on “raw” values which in some cases results in negative values (or <0 or >1 for proportion variables like ‘aice’). For these variables, values <0 were set to 0, >1 set to 1 as needed after the delta adjustment. Delta method adjustments were conducted at the weekly level for strata specific data and at the station level for survey replicated indices:
Such that (Y): Yt, kfut′ = Ȳk, T̄hin**d + (Yt, kfut−Ȳk, T̄his**t)
where Ȳy, kfut′ is the bias corrected variable k value for time-step t (e.g., year, month, or season), Ȳk, T̄hin**d is the mean value of the variable k during the reference period T̄ = [1980,2013] from the hindcast model, σk, T̄hin**d is the standard deviation of the hindcast during the reference period T̄, σk, T̄his**t is the standard deviation of the historical run during tje reference period, Yt, kfut is the value of the variable from the projection at time-step t and Ȳk, T̄his**t is the average value from the historical run during reference period T̄.
###Bias correction
Bias correction was done on “raw” values which in some cases results in negative values (or <0 or >1 for proportion variables like ‘aice’). For these variables, values <0 were set to 0, >1 set to 1 as needed after bias correction. Bias correction adjustments were conducted at the weekly level for strata specific data and at the station level for survey replicated indices:
Such that (Y):
where Ȳy, kfut′ is the bias corrected variable k value for time-step t (e.g., year, month, or season), Ȳk, T̄hin**d is the mean value of the variable k during the reference period T̄ = [1980,2013] from the hindcast model, σk, T̄hin**d is the standard deviation of the hindcast during the reference period T̄, σk, T̄his**t is the standard deviation of the historical run during tje reference period, Yt, kfut is the value of the variable from the projection at time-step t and Ȳk, T̄his**t is the average value from the historical run during reference period T̄.
For log-normally distributed variables(Y):
Uses the strata x weekly data (‘ACLIMregion’) to generate strata-specific averages in order to generate the strata area-weighted averages for each week w each year y.
Ȳw, y, k was calculated for the hindcast, historical run, and projection time-series.
Projections Ȳk, y, w were bias corrected using the Ho et al. 2019 method and corresponding historical and hindcast values such that (and a scaling factor dependent on the variance of each):
Projections Ȳk, y, w were also delta corrected (assuming a scaling factor = 1) using the corresponding historical and hindcast values such that:
The average water column values for each variable from the ROMSNPZ model strata x weekly Level2 outputs (‘ACLIMregion’) were calculated and used to calculate the strata-area weighted mean value for the NEBS and SEBS weekly, monthly, seasonally, and annually. Similarly, for survey replicated (‘ACLIMsurveyrep’) Level2 outputs the average water column value for each variable at each station was calculated used to calculate the strata-area weighted mean value for the NEBS and SEBS annually. These indices were calculate for hindcast, historical, and projection scenarios, and used to bias correct the projections. More information on the methods for each can be found in the tabs below and the code in Appendix A following this section will re-generate the bias corrected indices. All of the bias corrected outputs can be found in the “Data/out/K20P19_CMIP6” folder.
The same approach was applied to the weekly strata data such that weekly strata values were calculated as:
).Where the mean and variance terms were
smoothed at the weekly and strata level (i.e.,
Ȳw, khin**d
was predicted from the following gam() without error)
Ȳk, s, whin**d = μ + s(w,k=.8n) + ϵ and ϵ ∼ N(0,σ)
Delta corrected copepods using gam smoothed historical and hindcast climatology Bias corrected copepods using gam smoothed historical and hindcast climatologyUsing the bias corrected weekly or strata x weekly indices, we then generated monthly indices for each month m each year y.
for area weighted SEBS and NEBS bias corrected values. Similarly we used
the following for monthly strata values:
similarly NEBS and SEBS monthly averages and strata monthly averages for the hindcast were calculated as:
Using the bias corrected weekly or strata x weekly indices, we then generated seasonal indices for each season l each year y.
for area weighted SEBS and NEBS bias corrected values. Similarly we used
the following for seasonal strata values:
similarly NEBS and SEBS seasonal averages and strata seasonal averages for the hindcast were calculated as:
Using the bias corrected weekly or strata x weekly indices, we then generated seasonal indices for each year y.
for area weighted SEBS and NEBS bias corrected values. Similarly we used
the following for annual strata values:
similarly NEBS and SEBS annual averages and strata annual averages for the hindcast were calculated as:
Uses the station specific survey replicated (in time and space) data (‘ACLIMsurveyrep’) to generate strata-specific averages in order to generate the strata area-weighted averages for each year y.
