Web Development Enthusiast from India and a Final Year Student at Pune Institute of Computer Technology.
🌱 I’m currently learning Ruby on Rails.
👯 I’m looking forward to collaborate on Web projects.
👨💻 You can access all of my projects here.
💬 Ask me anything about Web Development; I'm happy to help.
😄 Pronouns: He/Him
⚡ Fun fact: I'm a natural conversationalist and love to connect with peoples.
💪🏼 Fav Quote: "Great Developers never stop learning".
"Web Development" : {
"Languages" : [ "CPP", "Java", "SQL", "HTML", "CSS", "Javascript", "TypeScript", "Python" ] ,
"Frontend Frameworks" : [ "Next.js", "React", "Tailwind CSS", "Bootstrap" ] ,
"Backend Frameworks" : [ "Node.js", "Express.js", "Flask", "Firebase" ] ,
"Databases" : [ "MySQL", "PostgreSQL", "MongoDB", "Prisma"] ,
"Tools" : [ "Git", "GitHub", "Bit Bucket", "Docker", "Postman"] ,
"IDE" : [ "Visual Studio Code"]