🏘️ Renaissance is an open-source project of an app to manage condominiums and help residents to quickly perform their tasks
Makes the app something with good usability and agility in performing tasks.
Project architected and developed by:
- Ana Carolina Clark Roriz (Designer/Reviewer)
- Pedro Henrique Pontes Aguiar (Designer/Information Architect/Customer Service)
- Reinaldo da Silva Nascimento (Front-end Developer/Leader)
- Antônio Guilherme do Nascimento Pereira (Back-end Developer/Test Coordinator)
Link of prototype: Figma
Requisites | Description | Feature | File | Status |
RF0001 | User authentication. Using JWT authentication, the user informs his/her registration email and password, then the system returns data containing the user's information and a token that will be used in the header of each request, in addition to distinguishing between administrator and unit owner. This token has an expiration time of 1 hour, after which it is necessary to make a new request | handleLogin() | index.tsx | |
RF0002 | Register users. Only administrators will be able to register users, providing name, apartment, CPF, phone number, date of birth, email and password | handleCreateUser() | index.tsx | |
RF0003 | List users. Administrators will be able to see which users are registered | listingUsers() | index.tsx | |
RF0004 | List user reservations. The administrators will be able to observe all reservations and the details of each reservation such as: who made it and the apartment of who made it | listingReserves() | index.tsx | |
RF0005 | Uploading documents. Administrators will be able to upload documents that will be distributed to all unit owners such as: Condominium rules, announcements and meeting minutes | addDocuments() | index.tsx | |
RF0006 | I forgot my password. If the user has forgotten their password, they will be asked to enter the registration email, when confirming, an email containing a link to reset the password will be sent to their email and, when clicking on the link, the user will be redirected to a page of Password Reset | handleRedefinePassword() | index.tsx | |
RF0007 | My data. Owners will be able to consult the data provided at the time of registration with the administrator. Of these, some can be edited directly by the user, such as: email, password and telephone number. The rest, such as: name, apartment, cpf and date of birth, can only be changed by the administrator | useAuth() | index.tsx | |
RF0008 | Change e-mail. Owners will be able to change the registration email, first informing the access password, then redirecting to an email reset screen. | resetEmail() | index.tsx | |
RF0009 | Change phone number. Owners can change the phone number, a modal opens so that the person can change the phone number. | resetPhone() | index.tsx | |
RF0010 | Make reservations. Owners can make reservations in the spaces available in the condominium, each space has its rules such as start and end times, reservation limits by time | handleCreateReserve() | index.tsx | |
RF0011 | List reservations. Owners will be able to observe which reservations they have made and details such as space, date and time. | listingUserReserves() | index.tsx | |
RF0012 | Delete reservations. Owners will be able to delete the reservations they have made. | handleDeleteReserve() | deleteReserveContext.tsx | |
RF0013 | Document download. Owners will be able to download official documents such as condominium rules, notices and meeting minutes | getDocuments() | index.tsx |