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🪅Visual Learning aids for Autism spectrum disorder children. Built w/ Azure OpenAI, Azure Cognitive Search, Azure AI services, FastAPI, Next.js

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🪅Visual Genius: Communication Assistant

Most children with autism spectrum disorders (ASD) are visual learners. They tend to comprehend visual information better than auditory input, making visual supports more effective for their learning process.

The project was initiated due to the laborious creation of a visual card and a market demand for a better, cost-effective product. The aim is also to democratize AI, making it accessible to all and overcoming previous product limitations with the help of new technologies.

  • Visual aids product in the market: Bing Search Results / Can be quite costly Amazon Search Result
  • Applied behavior analysis (ABA) is a therapeutic approach for treating ASD.
  • Visual aids in applied behavior analysis (ABA) URL

Important: The code in this repository was developed during a hackathon and implemented within a limited timeline. It is intended for demonstration purposes only.

🤖 Overview

Features 🪂:

  1. Switching between personas and modes of generation (List, Steps, Manual / Parents and Caregivers, Childs)
  2. Visual Card generation and management (Set the order of images by Drag and Drop)
  3. Vector Image search
  4. Video generation from images (To teach work procedures)
  5. Text-to-Image

Azure services ☁️:

  1. Vector-based image search: Azure Cognitive Search & Computer Vision API for Vector embedding
  2. Text-to-image generation: Azure OpenAI & Image Generation by Azure OpenAI Dall-E

    Due to the Generation speed issue, only the last image will be generated by Dall-E.

  3. Bing Image Search
  4. Fluent emoji dataset
  5. Azure Cognitive Services Speech to Text (Read the text on the card)
  6. [Optional] Microsoft Coco dataset (Everyday Life Images)

    The test dataset for Vector Image Search. Vector search seeks images based on their features, not by the associated metadata tags or the image file name.

📦 Installation and Setup

Deploy to Azure 🪟:

  1. Set parameters under infra\parameter.json
  2. Execute deploy.ps1 to upload the dataset, deploy Azure resources, initialize the database, and set up the search index.
  3. Open the backend directory. Deploy the application code to Azure App Service: It is recommended to use the Azure Extension in VS Code to deploy the code to Azure App Service. You can follow the Quickstart: Deploy a Python app


  1. Create a DALL·E model on the Azure Portal and set the deployment model name in Azure > WebApp > Environment variables > 'AZURE_OPENAI_IMG_MODEL_DEPLOYMENT_NAME'. When attempting to deploy the model using Bicep, it was not possible to deploy at that time.
  2. Azure Bing Search cannot be deployed using Bicep; it must be deployed through the Azure Portal. Once deployed, set the key in Azure > WebApp > Configuration > Application settings under the variable name 'BING_IMAGE_SEARCH_KEY'.
  • The deployment step using Azure CLI, without relying on VS Code, is commented out in deploy.ps1. It requires SCM Basic Auth credentials.

    az webapp deployment source config-zip `
       --resource-group $ResourceGroup `
       --name $APP_SERVICE_NAME `
       --src ""
    Write-Host "Application deployed to Azure App Service." 
  • Please ensure you have installed nodejs, yarn, Azure CLI, Azure Functions Core Tools, psql, and python3.

    # Install Chocolatey
    Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; `
    [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; `
    iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString(''))
    # Install Node.js
    choco install nodejs -y
    # Install Yarn
    choco install yarn -y
    # Install Azure CLI
    choco install azure-cli -y
    # Install Azure Functions Core Tools
    choco install azure-functions-core-tools -y
    # Install PostgreSQL
    choco install postgresql -y
    # Install Python 3.11
    choco install python --version 3.11.0 -y


  1. Azure Storage account should have Allow storage account key access enabled in the Configuration settings for access by the application and indexer.
  2. The test user, called sys, will be registered during database initialization. However, you should update the value in the password column of the user table by the hashed_pwd you created (refer to for password creation).
  3. The deploy.ps1 script generates a _dev.env file, which you can use for development after renaming it to .env.

To dev 🖥️:

  1. Open project folder in Visual Studio Code
  2. Rename .env.template to .env, then fill in the values in .env.
  3. In the terminal, run yarn install.
  4. Run yarn run dev to view the project in a browser.
  5. Run python to launch the backend.

!important: react-beautiful-dnd was not able to work well with reactStrictMode: true in NextJs. Turn off the option at next.config.js.`


  • Option for PostgreSQL as a vector database.
  • Regularly removing unexpectedly failed or deleted data from the database, Azure AI Search, and Blob storage to maintain data consistency.
  • Download: If an image URL points to a web address that is not stored in the blob, it should be downloaded using HTTPS.
  • Key access to the Azure Storage Account for embedding API.
  • Bug fix (wip): Script deployment issue fixed, and other bugs.