My favourite settings for publication quality Makie.jl
This theme is for example used in Auth et. al., 2024.
The Makie demofigure for themes will look as follows:
using MakiePublicationTheme
using CairoMakie, Random # needed for demofigure
with_theme(publication_theme()) do
f = demofigure()
supplies helper functions in order to match physical figure and
font sizes
when saving figures.
using MakiePublicationTheme
using CairoMakie, Random
update_theme!(fontsize=11) # use fontsize 11 instead of the default fontsize 10 here
size_cm = (12.0, 8.0)
dpi = 300
# size and px_per_unit will be used for setting correct sizes
size, px_per_unit = size_pixelgraphic(size_cm, dpi)
# set canvas size according to computed size
f = Figure(; size)
# fill the figure with a few things with font sizes
ax = Axis(f[1,1];
xlabel = "xlabel in fontsize 11",
ylabel = "ylabel in fontsize 11",
title = "My 12cm x 8cm figure",
fontsizes = 8:2:16
for (i, fontsize) in enumerate(fontsizes)
text!(ax, 0, sum(i->fontsizes[i]/16, 1:i); text="Fontsize $fontsize", fontsize)
xlims!(ax, (-0.5, 1.0)); ylims!(ax, (0.0, 5))
# save figure that will have a resolution of 300dpi at 12cm x 8cm size
save("my_12x8cm_figure.png", f; px_per_unit)
The publication_theme()
can be updated like any other Makie theme. For example changing the color palette that applies to line plots is done as follows:
using MakiePublicationTheme
using CairoMakie, Random # needed for demofigure
update_theme!(palette = (color = Makie.to_colormap(:batlowKS),))
f = demofigure()