Ȳy, k was calculated for the hindcast, historical run, and projection time-series. For projections Ȳy, k was bias corrected using the corresponding historical and hindcast values such that:
Appendix A includes the code used to generate the ACLIM2 indices and bias correct them. That code can be run to re-make the indices if you like but takes approx 30 mins a CMIP to run.
The following code will open an interactive shiny() app for exploring the indices. You can also view this online at ([].
# alternatively you can extract the data you want using the get_var()function
df <- get_var(typeIN = "annual",plotvar = "temp_bottom5m",plothist = F)
scens <- c("ssp126", "ssp585")
GCMs <- c("miroc", "gfdl", "cesm" )
# get the variable you want:
df <- get_var( typeIN = "annual",
plotvar = "temp_bottom5m",
bcIN = c("raw","bias corrected"),
CMIPIN = c("K20P19_CMIP5","K20P19_CMIP6"),
plothist = T, # ignore the hist runs
removeyr1 = T) # "Remove first year of projection ( burn in)")
df$plot+coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 10))
# concat the hind and fut runs by removing years from projection
stitchDate <- "2020-12-30"
newdat <- stitchTS(dat = df$dat,
maxD = stitchDate)
# newdat has the full set of data
# select miroc_ssp126
pp <- plotTS(newdat%>%mutate(mn_val=val_use) )
# plot it interactively
The target indices for NRS include cold pool, bottom temperature, wind, SEBS and NEBS, during the growing season (May-August)
*Cold pool (1.5degC)coverage in the northern nursery area based on
summer bottom trawl survey data. Northern nursery area is approx strata
10& 20, however these are likely correlated with overall coldpool so we
used the annual cp index.
*Winds in the northern nursery area during the larval draft period
(April1-June30) Cooper et al. 2019.
*pH in the spawning grounds during Jan – March.
*Summer (May-August) SST and BT in the SEBS
Hindcast values from 1970-2019 were stitched the operational hindcast (2019-2022) and ACLIM projections from 2022-2100 to generate the indices for CMIP5 and CMIP6.
# to access these scripts go to
# preview possible variables
varall <- unique(ACLIM_monthly_hind$var)
scens <- c("ssp126","ssp585")
GCMs <- c("miroc","gfdl", "cesm" )
varlist <- c("temp_bottom5m","fracbelow2","uEast_surface5m")
# get the variable you want:
df <- get_var( typeIN = "annual",
CMIPIN = "K20P19_CMIP6",
plotvar = "uEast_surface5m",
bcIN = "bias corrected",
plotbasin = c("SEBS"),
GCMIN = c("miroc" ,"gfdl" , "cesm" ),
plothist = F, # ignore the hist runs
removeyr1 = T) #"Remove first year of projection ( burn in)")
df <- get_var( typeIN = "monthly",
CMIPIN = "K20P19_CMIP6",
monthIN = 2,
plotvar = "temp_bottom5m",
bcIN = "bias corrected",
plothist = F, # ignore the hist runs
removeyr1 = T) #"Remove first year of projection ( burn in)")
# concat the hind and fut runs by removing years from projection
maxDin <- max(as.vector(df$dat%>%dplyr::filter(sim_type=="hind")%>%
newdat <- stitchTS(dat = df$dat,
maxD = maxDin)
# newdat has the full set of data
# select miroc_ssp126
newdat$mn_val <- newdat$val_delta
newdat$units <- ""
pp <- ggplot(newdat)+
geom_line(aes(x=mnDate,y=mn_val,color= GCM_scen, linetype = basin),
alpha = 0.6,show.legend = FALSE)+
geom_smooth(aes(x=mnDate,y=mn_val,color= GCM_scen,
fill=GCM_scen,linetype = basin),alpha=0.1,
method="loess",formula='y ~ x',span = .5,show.legend=T)+
theme_minimal() +
subtitle = "",
legend = "",
title = paste(newdat$var[1],"(",newdat$basin[1],",",newdat$type[1],")"))+
# plot it interactively
# preview possible variables
varall <- unique(ACLIM_weekly_hind$var)
scens <- c("ssp126","ssp585")
GCMs <- c("miroc","gfdl", "cesm" )
varlist <- c("temp_bottom5m","fracbelow2","uEast_surface5m")
# get the variable you want:
df <- get_var( typeIN = "weekly",
plotvar = "temp_bottom5m",
bcIN = "bias corrected",
plothist = F, # ignore the hist runs
removeyr1 = T) #"Remove first year of projection ( burn in)")
ggplot(df$dat%>%filter(basin=="SEBS"))+ geom_line(aes(x=jday, y= mn_val, color=factor(year)))+facet_wrap(GCM_scen_sim~.)
