EasyPrefs is a library for the android SharedPreferences or we can say it wrapper on it. It provides easy access to the SharedPreferences API, also it will need only one-time initialization, and is used in the whole project without context also has a facility to provide context if necessary with support encryption and decryption.
It supports all Primitive Data Types including Set.
For, the secure operation use AES encryption <= 20 API Level, and for 21 >= use Android-provided encrypted shared preferences in both cases you get the same output your key and value are stored securely.
This library is developed in Kotlin and supports both the language Kotlin
as well as Java
with the same practices.
The default file name is prefs_<package_name>
and custom file name like prefs_<given_filename>
there is no need to give a file extension. it is automatically appended at the end of the name.
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url 'https://jitpack.io' }
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.kishandonga:EasyPrefs:1.2'
Refer, to the Sample Test Suite in the suite package For, more information refer to this test case code here
this line of code adds into the main Application Class, as like this.
class MainApp : Application() {
override fun onCreate() {
Prefs.write().content("KEY", "VALUE")
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.commit() or .apply()
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.commit() or .apply()
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.commit() or .apply()
Prefs.write(context, fileName)
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.commit() or .apply()
Prefs.read().content("KEY", "")
Prefs.read(fileName).content("KEY", "")
Prefs.read(context).content("KEY", "")
Prefs.read(context, fileName).content("KEY", "")
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.content("KEY", "VALUE")
.commit() or .apply()
Prefs.securely().read().content("KEY", "")
Prefs.has(context, fileName).key("KEY");
- Give boolean value if key exists then true else false.
Prefs.remove(context, fileName).key("KEY").
commit() or .apply()
- After the remove operation commit and apply call mandatory.
Prefs.clear(context, fileName).all()
.commit() or .apply()
Note: for, securely operation use the same Prefs.clear() operation.
- After the clear operation commit and apply call mandatory.
For, all the read, write, clear, has, remove support context and fileName manually, so you can use your preferences with multiple files with the same API use just need to change the fileName when you call.
If you pass context manually then no need to initialize lib on the application class, For, more information refer here
This library tested on the API levels 20, 26, 29, and 30 if you found any bug or issue raise an issue or submit a PR
- add sorting on the Set so get direct sorted data.
- callback extend as we already have in the preferences.
- provide suggestions to make this lib more helpful.
Contributions are welcome! If you find a bug please report it and if you want to add a new feature then please suggest it to me. If you want to contribute code please file an issue or create a branch of the current dev branch and post a pull request.
I'm Kishan Donga and you can connect with me via the below links, I am a developer and I love to create innovations.
LinkedIn @ikd96 Email kishandonga.92@gmail.com Twitter @ikishan96 Instagram @ikishan96
EasyPrefs is released under the MIT License.