Hide the 'Recent Subreddits' section to avoid potential embarrassment in case you accidentally visit any NSFW subreddits!
When you visit a subreddit, a “Recent” section is added to the left sidebar, displaying all your recently visited subreddits. While this feature can be convenient, it might be less desirable if you’ve visited NSFW subreddits. Unfortunately, I couldn’t find an option to remove this section through the site’s settings. Instead, I had to go into the site’s local storage and delete the key “recent-subreddits-store.” It’s not a huge hassle, but I prefer not having any history on my homepage.
With this simple plugin, you can easily toggle the visibility of your recent subreddits. Once installed, a Reddit icon will appear in your browser’s URL bar. Clicking this icon allows you to switch between hiding and viewing the “Recent” section. By default, the section will be hidden.
Go to Firefox addons store and click the "Add to Firefox" button.
- Develop it as a cross-browser extension
To test the plugin, you have two options:
- In the Firefox URL bar, type about:debugging, click on “This Firefox,” then select “Load Temporary Add-on…” and choose any file from the plugin directory.
- Use the web-ext command-line tool, which opens a separate Firefox window for testing. It automatically reloads when file changes occur and can also be used for building and publishing the plugin.
Learn more about these approaches in about:debugging and web-ext.
Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE.txt
for more information.
Kamrul H. Shourov - shourov.kamrul@gmail.com
Project Link: https://github.com/khshourov/plugin-hide-recent-subreddits