🔭 I’m currently working on Flame Corporation
🌱 I’m currently learning JAVA and C#.
⚡ Fun fact: I like pizza
List of all Flame Corporation projects.
✔️ - Project open and supported. Проект открыт и будет поддерживаться
❌ - Project closed \ Not Supported. Проект закрыт и больше не поддерживается
https://repls.ml/ - URL shorter✔️
https://cc.repls.ml/ - code cloud✔️
https://bg.repls.ml/ - remove background from picture✔️
https://reward.repls.ml/ - rewards for streamer Flame®️ RHOSTING PROJECTS✔️
https://up.rhosting.xyz/ - Uptime-Robot by Flame✔️
https://dev.rhosting.xyz/ - VPS Hosting✔️
https://manage.rhosting.xyz/ - API & Main management \ functions from Flame.✔️
https://antiddos.rhosting.xyz/ - Install Anti-DDoS from git app.✔️
https://git.rhosting.xyz/ - Flame Git app.✔️
https://load.rhosting.xyz/ - File download from Flame's servers.❌
https://archive.rhosting.xyz/ - Libs for Git and more than apps.✔️
https://host.rhosting.xyz/ - Game hosting (soon)
✨🇷🇺 Все проекты Flame®️. ✨🇺🇸 All Flame®️'s projects.
If things goes well, this section should automatically be replaced by a list of your blog posts after you commit your readme file.