# concat the hind and fut runs by removing years from projection
maxDin <- max(as.vector(df$dat%>%dplyr::filter(sim_type=="hind")%>%dplyr::select(mnDate))[[1]])
newdat <- stitchTS(dat = df$dat,
maxD = maxDin)
# newdat has the full set of data
# select miroc_ssp126
pp <- ggplot(newdat)+
geom_line(aes(x=mnDate,y=mn_val,color= GCM_scen, linetype = basin),
alpha = 0.6,show.legend = FALSE)+
geom_smooth(aes(x=mnDate,y=mn_val,color= GCM_scen,
fill=GCM_scen,linetype = basin),alpha=0.1,
method="loess",formula='y ~ x',span = .5,show.legend=T)+
theme_minimal() +
subtitle = "",
legend = "",
title = paste(newdat$var[1],"(",newdat$basin[1],",",newdat$type[1],")"))+
# plot it
# plot it interactively
- temperature_surface5m for months 9:10 and strata 70 & 71
- NW direction for months 5:6 and strata 71
- temperature_surface5m for months 7:10 and strata 90,61,62
# loads packages, data, setup, etc.
suppressMessages( suppressWarnings(source("R/make.R")))
# get the variable you want:
df <- get_var( typeIN = "monthly",
monthIN = 9:10,
plotvar = "temp_bottom5m",
bcIN = c("raw","bias corrected"),
CMIPIN = "K20P19_CMIP6",
plothist = T, # ignore the hist runs
removeyr1 = T) # "Remove first year of projection ( burn in)")
df$plot+coord_cartesian(ylim = c(0, 7))
# concat the hind and fut runs by removing years from projection
stitchDate <- "2020-12-30"
newdat <- stitchTS(dat = df$dat,
maxD = stitchDate)
# newdat has the full set of data
# select miroc_ssp126
pp <- plotTS(newdat )
# now jump down to make .dat file
# setwd("D:/GitHub_cloud/ACLIM2")
# loads packages, data, setup, etc.
suppressMessages( suppressWarnings(source("R/make.R")))
# load the strata x weekly bias corrected values ("fut") for each gcm in the cmip6
cmipfldr <- "K20P19_CMIP6"
gcmcmipL <- c("B10K-K20P19_CMIP6_miroc",
i<- 0
for(scen in c("ssp126","ssp585")){
for (gcmcmip in gcmcmipL){
i <- i+ 1
cat(" -- loading ", gcmcmip, " ",scen,"\n")
# extract gcm and cmip:
mod <- (strsplit(gcmcmip,"_")[[1]])[1]
CMIP <- strsplit(gcmcmip,"_")[[1]][2]
GCM <- strsplit(gcmcmip,"_")[[1]][3]
# can be either ssp 126 or 585, the hist is only specific to the gcm (eg. cesm)
load(file.path("Data/out",cmipfldr,"BC_ACLIMregion", paste0("ACLIMregion_",gcmcmip,"_",scen,"_BC_fut.Rdata")))
# grab the mean strata x weekly values for bias correcting the grid
sub_BC <- fut%>%
dplyr::select(sim, var, season,mo,wk,lognorm, basin, strata, mnVal_hind,mnVal_hist,sf_wk)%>%
dplyr::distinct(sim, var, season,mo,wk,lognorm, basin, strata, mnVal_hind,mnVal_hist,sf_wk, .keep_all= TRUE)%>%
mutate(GCM = GCM, CMIP=CMIP, mod = mod,scen =scen)%>%ungroup()
#dplyr::summarize_at(c("mnVal_hind", "mnVal_hist","sf_wk"), mean, na.rm=T)
if(i ==1){
mnVal_lookup <- sub_BC
mnVal_lookup <- rbind(mnVal_lookup,sub_BC)
# check that there are 3 gcms x 2 scens:, vals are the same for both scens within a gcm:
mnVal_lookup%>%filter(strata == 70,var=="aice", wk==1)
# save the lookup table:
fl <- file.path("Data/out",cmipfldr,"mnVal_lookup")
nm <- paste(cmipfldr,"_BC_mnVal_lookup.Rdata",sep="_")
# now for CMIP5
# load the strata x weekly bias corrected values ("fut") for each gcm in the cmip6
cmipfldr <- "K20P19_CMIP5"
gcmcmipL <- c("B10K-K20P19_CMIP5_MIROC",
