My Vim Configuration Files with plugins. Used latest in Manjaro Linux. I usually use it to write some Python, C/C++, java and React etc. It uses Vim-Plug to manage Plugins.
VIM - Vi IMproved 8.2 (2019 Dec 12, compiled Jan 26 2020 11:45:38)
Included patches: 1-148
Compiled by Arch Linux(Manjaro OS)
- nerdtree toggle:
- rainbowparentheses toggle:
- vimshell toggle:
- tagbar toggle:
- undotree toggle:
- spell checking toggle:
- paste toggle:
- toggle uppercase/lowercase:
- switch window:
- resize window:
- continue indent text to left or right on select/normal mode:
- Split:
Vertical Split:vs
- comment/uncomment:
- comment toggle:
- comment sexy :
- wrap
for a word:ysiw{
- delete wrap
around word:ds{
- wrap entire line
for parentesis(
- change wrap
- Surround in Visual Mode :
S<p class="important">
- expand trigger:
- jump forward trigger:
- jump backward trigger:
- start multicursor:
- next multicursor :
- skip multicursor :
- previous multicursor removing current :
- stop multicursor:
- select all multicursors:
- Cancel multicursor:
: return$i
: import$p
: print,1
: /class,C
: ?class,2
: /def,D
: ?def
: return
- git status:
- git <command>:
- git <operation>:
:Git <operation>
- webpage repository:
Manually you can do
cd ~/.vim
git submodule foreach git pull origin master
or use Vim-Plug updating and upgrading in vim using :PU
After removing line in plug line in vimrc file do :PlugClean
to remove plugin directory from plugged directory.
cd ~/.vim
rm -rf plugged/submodule
git submodule deinit -f -- plugged/submodule
rm -rf .git/modules/plugged/submodule
git rm -f plugged/submodule
Note: plugged/submodule (no trailing slash) or, if you want to leave it in your working tree and have deleted the plugin
git rm --cached plugged/submodule
use vim-plug manage plugins: the .vimrc
will automatic download the vim-plug
- nerdtree A tree explorer plugin for vim.
- nerdcommenter Vim plugin for intensely orgasmic commenting.
- vim-airline lean & mean status/tabline for vim that's light as air.
- vim-airline-themes A collection of themes for vim-airline.
- vim-surround quoting/parenthesizing made simple.
- vim-startify A fancy start screen for Vim.
- vim-signify Show a diff using Vim its sign column.
- vim-fugitive A Git wrapper so awesome, it should be illegal.
- sweet-dark.vim color scheme as Sweet as kde theme.
- auto-pairs Insert or delete brackets, parens, quotes in pair.
- rainbow_parentheses.vim Better Rainbow Parentheses.
- vim-multiple-cursors Multiple cursors project for vim/neovim.
- YouCompleteMe A code-completion engine for Vim.
- vim-snippets vim-snipmate default snippets.
- UltiSnips The ultimate snippet solution for Vim.
- vim-easytags A plugin to manage your tag files.
- ale Asynchronous Syntax checking hacks for vim.
- conky-syntax.vim Vim syntax highlighting for conkyrc files.
- vim-latex-live-preview A Vim Plugin for Lively Previewing LaTeX PDF.
- tagbar Vim plugin that displays tags in a window, ordered by scope.
- vim-easytags Automated tag file generation and syntax highlighting of tags in Vim.
- vim-misc Miscellaneous auto-load Vim scripts.
- vimproc.vim Interactive command execution in Vim.
- vimshell.vim 🐚 Powerful shell implemented by vim.
- fzf 🌸 A command-line fuzzy finder .
- fzf.vim fzf ❤️ vim.
- vim-cpp-enhanced-highlight Additional Vim syntax highlighting for C++
- undotree The undo history visualizer for VIM.