Forge Framework is still in very early development stages, so we are using somewhat bleeding edge technologies with the expectation that they will be stable and widely available at the time that Forge Framework is released.
- PHP >=5.5.3 - Forge uses password_hash() from 5.5. Not sure if any 5.6 features/functions will be needed.
- ZF2 >=2.3
- MySQL >=5.5
- PHP intl extension - This is currently required because it made coding some of the translation stuff easier. This will be removed as a requirement on release and made a recommendation instead.
- PHP json extension - Currently required to perform json tasks. May use ZF2's Json classes in the future to avoid forcing a user to install a PHP extension
- PHP 5.6 recommended - Will probably support 5.5
- MySQL 5.6 required - InnoDb Fulltext search is expected to be used
- PHP intl extension recommended
- PHP json extension recommended