i<- 0
for(scen in c("rcp45","rcp85")){
for (gcmcmip in gcmcmipL){
i <- i+ 1
cat(" -- loading ", gcmcmip, " ",scen)
# extract gcm and cmip:
mod <- (strsplit(gcmcmip,"_")[[1]])[1]
CMIP <- strsplit(gcmcmip,"_")[[1]][2]
GCM <- strsplit(gcmcmip,"_")[[1]][3]
# can be either ssp 126 or 585, the hist is only specific to the gcm (eg. cesm)
load(file.path("Data/out",cmipfldr,"BC_ACLIMregion", paste0("ACLIMregion_",gcmcmip,"_",scen,"_BC_fut.Rdata")))
# grab the mean strata x weekly values for bias correcting the grid
sub_BC <- fut%>%
dplyr::select(sim, var, season,mo,wk,lognorm, basin, strata, mnVal_hind,mnVal_hist,sf_wk)%>%
dplyr::distinct(sim, var, season,mo,wk,lognorm, basin, strata, mnVal_hind,mnVal_hist,sf_wk, .keep_all= TRUE)%>%
mutate(GCM = GCM, CMIP=CMIP, mod = mod,scen =scen)%>%ungroup()
#dplyr::summarize_at(c("mnVal_hind", "mnVal_hist","sf_wk"), mean, na.rm=T)
if(i ==1){
mnVal_lookup <- sub_BC
mnVal_lookup <- rbind(mnVal_lookup,sub_BC)
# check that there are 3 gcms:
mnVal_lookup%>%filter(strata == 70,var=="aice", wk==1)
# save the lookup table:
fl <- file.path("Data/out",cmipfldr,"mnVal_lookup")
nm <- paste(cmipfldr,"_BC_mnVal_lookup.Rdata",sep="_")
Now with the lookup tables generated, combine with the cell by cell data and bias correct:
# setwd("D:/GitHub_cloud/ACLIM2")
# loads packages, data, setup, etc.
suppressMessages( suppressWarnings(source("R/make.R")))
# load the strata x weekly bias corrected values ("fut") for each gcm in the cmip6
cmipfldr <- "K20P19_CMIP6"
fl <- file.path("Data/out",cmipfldr,"bc_mnVals")
nm <- paste(cmipfldr,"_BC_mnVal_lookup.Rdata",sep="_")
load(file.path(fl,nm)) # load mnVal_lookup
# some dummy data
liz_dat <- data.frame(var ="aice",
mn_val = inv.logit(rnorm(200,0, .4)),
strata = factor(70,levels = levels(mnVal_lookup$strata)),
cell = 1:200,
time = as.Date("1982-04-23"))
liz_dat <- liz_dat%>%
dplyr::mutate(tmptt =strptime(as.Date(time),format="%Y-%m-%d"))%>%
yr = date_fun(tmptt,type="yr"), # first get week to match lookup
mo = date_fun(tmptt,type="mo"),
jday = date_fun(tmptt,type="jday"),
season = date_fun(tmptt,type="season"),
wk = date_fun(tmptt,type="wk"))%>%select(-"tmptt")%>%
left_join(mnVal_lookup) # now merge with lookup:
# Now bias correct based on which normlist val to use:
log_adj <- 1e-4
roundn <- 5
stop("bias_correct_new_strata: problem with lognorm, must be 'none', 'log' or 'logit' for each var")
x[x==0] <- 1
x[x==Inf] <- 1
# normally distrib values:
subA <- liz_dat%>%filter(lognorm=="none")%>%
raw_val = mn_val,
mnval_adj = mn_val,
# sf_wk = abs( sdVal_hind/ sdVal_hist),
# sf_mo = abs( sdVal_hind_mo/ sdVal_hist_mo),
# sf_yr = abs( sdVal_hind_yr/ sdVal_hist_yr))%>%
# mutate_at(c("sf_wk","sf_mo","sf_yr"),sdfun)%>%
val_delta = mnVal_hind + (( mn_val- mnVal_hist)),
# val_bcmo = mnVal_hind + ( sf_mo*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)),
# val_bcyr = mnVal_hind + ( sf_yr*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)),
val_bcwk = mnVal_hind + ( sf_wk*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))
# 0-1 distributed values:
subB<- liz_dat%>%filter(lognorm=="logit")%>%
raw_val = mn_val,
mnval_adj = inv.logit(mn_val)-log_adj,
