Quic is a platform that connects various publicly available large-scale AI engines into one single platform that mainly runs on the blockchain. The platform is able to take in various user prompts, serve them to various AIs decided by the user or by an automatic AI prompt-routing algorithm, and then return the results back to the user in the application platform in a decentralized way.
- A better
- For all the
, rename it to.env
and fill in the corresponding API keys & credentials. - For the Front-End, Back-End, Moralis-Server-Self-Host Project, Run the command:
npm install
to download the dependencies.
- Run local development server using:
npm run dev
- Create a production build of the Front-End:
npm run build
- Run local backend development server using:
node server.js
- First, build the Moralis Self Host Parse Server with the command:
npm run build
- Start the Moralis Self Host Parse Server with the command:
npm run dev
- Monitor the MongoDB with the parse-dashboard using the command:
npm run dashboard
Contains the logic for designing the smart contract including upload IPFS contents to the smart contract and the (pick one: Quic Exchange, Pooling Exchange, Bidding Controller)
- React.js
- Redux
- Vue.js
- Material UI
- Moralis SDK
- Express@4.18.2
- walletconnect/web3-provider@1.8.0
- moralis@2.23.1
- Moralis Authentication
- Parse Dashboard
- Redis Connection
- MongoDB CRUD
If you have any questions or would like to get in touch with us, contact quic.ai.team@gmail.com.