English | 简体中文
- ⚡️ Instant HMR: Utilize Vite's fast development server for instant Hot Module Replacement, eliminating the need for manual refreshing.
- 🥝 Vue 3: Harness the power of Vue 3 with Composition API, <script setup> syntax, and more.
- 💬 Effortless Communications: Seamlessly communicate between different contexts using the combination of webext-bridge and VueUse storage.
- 🌈 UnoCSS: Leverage the on-demand Atomic CSS engine, UnoCSS, to style your components efficiently.
- 📜 Chinese Font Preset: Includes a preset for Chinese fonts 🇨🇳
- 🦾 TypeScript: Ensure type safety and enhanced development experience with TypeScript integration.
- 📦 Components Auto Importing: Automatically import components for smoother development workflow.
- 🌟 Icons: Access icons directly from any iconset, enhancing your design process.
- 🖥 Content Script: Utilize the power of Vue even within content scripts.
- 🌍 WebExtension: Develop isomorphic extensions that work across browsers like Chrome, Firefox, and others.
- 📃 Dynamic manifest.json with Full Type Support: Craft your manifest.json with flexibility and full type support.
Create a repo from this template on GitHub.
npx degit kirklin/boot-webext my-webext
cd my-webext
pnpm i
Just run and install dependencies, then you can start to develop your extension.
pnpm run dev
To build the App, run
pnpm run build
And you will see the generated file in dist
that ready to be served.