# sf_wk = abs( sdVal_hind/ sdVal_hist),
# sf_mo = abs( sdVal_hind_mo/ sdVal_hist_mo),
# sf_yr = abs( sdVal_hind_yr/ sdVal_hist_yr))%>%
# mutate_at(c("sf_wk","sf_mo","sf_yr"),sdfun)%>%
# mutate(
val_delta = round(inv.logit(mnVal_hind + (( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn),
# val_bcmo = round(inv.logit(mnVal_hind + ( sf_mo*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn),
# val_bcyr = round(inv.logit(mnVal_hind + ( sf_yr*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn),
val_bcwk = round(inv.logit(mnVal_hind + ( sf_wk*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn))%>%
mutate_at(c("val_delta","val_bcwk"),function(x){x[x<0]<-0; x })
#mutate_at(c("val_delta","val_bcwk","val_bcmo","val_bcyr"),function(x){x[x<0]<-0; x })
# log norm dist. values
subC<- liz_dat%>%filter(lognorm=="log")%>%
raw_val = mn_val,
mnval_adj = log(mn_val)-log_adj,
# sf_wk = abs( sdVal_hind/ sdVal_hist),
# sf_mo = abs( sdVal_hind_mo/ sdVal_hist_mo),
# sf_yr = abs( sdVal_hind_yr/ sdVal_hist_yr))%>%
# mutate_at(c("sf_wk","sf_mo","sf_yr"),sdfun)%>%
# mutate(
val_delta = round(exp(mnVal_hind + (( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn),
# val_bcmo = round(exp(mnVal_hind + ( sf_mo*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn),
# val_bcyr = round(exp(mnVal_hind + ( sf_yr*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn),
val_bcwk = round(exp(mnVal_hind + ( sf_wk*( mn_val- mnVal_hist)))-log_adj,roundn))%>%
mutate_at(c("val_delta","val_bcwk"),function(x){x[x<0]<-0; x })
# mutate_at(c("val_delta","val_bcwk","val_bcmo","val_bcyr"),function(x){x[x<0]<-0; x })
futout <- rbind(subA, subB, subC)%>%
# val_biascorrectedmo = val_bcmo,
# val_biascorrectedyr = val_bcyr,
val_biascorrectedwk = val_bcwk)%>%
mutate(val_biascorrected = val_biascorrectedwk,
# plot it interactively
For CEATTLE I create a .dat file that is read into the ADMB script. That .dat file includes the bias corrected values (e.g., bottom temperature in deg C) used for the bioenergetics and temperature-dependent growth functions as well as Z-score (scaled) values used as covariates on the recruitment function. The section below will step through that .dat file creation for a subset of variables as well as demo chunks of ADMB code for reading that into a ADMB based model.
# rm(list=ls())
# 1 -- create .dat filename & path
# 2 -- rescale (Z-score) data and get variables
# 3 -- write data to hind .dat file
# 3 -- write data to fut .dat file
# 1 -- create .dat filename & path
# -------------------------------------
# load the datafile:
# switches
thisYr <- format(Sys.time(), "%Y")
today <- format(Sys.time(), "%b %d, %Y")
lastyr_hind <- 2021 #as.numeric(thisYr) #2021
hind_yrs <- 1979:2022 # define the years of your estimation model
fut_yrs <- 2023:2099 # define the years of your projections
stitchDate <- "2019-12-30" # last date of the ACLIM hindcast
stitchDate_op <- "2022-05-16" #last operational hindcast date
log_adj <- 1e-4
zscore_years <- 1980:2010 # years to recenter z score on
plotbasin <- "SEBS"
# Define the name for the .dat file
fn <- "ACLIM2_CMIP6_short_delta_bc.dat"
fn_long <- "ACLIM2_CMIP6_delta_bc.dat"
archive_old <- T # Archive the older version of the .dat file?
