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KIE Performance Kit

Ivo Bek edited this page Jun 23, 2015 · 3 revisions

WikiKIE Performance Kit

KIE Performance Kit is a platform for running performance scenarios, measuring, and reporting metrics.

Supported scenario suites:

  • LoadSuite
  • ConcurrentLoadSuite

Both scenario suites expect scenarios to be located in the package "org.kie.perf.scenario.load".




            <classpath />

New Scenario

Every scenario has to implement IPerfTest interface providing these operations:

  • init() - single time setup before all executions of the same scenario
  • initMetrics() - single time setup of all metrics
  • execute() - the main part during which we measure the metrics (beware that it is usually run many times)
  • close() - method to release resources just once at the end of all executions of this scenario


public class LIntermediateSignalProcess implements IPerfTest {

private JBPMController jc; // not available in kie-performance-kit but it is own management class (see jbpm-performance-tests in kie-tests)

private Timer startProcess;
private Timer signalDuration;
private Meter completedProcess;

public void init() {
    jc = JBPMController.getInstance();
    jc.addProcessEventListener(new DefaultProcessEventListener(){
        public void afterProcessCompleted(ProcessCompletedEvent event) {
            completedProcess.mark(); // to be able to verify that under load the process behaves correctly

public void initMetrics() {
    MetricRegistry metrics = SharedMetricRegistry.getInstance();
    completedProcess = metrics.meter(, "scenario.process.completed"));
    startProcess = metrics.timer(, "scenario.process.start.duration"));
    signalDuration = metrics.timer(, "scenario.signal.duration"));

public void execute() {
    Timer.Context context;

    context = startProcess.time(); // begin start process duration
    RuntimeEngine runtimeEngine = jc.getRuntimeEngine(); 
    KieSession ksession = runtimeEngine.getKieSession();
    ProcessInstance pi = ksession.startProcess(ProcessStorage.IntermediateSignal.getProcessDefinitionId());
    context.stop(); // end start process duration
    context = signalDuration.time(); // start signal duration
    ksession.signalEvent("MySignal", "value", pi.getId());
    context.stop(); // end signal duration

public void close() {



June 23, 2015

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