Please note that no one is allowed to use the included files for commercial purposes and pretend to be the owner. However scripts and methods that I used can be taken for your own project
Current respository is 1st part of Web-Development which include 10 websites built by myself (khusanov-m) As respository starts weighting more than 200mb, I decided to create additional repositories each will contain 10 projects too, with almost the same title except part (P) indicators. So it will be easier to find others.
To open and see websites, please follow steps below:
- Download repository
- Open folder with website name
- Proceed to docs folder
- Launch index.html
Chronology of repository
The Night Treasure - Designed by Zain Ahamed and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Perfume promotion website
- Combined Flexbox and Grid layouts
- Compressed images
- Responsive design
- BEM technology structre
Nexter - Designed by Jonas Schmedtmann and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Combined Flexbox and Grid layouts
- max-content and min-content properties
- minmax & calc functions
- Responsive design
- BEM technology structre
Trillo - Designed by Jonas Schmedtmann and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Power of Flexbox used
- @supports included for mask CSS usage
- BEM technology implemented
- Fully responsive for all devices
- Pleasant hover effect and transitions
Natours - Designed by Jonas Schmedtmann and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Modern CSS usage with help of SCSS preproccesor
- Grid and Flexbox
- Fully responsive design
- Image resolution and adaptiveness with help @media (min-resolution)
- Support nearlly all browsers with help @supports and prefixes optimized to 10 latest version of modern browsers
- Pop up effects built only in CSS
- Build by BEM methodology
1st - Fully Responsive and Adaptable 2nd - Images optimised for Mobile devices and Tablets
IT - House LLC v.2 - Designed and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Several device versions available
- Gulp collector used
- Comments in each file
P.S. Design of the website does not contain adaptives, for this reason available only in Desktop
Tours - Designed Creative People and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Website of Tourism Agency
- Booking and Searching elements
- Gorgeous design
Portfolio Website - Designed and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Designed as a Portfolio container website
- Include swiper js library
- Implemented iconic fonts (Font Awesome)
- Custom animated sections
- JS features with showing and hiding effects
Oppi-App - Designed by WAYUP | Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Social Media simple website
- Several sections about program
- JS features: slider, parallax and form validate
- Pleasant design
IT - House LLC v.2 - Designed and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- implemented SCSS framework
- code was improved
- clear code was written
- visual effects enhaced
- pixel perfect design
UPD: Partially responsive except mobile
Result Private School - Designed and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- has offer construction
- divided into several sections
- designed with customer wishes
- pixel perfect design
IT - House LLC v.1 - Designed and Built by Mukhammad Khojiakbar Khusanov
- Simple technology used HTML5 and CSS3
- Semantic tags
- Several informative sections