normlist <- read.csv(file=file.path(Rdata_path,"../normlist.csv"))
outpath <- "Data/out/ADMB_datfiles"
if(!dir.exists(outpath)) dir.create(outpath)
# define hind and fut data files
fndat_hind <- file.path(outpath,paste("KKHhind_",fn,sep=""))
fndat_fut <- file.path(outpath,paste("KKHfut_",fn,sep=""))
fndat_hind_long <- file.path(outpath,paste("KKHhind_",fn_long,sep=""))
fndat_fut_long <- file.path(outpath,paste("KKHfut_",fn_long,sep=""))
fndat_hind2 <- file.path(outpath,paste("hind_",fn,sep=""))
fndat_fut2 <- file.path(outpath,paste("fut_",fn,sep=""))
# create and archive .dat files
outfile <- fndat_fut
# archive older version
archivefl <- paste0(substr(outfile,start=1,stop=nchar(outfile)-4),
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"),".dat")
file.rename(outfile, archivefl)
outfile <- fndat_hind
# archive older version
archivefl <- paste0(substr(outfile,start=1,stop=nchar(outfile)-4),
format(Sys.time(), "%Y%m%d_%H%M%S"),".dat")
file.rename(outfile, archivefl)
# 2 -- rescale (Z-score) data and get variables
# ----------------------------------------------
CMIPS <- c("K20P19_CMIP6","K20P19_CMIP5")
# preview possible variables
varall <- unique(ceattle_vars_op$var)
# vars
grpby2 <- c("type","var","basin",
#define hind and fut:
hind <- ceattle_vars_op%>%filter(year%in%hind_yrs,sim_type=="hind")%>%
mnhind <- hind%>%
summarize(mnhind = mean(val_use,na.rm=T),
sdhind = sd(val_use, na.rm=T))%>%ungroup()
hind <- hind%>%left_join(mnhind)%>%
mutate(val_use_scaled = (val_use-mnhind)/sdhind)%>%
hind <- hind%>%full_join(expand.grid(year= hind_yrs, var = unique(hind$var)))
fut <- ceattle_vars_op%>%
#temporary fix: Add Large Zoop for CESM RCP85
tmp_fut <-fut%>%filter(GCM_scen=="cesm_rcp85")
if(length(grep("largeZoop_integrated",unique(tmp_fut$var_raw)) )==0){
tmp_futA <- tmp_fut[grep(grplist[1],tmp_fut$var),]
tmp_futB <- tmp_fut[grep(grplist[2],tmp_fut$var),]
tmp_futA$var2 <- grplist[1]
tmp_futB$var2 <- grplist[2]
tmp_var_zoop <- rbind(tmp_futA,tmp_futB)%>%
var = paste0(season,"_largeZoop_integrated"))%>%select(-var2)%>%
fut <- rbind(fut, tmp_var_zoop)
fut <- fut%>%left_join(mnhind)%>%
mutate(val_use_scaled = (val_use-mnhind)/sdhind)%>%ungroup()
data.frame(fut%>%ungroup()%>%group_by(GCM_scen)%>%summarise(count = length(var)))
fut <- fut%>%full_join(expand.grid(year= fut_yrs,
var = unique(fut$var),
GCM_scen = unique(fut$GCM_scen)))
data.frame(fut%>%ungroup()%>%group_by(GCM_scen)%>%summarise(count = length(var)))
# now identify which covars are highly correlated
d_wide <- ceattle_vars_op%>%
mutate(val_use_scaled = (val_use-mnhind)/sdhind)%>%ungroup()%>%
summarize_at(all_of(c("val_use_scaled")), mean, na.rm=T)%>%
tidyr::pivot_wider(names_from = "var", values_from = "val_use_scaled")
# calculate correlations and display in column format
# define columns with meta data:
col_meta <- which(colnames(d_wide)%in%grpby2)
d_wide_dat <-d_wide[,-col_meta]
num_col <- ncol(d_wide[,-col_meta])
out_indx <- which(upper.tri(diag(num_col)))
cor_cols <- d_wide_dat%>%
corr <- cor(na.omit(d_wide_dat))
long_dat <- reshape2::melt(corr, = "variable") %>%
# plot co variation between variables
corplot <- long_dat %>%arrange(value)%>%
ggplot(aes(x=Var1, y=Var2, fill=value)) +
geom_raster() +
theme(axis.text.x = element_text(angle = 90))
jpeg(filename = file.path("Data/out/CEATTLE_indices/CEATTLE_indicescorplot.jpg"),
# # remove those where cov is high (temp by season and cold pool by season)
# subset <- long_dat$>$filter(abs(value)<0.6)
# 3 -- write data to hind .dat file
# ------------------------------------
# CEATTLE uses a spp overlap index - you can skip this
overlapdat <- data.frame(
includeOverlap <- F
overlap <- matrix(1,3,length(sort(unique(hind$year))))
overlap_fut <- array(1,c(3,length(unique(fut$GCM_scen))+1,length(sort(unique(fut$year)))))
overlap[3,] <- overlapIN
overlap[3,][overlap[3,]>1]<-1 #covs$BT2to6/covs$BT0to6
# replace NA values with the mean
shortlist <- c("Summer_temp_bottom5m","Winter_temp_bottom5m",
hind_short <- hind%>%mutate(long_name=var)%>%
# Kir's .dat file
makeDat_hind(datIN = hind_short,
outfile = fndat_hind,
value2use = "val_use",
value2use_scaled = "val_use_scaled",
NAVal = "mean",
nsppIN = 3,
overlapIN = overlap,
nonScaled_covlist = c("Summer_temp_bottom5m","Summer_temp_surface5m"),
Scaled_covlist = unique(hind_short$var))
makeDat_fut( datIN = fut%>%mutate(long_name=var)%>%
hinddatIN = hind%>%mutate(long_name=var)%>%
outfile = fndat_fut,
value2use = "val_use",
value2use_scaled = "val_use_scaled",
NAVal = "mean",
nsppIN = 3,
last_nyrs_avg = 10,
overlapIN = overlap_fut, #(nspp,nsim+1,nyrs_fut)
overlap_hind = overlap,
nonScaled_covlist = c("Summer_temp_bottom5m","Summer_temp_surface5m"),
Scaled_covlist = unique(hind_short$var))
# Kir's .dat file
makeDat_hind(datIN = hind%>%mutate(long_name=var),
outfile = fndat_hind_long,
value2use = "val_use",
value2use_scaled = "val_use_scaled",
NAVal = "mean",
nsppIN = 3,
overlapIN = overlap,
nonScaled_covlist = c("Summer_temp_bottom5m","Summer_temp_surface5m"),
Scaled_covlist = unique(hind$var))
makeDat_fut( datIN = fut%>%mutate(long_name=var),
hinddatIN = hind%>%mutate(long_name=var),
outfile = fndat_fut_long,
value2use = "val_use",
value2use_scaled = "val_use_scaled",
NAVal = "mean",
nsppIN = 3,
last_nyrs_avg = 10,
overlapIN = overlap_fut, #(nspp,nsim+1,nyrs_fut)
overlap_hind = overlap,
nonScaled_covlist = c("Summer_temp_bottom5m","Summer_temp_surface5m"),
Scaled_covlist = unique(hind$var))
### Here's a generic version that doesn't include nspp and overla[]
# generic .dat file
makeDat_hind(datIN = hind%>%mutate(long_name=var),
outfile = fndat_hind2,
nsppIN = NULL,
overlapIN = NULL,
nonScaled_covlist = c("temp_bottom5m","temp_surface5m" ),
Scaled_covlist = unique(hind$var))
# generic .dat file
makeDat_fut( datIN = fut%>%mutate(long_name=var),
hinddatIN = hind,
outfile = fndat_fut2,
nsppIN = NULL,
last_nyrs_avg = 10,
overlapIN = NULL, #(nspp,nsim+1,nyrs_fut)
overlap_hind = NULL,
nonScaled_covlist = c("temp_bottom5m","temp_surface5m" ),
Scaled_covlist = unique(hind$var))
The following code shows how the ACLIM2 indices and bias correction was done. You do not need to re-run this (it is included so you can if you want to). To explore the indices skip to the next section.
# --------------------------------------
# rm(list=ls())
# setwd("D:/GitHub_cloud/ACLIM2")
# setwd("/Volumes/LaCie/GitHub_cloud/ACLIM2")
# loads packages, data, setup, etc.